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Post Info TOPIC: Do you guys think they will really curve our exam?

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Do you guys think they will really curve our exam?

With the list of passers floating around being above 2,400 names, and a decent amount of throw outs already, do you guys really think the job/city will further curve our exam?


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Yes. I think its been all but confirmed. There is someone who failed raw with less than a 65, he was not on the list released by the key from the foil request when others were that scored less than 70 initially. He was contacted to verify his military points and touched base with DCAS and basically said why am I verifying my military points if Im not on the list or didnt pass the exam? They replied to him and said we wouldnt be asking you to verify your military points if you didnt pass the exam. He wasnt on the keys list. Which means he was added after throwouts. Can only be via a curve or scale. I think its a lock.


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Misfud was clear that the list he posted wasnt the final list. We still dont know. Its just everyone speculating with the bits of information they have at this point. Why they would need a list much larger than whats already passing, I dont know but if the email and context are correct then theres a possibility of a curve still happening. Lets see if the Drs intel is legit.


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dc88rs wrote:

Yes. I think its been all but confirmed. There is someone who failed raw with less than a 65, he was not on the list released by the key from the foil request when others were that scored less than 70 initially. He was contacted to verify his military points and touched base with DCAS and basically said why am I verifying my military points if Im not on the list or didnt pass the exam? They replied to him and said we wouldnt be asking you to verify your military points if you didnt pass the exam. He wasnt on the keys list. Which means he was added after throwouts. Can only be via a curve or scale. I think its a lock.

 Holy shhyty, this llist is going to be HUGE! 



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The size of the curve will depend on the how many people passed the LT exam I believe


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I hope there is an Lt exam in 2-3 yrs and not 5 yrs. That forum is looking crazy right now.


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skelgel wrote:

I hope there is an Lt exam in 2-3 yrs and not 5 yrs. That forum is looking crazy right now.

 Its a shit show


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Papi825 wrote:

With the list of passers floating around being above 2,400 names, and a decent amount of throw outs already, do you guys really think the job/city will further curve our exam?

 No. This is probably the list. They have enough names. 


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Jopagocks wrote:
Papi825 wrote:

With the list of passers floating around being above 2,400 names, and a decent amount of throw outs already, do you guys really think the job/city will further curve our exam?

 No. This is probably the list. They have enough names. 

 What makes you say with such certainty they have enough names? The last list was 2700 names. The job is hurting for sgts more than they ever have But for some reason you just assume this number is the number they wont go passed? Based on what? Lol. you should assume they want at the very Least a list equal To the last one. Why does everyone just think since the raw score list is large that it cant still grow lo. 


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I think they will....people are still leaving the job in addition to that some people on that list the key released already left the job while others are planning on leaving. To make matters worse, the cop that was murdered in the robbery is ALSO ON THAT LIST. they will curve it to make up for the empty spots. They better comb through it. Then to top this off like the previous person said....there is an email a someone sent regarding why they are asking for points  and that was the reply. The email was from a real dcas investigator.

-- Edited by Passit100 on Saturday 25th of March 2023 02:21:10 PM


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dc88rs wrote:
Jopagocks wrote:
Papi825 wrote:

With the list of passers floating around being above 2,400 names, and a decent amount of throw outs already, do you guys really think the job/city will further curve our exam?

 No. This is probably the list. They have enough names. 

 What makes you say with such certainty they have enough names? The last list was 2700 names. The job is hurting for sgts more than they ever have But for some reason you just assume this number is the number they wont go passed? Based on what? Lol. you should assume they want at the very Least a list equal To the last one. Why does everyone just think since the raw score list is large that it cant still grow lo. 

 With 12 hour tours coming and people leaving, the job is forced to figure out how to do the same with less people. They are figuring that out. Once its set, the need to go back to needing more cops & supervisors is unnecessary. Add in that cops are probably going to be getting a raise in this new contract, the city is definitely not going to want to hire more. Theyre figuring out how to have a smaller department all around.


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I agree with above, but with that said (contract) , there will be a MASSIVE amount of retirements/resignations after cops get the contract and retroactive pay. I personally know someone that the second he gets that retro check, hes leaving to work in his family business. Hes not on the list. I cant imagine how many more are doing the same.

Also, 12 hour tours but theyre actually adding a platoon lmao. I truly think there will be massive sergeants classes really soon


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tomSGT2022 wrote:

I agree with above, but with that said (contract) , there will be a MASSIVE amount of retirements/resignations after cops get the contract and retroactive pay. I personally know someone that the second he gets that retro check, hes leaving to work in his family business. Hes not on the list. I cant imagine how many more are doing the same.

Also, 12 hour tours but theyre actually adding a platoon lmao. I truly think there will be massive sergeants classes really soon

 I dont think itll be that much leaving.  More money to cops aids in retention of cops. Those that are eligible or close to retirement are going to have to stay on at least 2 years longer if the years in the contract rumors are anywhere accurate in order to hit top pay. 

The only reason I think they might add to the list is the uncertainty factor. New tours, will people leave/stay, and more money to cops is all new territory and strategically I would think its a smart idea to create a big list and take what you need as the years come, and kill off those that dont get promoted by the next test.  But, Im sure they have people working out the logistics, or maybe not, it is NYC after all. 

-- Edited by Jopagocks on Saturday 25th of March 2023 04:42:47 PM



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Exam will be curved. If I hear different, Ill advise.


The end is near,..good luck to all!,...

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Just waiting till may. Everybody see if the captains and lieutenants forum is geting trolled today as well.


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Dr Papi was wrong about the list coming out mid March and the captains test only being 110 people. Wonder what else he has cookin up in his pizza factory


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HopeBoss wrote:

Dr Papi was wrong about the list coming out mid March and the captains test only being 110 people. Wonder what else he has cookin up in his pizza factory


-- Edited by Jopagocks on Monday 3rd of April 2023 03:08:02 PM


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If the list comes out today we all owe Doctor Papi big time. I propose we let him do whatever he wants with us, for twenty minutes. With the only stipulation being we can't make eye contact.


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who ever said last thursday or friday that wanted apologies is on the outcast list with Dr pepper too.


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We need some sort of verification process to get rid of these trolls. I propose everyone needs to submit a photo of themselves doing a handstand while naked and holding today's newspaper upside down.


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Wtf lol


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Using today's date prevents would be trolls and bots from getting an image from Google. A handstand is a physical feat that shows we are fit for duty. As for being naked I think it's important we show to the world that as a whole our department looks to smash the Protestant ideals about sexuality.



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Exam will be curved.


The end is near,..good luck to all!,...

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Im guessing an identical sized list as last time if a curve comes. Dr pepper striking out on all forums with the info and deadlines.


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Dr. Pepper looking more and more like Miss Cleo


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The Future is now! 

-- Edited by SGTBS on Tuesday 4th of April 2023 02:40:16 PM


A day without overtime is a day that never was......

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-- Edited by bben4567 on Tuesday 4th of April 2023 06:00:31 PM


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SGTBS wrote:

The Future is now! 

-- Edited by SGTBS on Tuesday 4th of April 2023 02:40:16 PM

 Fantastic work biggrin


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bben4567 wrote:

Im guessing an identical sized list as last time if a curve comes. Dr pepper striking out on all forums with the info and deadlines.

 Hes a fraud 


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No curve. We already saw the list. If youre not on that FOIL list you didnt make it. Join the club.


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Jopagocks wrote:

No curve. We already saw the list. If youre not on that FOIL list you didnt make it. Join the club.

 Im pretty sure they gonna curve it man. Im not saying its a good thing. I feel for those in the lower 70s and have low seniority points. They about to get leap frogged by a bunch of people who failed. This is ridiculous lol


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Jopagocks wrote:

No curve. We already saw the list. If youre not on that FOIL list you didnt make it. Join the club.

 It was not the FINAL list only raw....if it was why didn't they just release it already?? That was not the official list only a list created to show where some people stand for now. Curve is coming. Don't worry



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Just my two cents. They will definitely do the same thing just like what they did with the last Capts exam. A friend of mine had a raw score of 73. After the throw-out, he got 75. He had about 2.75 add-on point(longevity, runs, medals). His final score on the official list was about 80 something. With the PBA contract news on the table now, it should help the recruitment problem. OT are pretty decent everywhere, more bosses will retire. More recruits + more retirements, they definitely want a bigger list.



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Even if you dont make the list, you should be a happy copper for few years with that 130k top pay.



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Exam will be curved all. Settle down. The end is near.


The end is near,..good luck to all!,...

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Dr pepper is definitely a day tour guy waking up at 545 to give us open info.


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bben4567 wrote:

Dr pepper is definitely a day tour guy waking up at 545 to give us open info.

 I can make a big profit making dolls with all of his catch phrase.

Respect the guidelines


easy there Leslie 


easy there rookie






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Wheres the doctor its almost mid April and no list ?


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What if I told you the list will never come? The coming of the list is the end of this saga, and the end is always near. I recently had a nice conversation and he told me to read this book, that it will help me in the future. I of course told him The Rising Star forum is the most important thing in my life.

The End Is Always Near: Humanity vs the Apocalypse, from the Bronze Age to Today a.co/d/h0AWZed


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Don't shoot the messenger, but I was told by someone close to it that the list will be well over 3000 people. I have no proof nor can name the source but just giving some hope to yall


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We appreciate the modesty


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Ticonderoga wrote:

Don't shoot the messenger, but I was told by someone close to it that the list will be well over 3000 people. I have no proof nor can name the source but just giving some hope to yall

Theres above 2,400 names on the foil request after all the throw outs, if they actually curve it, which seems like they are going to, it makes sense for the list to be above 3k. Now my thing is this do we really think all 3k will get promoted? 


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This goes from roughly 1200 original passers. To double that with the throw outs, then these guys want to curve it to reach a ridiculous number of people lmaooo. Guys, the next Sgt exam will be in 7 years, hope you all make the list lol.


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Ticonderoga wrote:

Don't shoot the messenger, but I was told by someone close to it that the list will be well over 3000 people. I have no proof nor can name the source but just giving some hope to yall

 More importantly, did the source give you a time frame? Lol


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Ticonderoga wrote:

Don't shoot the messenger, but I was told by someone close to it that the list will be well over 3000 people. I have no proof nor can name the source but just giving some hope to yall

 Thanks for this info hopefully it's true



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Any idea if people who received their scores immediately from a Make Up test had been given their scores based on throw outs and double answers already being adjusted into their score? Seems like a crazy idea, I know. But it is just a computer, and they get scores immediately, and Im assuming its the same questions that have already been protested & had the same stupid problems. Wonder if those tests get adjusted too, or if DCAS adjust them in a way where their scores are more accurate. But it is a government agency, and we know theyll take the easiest path, not the right path, with just about everything.


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DRPapi1983 wrote:

Exam will be curved all. Settle down. The end is near.

 I'm respecting the guidelines and going to ask DRPapi1983 if you even know what a curve is. You're giving hope to people who are praying that a 65 will make the list. there are 3 examples of curves that are used. 


1. A Flat scale curve.

2. A Bell Curve.

3. Linear Scale Grading Curve. 


I found this online because i have no clue how to grade a curve and what method DCAS will be using. You got so many UMOS on edge because they believe in your info. I think that you should respect the guidelines and stop lying to fellow cops. 


A day without overtime is a day that never was......

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How about they just RELEASE THE LIST ALREADY. Cops are fed up with this wait.

-- Edited by countryroads on Thursday 6th of April 2023 10:32:18 PM


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Y'all still waiting for the list? Shit I'm about to take this fat retro and live in a van by the river.


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There will be no curve.

Not on FOIL list? Not getting promoted.

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