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You have to consider how many of those have a college degree also.
I wish I had that information.
There's a handful of passovers due to being jammed up, and I'm sure a few that don't have the educational requirements. I could also see most LSA/LCDs passing on the promotion as well (they're all in good units).
Not entirely sure they all have 5 years in March though.
Out of the 32 passovers, 2 retired so we're really down to 30.
Out of 30, around 20-25 have over 5 years or are LSA/LCD.
I could realistically see the next 2 classes being all pass-overs.
I dont think there will be as much of an impact as people think. The only reason somone would give up LSA or LT Commander would be if they wanted to go higher than Captain. Id say just about all LSAs and LT Cmdrs are in good gigs making OT so why leave? It wouldnt benefit you to take the rank at that point.