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Post Info TOPIC: Episode 10: Return of the 9 Heroes plus Leggo


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Episode 10: Return of the 9 Heroes plus Leggo

Lego, I admire your passion. Reminds me of the legendary Ondeairr. In times like these, there are only 9 gentlemen, 9 saviors, rather 9 heroes plus leggomyeggo that can stand up to DCAS and the new crop of cheaters & scammers. Its time to restore order and balance to the force once again. 9 Heroes & Lego Assemble!


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Theforceisstrongwiththisone wrote:

Lego, I admire your passion. Reminds me of the legendary Ondeairr. In times like these, there are only 9 gentlemen, 9 saviors, rather 9 heroes plus leggomyeggo that can stand up to DCAS and the new crop of cheaters & scammers. Its time to restore order and balance to the force once again. 9 Heroes & Lego Assemble!

 Thank you! I also recognize and honor the 9 Heroes from the 2015 Lt Exam who started the lawsuit. It is because of them, I am where I am now.

It is because of those courageous 9, that all promotional exams since the 2015 LT test have been fair (not easy, but FAIR).

This exam was simply poorly played by DCAS. If there is anyone to blame it's DCAS. Every industry, corporation, department have its fair share of cheaters and scammers.


I personally don't have teeth in the game to fight this good fight with you all. But I couldn't help but to open up this account today after seeing the news article drop. I know the feeling very well, of giving these exams my all, and seeing these cheaters prosper. 

Some of the cheaters/ scammers who passed the 2015 Lt Exam were NOT promoted. Some of those cheaters/ scammers are not ever eligible for a promotional exam within NYPD. That's a victory if you ask me.

DCAS gave the home court advantage to "Day 2 test takers. There are power in numbers, and I encourage you all to muster your energy, put your brains together and try to make positive change for the future. 

Would your efforts pay off for this exam, maybe yes and maybe no. But remember you have two more exams after this. Change for the better can come out of this process if you all stand up for whats right now. Your movement during this process may pave the way to you all having a fair Lt and Captain exam one day.

The movement created by the 9 Heroes in the 2015 Lt exam was unprecedented and results in fair exams.

It was DCAS that took this fair exam and screwed up the process up!

-- Edited by LeggoMyEggo on Saturday 6th of August 2022 11:32:25 PM


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There is a movement here. DCAS is ultimately responsible for allowing such disadvantage for "Day 2 test takers".

Person responsible for this mess.. DCAS Commissioner Dawn M. Pinnock and DCAS' "Executive Team"


The Mayor needs to bring these DCAS to the podium for answers.

-- Edited by LeggoMyEggo on Saturday 6th of August 2022 11:16:30 PM


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Your chance to make change...Let your voices be heard...

Share thoughts to the agency who is responsible.
Tag whoever you would like to make aware. i.e. The Mayor, City Hall, the Police Commissioner, News Outlets, etc.

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Yano did take the exam lol



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Nypdboss0722 wrote:

Yano did take the exam lol

 Yeah, he admits he took it. He said he got every question wrong intentionally because you can only protest the questions you get wrong.


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I wonder what disguise he was wearing?


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Long haired wig, and no red shirt/ brown khakis/ running sneakers. Fool proof.


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Res123 wrote:

Long haired wig, and no red shirt/ brown khakis/ running sneakers. Fool proof.



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Bombay wrote:
Nypdboss0722 wrote:

Yano did take the exam lol

 Yeah, he admits he took it. He said he got every question wrong intentionally because you can only protest the questions you get wrong.

 Exactly , its no secret. so Im unsure why that guy closed the thread saying fake news he didnt take it. 

-- Edited by Nypdboss0722 on Tuesday 9th of August 2022 08:57:16 PM


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I never seen such bitches. The schools are a prep and guide you are still liable to read and study everything. You jackasses thought you were gonna take an exam like the exam you took to come on the job. Stop blaming mike or any instructor. That's petty and pathetic


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Sgtnogood wrote:

I never seen such bitches. The schools are a prep and guide you are still liable to read and study everything. You jackasses thought you were gonna take an exam like the exam you took to come on the job. Stop blaming mike or any instructor. That's petty and pathetic

 No one is blaming him bitch. We are just saying mike took the exam.




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So if he took it does that change anything retard?

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