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what's the chances for them to reach the end of the list
The only list to die in at least the last 20 years was the 06 Lieutenants. There have been some pretty large lists that Ive said to myself theres no way theyre getting through them yet they have. As dysfunctional as DCAS is, it appears there was a method to the madness with the curving of the scores that went on. They always seem to get through these lists and almost know the amount of people they need. This list the largest captains list in recent memory and it has to be for a reason. Obviously this is all speculation, but Im standing by it. Id be surprised if they dont make it through to everyone.
what's the chances for them to reach the end of the list
The only list to die in at least the last 20 years was the 06 Lieutenants. There have been some pretty large lists that Ive said to myself theres no way theyre getting through them yet they have. As dysfunctional as DCAS is, it appears there was a method to the madness with the curving of the scores that went on. They always seem to get through these lists and almost know the amount of people they need. This list the largest captains list in recent memory and it has to be for a reason. Obviously this is all speculation, but Im standing by it. Id be surprised if they dont make it through to everyone.
I agree with your statement!
However, with 272 people left on the list and only 23 months to go, they will have to promote an average of 12 Captains every month for those 23 months. Very possible but unlikely. The more likely scenario is they extend the list another year to allow the back end of this list to get promoted.
what's the chances for them to reach the end of the list
The only list to die in at least the last 20 years was the 06 Lieutenants. There have been some pretty large lists that Ive said to myself theres no way theyre getting through them yet they have. As dysfunctional as DCAS is, it appears there was a method to the madness with the curving of the scores that went on. They always seem to get through these lists and almost know the amount of people they need. This list the largest captains list in recent memory and it has to be for a reason. Obviously this is all speculation, but Im standing by it. Id be surprised if they dont make it through to everyone.
I agree with your statement!
However, with 272 people left on the list and only 23 months to go, they will have to promote an average of 12 Captains every month for those 23 months. Very possible but unlikely. The more likely scenario is they extend the list another year to allow the back end of this list to get promoted.
I agree with your statement as well however lol
you have to figure there will definitely be less than 272 due to people not wanting it, retirements, modifications, education, etc. Some take the rank and leave immediately. Also dont forget about executive promotions. D.I.s, Inspectors and Chiefs move on and create vacancies. Yes it appears unlikely on the surface, but its definitely possible when you look at everything.
I'm hoping you're right! I know some very good people towards the tail end of this list that deserve the promotion. Let's pray that February is a big class followed by an even bigger class in March.