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Post Info TOPIC: 9th BMOC Class..

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9th BMOC Class..

Yup agreed. Thanks for that Carb info.


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The amount of people scheduled to do CARB is limited. So you still will be skipped and scheduled in the next available slot. People with phone calls will skip you.


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this could for sure be the case as well. Who knows.



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Jobsded wrote:

Buddy in my unit 50 something named away still no CARB email , not sure if that means they arent putting up to his Number or not but it was 75 he would if probably been notified already .

 I know someone who is around 30 names away and they just scheduled his CARB hearing for next week. So they are calling people.  I dont know anything about the process, but I am sure there are multiple factors to when you get called.  


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329-15 CARB procedure 

To interview Uniformed Members of the Service eligible for civil service

promotion whose performance and record (require further review.)

if your simply up for promotions record in good standing there would be no reason to receive notification from CARB right?


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CARB is for people with serious charges, IAB cases, etc...if you have no idea what CARB is then mostly you will be fine lol.



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No I know what it is. I mean how and when they make their hearing.


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Was for the person above my post.


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Ah makes sense.


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Lionel we need some hope!!


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Key Capt updated in the Lt forum. Sadly no mention of sgt.


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The key info is correct as always . Right now its quiet for Sgt promotions but like I mentioned before this stuff is day by day . So just hang tight and be patient . Once we get closer we will have a definitive answer.


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no one has really heard much for this month besides there being 0 SGT promotions.


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Guess they clear just in case?


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Yeah can be 0 one day and 150 the next. 


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Lionel22 wrote:

The key info is correct as always . Right now its quiet for Sgt promotions but like I mentioned before this stuff is day by day . So just hang tight and be patient . Once we get closer we will have a definitive answer.

 Thank you for the info!


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The early info isnt incorrect . I get the same information but i choose not to share because I know how this has been since the beginning the numbers change overnight . We went from 0 to 76 . They cleared all ranks so anything can change . So again hang in there be positive and be safe !


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Not the best news but thank you.


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What day has carb been schedule for?


awe come on Peg!


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lol. Sniffer, bring a print out of your messages on this board to show them you have changed your ways and how deserving you are of higher supervisory rank.


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Anyone know up to what list number was cleared


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Spanish mama wrote:

lol. Sniffer, bring a print out of your messages on this board to show them you have changed your ways and how deserving you are of higher supervisory rank.

 Just trying to figure out if TVB will be done by then 


awe come on Peg!


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63_sniffer wrote:
Spanish mama wrote:

lol. Sniffer, bring a print out of your messages on this board to show them you have changed your ways and how deserving you are of higher supervisory rank.

 Just trying to figure out if TVB will be done by then 

 Lets keep our fingers crossed


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All ranks next class


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As in January? Or February?



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So far its ZERO for sergeant.


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Yeah lol thats what Lionel said



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Can anyone tell me if charges from ccrb will affect promotions? Difficult to get straight answer from anyone. Thanks


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Its a case by case basis. Ive called several times and received different answers each time. Without a phone call, youre at the mercy of whoever looks at your case when clearing names.



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Cucklord9 wrote:

Can anyone tell me if charges from ccrb will affect promotions? Difficult to get straight answer from anyone. Thanks

Yes, but it depends how long ago you received the charges and how many days you lost. Typically if it's within 5 years of the charges or if you lost 10 or more days, you may have to sit in front of CARB.



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Thank you both for the great responses. The charges are coming down in a few days and the person is very close to being promoted. Idk if that makes any differences because I know they clear people prior to promotion. 



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Cucklord9 wrote:

Thank you both for the great responses. The charges are coming down in a few days and the person is very close to being promoted. Idk if that makes any differences because I know they clear people prior to promotion. 

 Usually if they are pending it can hold you up, but once its finalized its really a matter of if they want to CARB you or not. Generally though if its BS CCRB nonsense they usually dont just depends on what the charges are for.

I had a friend that got CCRB charges lost 10 days for nonsense and he still got promoted and didnt have to go to CARB


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Anyone see they put people in the academy yesterday? Maybe thats a good sign


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Cucklord9 wrote:

Can anyone tell me if charges from ccrb will affect promotions? Difficult to get straight answer from anyone. Thanks

 Are the charges still pending?



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the guy is getting served sometime next week. He Was expecting to into the next few classes


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Pending charges will be an issue, regardless of who brings the charges.


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Getting served is just the beginning. by time its dismissed or found Guilty could take almost a year. They could be in for the long haul especially if any monitoring program follows the charges. 


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watcher5 wrote:

Anyone see they put people in the academy yesterday? Maybe thats a good sign




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Does anyone have any further updates for sgt class for Jan 26? I keep hearing mixed rumors that there will be a class of 76 and on the other hand hearing theres no class at all. Smh



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I was told they didnt even submit for sergeants or captains to the city. Only detectives and lieutenants. And next month depends on retirements. I hope I was told wrong. But I have to reason to believe I was told wrong.



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Hopefully not. If Im not mistaken Lionel mentioned that they had submitted 100 names for clearance, but nothing is really guaranteed


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Wcharles wrote:

Hopefully not. If Im not mistaken Lionel mentioned that they had submitted 100 names for clearance, but nothing is really guaranteed

 Nothing is guarantee, it just makes no sense for them not to promote sgts when the lt bmocc is only 2 weeks. They might promote LTs now than in a couple weeks sgts? Who knows were just waiting on Lionel!!



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Wcharles wrote:

Hopefully not. If Im not mistaken Lionel mentioned that they had submitted 100 names for clearance, but nothing is really guaranteed

 They submitted all the passovers and 100 new names for clearance. But they did that for every rank. 


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Hang tight should have something by Monday if not Tuesday. Hopefully things change . I know the budget improved for us and there will be an academy class in April of 600 cops (which is good news). We may get a last minute green for other ranks .


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Thanks again Lionel.


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This is an absolute nightmare.


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Lionel22 wrote:

Hang tight should have something by Monday if not Tuesday. Hopefully things change . I know the budget improved for us and there will be an academy class in April of 600 cops (which is good news). We may get a last minute green for other ranks .

 What an angel man ILWT!!



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It's a nightmare for those within 100 or so names yeah..not for you who is over 2000 names away. You're not in the position to complain or comment about any of this.


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Hey just trying to be nice



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Im 40 something names away. I was hoping to get in this month. I guess we will see. Thank you Lionel for the update. Hopefully we all get good news by Monday

-- Edited by Wcharles on Saturday 20th of January 2024 11:07:54 PM

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