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Nothing about how Yano fleeced his students? Wouldnt be surprised if he contributed to this and called the newspapers. Test gets thrown out = new exam. More $ for him


Carpe Diem

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dcas just has to do the right thing

-- Edited by Nypdboss0722 on Saturday 6th of August 2022 03:45:42 PM


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Alex wrote:

Nothing about how Yano fleeced his students? Wouldnt be surprised if he contributed to this and called the newspapers. Test gets thrown out = new exam. More $ for him

 Fleece , meaning what?


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Alex wrote:

Nothing about how Yano fleeced his students? Wouldnt be surprised if he contributed to this and called the newspapers. Test gets thrown out = new exam. More $ for him

 The schools are only a guide to taking the exam. You are still responsible for reading the Patrol Guide and all other materials that pertain to the exam.



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I hope Dcas helps us out and if they cant I want the job to screw these cheaters. Im talking law and order svu levels of criminal sexual act!


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You hope DCAS helps out??? DCAS is responsible for this mess. They administered this disaster and allowed all these cheaters to prevail.

The Commissioner of DCAS should be held accountable.. 

The Correct answer is IAB for NYPD corruption.. AND notify Inspector General to report DCAS for allowing this corruption!!!

The Mayor needs to demand answers from DCAS.

-- Edited by LeggoMyEggo on Saturday 6th of August 2022 08:58:19 PM


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Alex wrote:

Nothing about how Yano fleeced his students? Wouldnt be surprised if he contributed to this and called the newspapers. Test gets thrown out = new exam. More $ for him

 Lol, I love how you all blame Yanosik for this debacle.  I see nobody screaming for Mifsud's head or anyone else at The Key for that matter.  Yup Yanosik knew the test would be poorly written and total sh*t show on test day.  You all act like The Key was given for free lol. 

The bottom line is you need to study on your own.  The schools are supplemental to your own studying.  

-- Edited by RookieScum4Life on Saturday 6th of August 2022 08:51:44 PM


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The guys from The Key have been around giving advice, setting up sessions to discuss next steps. Meanwhile it seems like Yanosik has deleted his Sgt course content and gone afk. I agree the studying is our responsibility but there was a lot that was out of our hands this time


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SMH I know everyone is frustrated. But if you truly going to be mad. Be mad at DCAS. Honestly, I feel DCAS could have tested everyone on August 3rd! It is the summer. The classrooms are empty. Administrator the test at a school. No need for a computerized exam. No one received a raw score anyway. Plenty of space to social distance. If that was the issue.

DCAS always have a protest session. For you to review your test and protest exam questions. You do not need the "schools" to protest exam questions.

I hope the LT's test do not have the same shenanigans!!!


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As frustrated as I am with this whole ordeal, Yano is not to blame at all.

I buffed out and bought both classes (also did Rising Star... but we all know RS is invaluable and a MUST-HAVE). The Key is hands-down the better class, and their practice questions are on point. All I learned from Yano was to never buy his class again going forward. His questions were not at all on par with the actual exam. And it seems like many people who swear by Yano have learned this the hard way. The only thing I really like from Yano is his Workspaces Patrol Guide; the way he has it formatted makes it a lot easier to read / better flow than reading the actual source material (the PG formatting is a nightmare). Other than that... thank god the Vimeo player gives you the ability to speed up the videos.

Having said that, Yano is still NOT to blame. He laid the material out on the table, and it's on you, the student, to prepare yourself for the exam. At no point did Yano ever say to NOT study the 1 or 2 star procedures. He acknowledged that everything is fair game. So I'm not really understanding where the finger-pointing at Yano is coming from. The only ones to blame are DCAS for giving the same test on day 2, and the scumbag scammers who took advantage of it. If you didn't like Yano's class, simply don't buy it again for your next test.


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I agree. Everything is fair game. I personally took Yano for 2016/17 exam. I did well. However, I supplemented my studying with the Key cram course and the questions app. I will totally agree the Key has better exam like questions. However, I like Yano's course and I am using him again for the LT's exam. 

Like you said, Yano said everything is fair game. You have to actually read the material. Not skim over the packets!!


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countryroads wrote:

As frustrated as I am with this whole ordeal, Yano is not to blame at all.

I buffed out and bought both classes (also did Rising Star... but we all know RS is invaluable and a MUST-HAVE). The Key is hands-down the better class, and their practice questions are on point. All I learned from Yano was to never buy his class again going forward. His questions were not at all on par with the actual exam. And it seems like many people who swear by Yano have learned this the hard way. The only thing I really like from Yano is his Workspaces Patrol Guide; the way he has it formatted makes it a lot easier to read / better flow than reading the actual source material (the PG formatting is a nightmare). Other than that... thank god the Vimeo player gives you the ability to speed up the videos.

Having said that, Yano is still NOT to blame. He laid the material out on the table, and it's on you, the student, to prepare yourself for the exam. At no point did Yano ever say to NOT study the 1 or 2 star procedures. He acknowledged that everything is fair game. So I'm not really understanding where the finger-pointing at Yano is coming from. The only ones to blame are DCAS for giving the same test on day 2, and the scumbag scammers who took advantage of it. If you didn't like Yano's class, simply don't buy it again for your next test.

 No instructor from any school is to blame. The blame is on DCAS with how they administer promotional civil service exams. They test you on a 10,000 page guide and expect you to know it for test day. Thats why you end up with some bosses who never did a lick of real police work and are just book smart. My cousins department of about 3,000 gives them a 400 page review book 3 months prior and that is what is tested. You either know it then pass or fail and if you do pass you still have to go in front of review board who approves or denies your promotion based on how you were as a cop. To me its a better system, but thats for a different discussion.

As far as studying goes both the key and rising star were great. It was just a extremely difficult test that wasnt well written. At the end of the day a old time sgt with 30 years on said it best to me years back, you have to read the entire book cover to cover 4x and study the interim orders. As painful as that advice sounds its accurate. 


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Whenever my cops asked me what to study, I told them read the guide over and over again, its random. They would shrug at that and the conversation would be over. I can't blame them, who wants to read that thing? Who CAN actually read it and retain information while working 60+ hours per week and balancing a home life?

Some people need the class, the class obviously can't cover everything, but it's better than nothing. And it's structured.


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Look I'm going to let you guys in on a little secret.....Nobody knows what is going to be on the exam except for the exam writers who were chosen by the department to write the questions. DCAS knows nothing about this job. In simplest terms and without getting too much into it, everything, unfortunately, is up to the exam writers on what procedures they want to ask you questions from. Everyone talks about the 2003 Sergeant Exam and how they asked about the size of the letters on the bicycle (which wasn't even the right answer to the question btw) but that is what everyone remembers. Good exam writers avoid that because who the hell cares......that is not necessary to know to be a good supervisor.

As far as who has better "exam-like questions", there is no standard. As you can see from this latest debacle, some people unfortunately aren't very good at writing questions. And most of you have never taken a promotional exam so you have no idea what an "exam-like question" looks like. The schools write questions based on what was asked on previous exams and try to come up with a question to where they think exam writers should go when a new procedure comes out. It's not a perfect science. Everything is at the mercy of the exam writers. This job unfortunately wants nothing to do with the process beyond choosing the writers which I totally disagree with.

I took the 2011 Lieutenants exam. That was a total disaster that nobody talks about now because of the 2015 Lieutenant exam but for different reasons. 1/3rd of the questions were based on judgment and had nothing to do with the patrol guide. Did I or anyone else go crying on here about how The Key or - at the time - The Fast Track didn't prepare us for that? No, because they had no way of knowing that would be on there. They did their best to help us study based on what was asked on previous exams because that is all they have to go by. Never once did I or anyone else blame them or even think about blaming them.


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Your chance to make change...Let your voices be heard...

Share thoughts to the agency who is responsible.
Tag whoever you would like to make aware. i.e. The Mayor, City Hall, the Police Commissioner, News Outlets, etc.

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RookieScum4Life wrote:

Look I'm going to let you guys in on a little secret.....Nobody knows what is going to be on the exam except for the exam writers who were chosen by the department to write the questions. DCAS knows nothing about this job. In simplest terms and without getting too much into it, everything, unfortunately, is up to the exam writers on what procedures they want to ask you questions from. Everyone talks about the 2003 Sergeant Exam and how they asked about the size of the letters on the bicycle (which wasn't even the right answer to the question btw) but that is what everyone remembers. Good exam writers avoid that because who the hell cares......that is not necessary to know to be a good supervisor.

As far as who has better "exam-like questions", there is no standard. As you can see from this latest debacle, some people unfortunately aren't very good at writing questions. And most of you have never taken a promotional exam so you have no idea what an "exam-like question" looks like. The schools write questions based on what was asked on previous exams and try to come up with a question to where they think exam writers should go when a new procedure comes out. It's not a perfect science. Everything is at the mercy of the exam writers. This job unfortunately wants nothing to do with the process beyond choosing the writers which I totally disagree with.

I took the 2011 Lieutenants exam. That was a total disaster that nobody talks about now because of the 2015 Lieutenant exam but for different reasons. 1/3rd of the questions were based on judgment and had nothing to do with the patrol guide. Did I or anyone else go crying on here about how The Key or - at the time - The Fast Track didn't prepare us for that? No, because they had no way of knowing that would be on there. They did their best to help us study based on what was asked on previous exams because that is all they have to go by. Never once did I or anyone else blame them or even think about blaming them.

 I beleive Rising Star covered a bunch of judgement and leadesrhip questions for that exam and has been doing so ever since. Maybe they knew something? Who knows....but the schools are only an aide to help. If you only read their packets and don't do reading on your own, your screwed.



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I think Mike did a good job! His class covered the most tested procedures extensively. I wish Mike wrote the actual test.



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All I personally did was do packets and went to class.



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Packets and Class could give you enough to pass, but nobody really knows whats on the test. Mike and every other test prep company try to put you in a position to do well. The rest is up to the student. I hope SgtScottie on Elite Elf App passed!


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Not_Mike_Yanosik wrote:

Packets and Class could give you enough to pass, but nobody really knows whats on the test. Mike and every other test prep company try to put you in a position to do well. The rest is up to the student. I hope SgtScottie on Elite Elf App passed!

 i dont think this test it was enough. I hate to say it but you have to read the guide cover to cover multiple times and just make it your own. Both key and elite gave the guide to read. The packets and audio were great and I know I defiantly picked up points from them, but if I was to do it over again I wouldve read the PG cover to cover at-least 3 times. 


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Every single procedure that was on that test was in yanosiks packets. I have to disagree with reading the PG cover to cover. In an ideal world that would be the best thing obviously because its the source material but almost every point on my exam was in yanos packets. With of course the exception of PL questions and spelling questions.


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Its typical human psychology. Find someone to blame if you effed up. Remember, generation that got participation trophys was taking this test. They cant comprehend that signing up for test doesnt mean they will automatically pass.


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the key to passing this test is learning how you learn...

some people solely did questions for 6 months; read why the answers were wrong and still passed...

some people had to read the pg several times...

personally, in order to pass, i had to immerse myself in the material by using all sources...for 6 months...that includes all of yanosiks online information as well as watching classes several times...as well as reading the patrol guide once straight through.

find what works for you and you'll pass...

and when in doubt, over-study...read it even when you don't want to...force it down like vegetables...

but find what works for you.


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Thats the thing i learned about the exam. I was studying wrong, im the type where i should have been reading the patrol guide nonstop. I second guessed atleast 4 answers that i know of (where i ended up clicking the wrong answer that i knew was wrong). Had i been reading the patrol guide I definitely would not have second guessed myself. If youre blaming someone else for scoring less i have zero respect for you, regardless if you outscored me.

At the end of the day, a lot of us took our first exam. Regardless of the result now with this experience ill score higher on my next exam which is hopefully the future Lt exam years from now. If not, this list cannot be massive regardless of cheating. It was a tough exam even for people that took it daytwo from what i heard.



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Happy Al wrote:

Its typical human psychology. Find someone to blame if you effed up. Remember, generation that got participation trophys was taking this test. They cant comprehend that signing up for test doesnt mean they will automatically pass.

 Ok boomer.



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A lot of the hate towards Yanosik seems to be a little unreasonable. He has probably helped more people get promoted on this job than any other person in history.

The classes are good as they teach you the meat and potatoes and put you on a schedule. But they should honestly make up a fraction of your study time. I asked so many cops how they studied and way too many said just reading the packets which is lunacy to me.

I think a lot of people got a good kick in the teeth and realized you cant just read the packet once, go to class, and play Fortnite the rest of the week and expect to pass.

These tests are SUPPOSED to be hard.


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lovemike wrote:
Happy Al wrote:

Its typical human psychology. Find someone to blame if you effed up. Remember, generation that got participation trophys was taking this test. They cant comprehend that signing up for test doesnt mean they will automatically pass.

 Ok boomer.

 Point proven. Heres a trophy  


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Happy Al wrote:
lovemike wrote:
Happy Al wrote:

Its typical human psychology. Find someone to blame if you effed up. Remember, generation that got participation trophys was taking this test. They cant comprehend that signing up for test doesnt mean they will automatically pass.

 Ok boomer.

 Point proven. Heres a trophy  

 We prefer monuments and medals, grandpa. 


No stripes. No gripes.

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You have to do something for those. Typing a storm about how mommy didnt prepare you for the test isnt gonna cut it. Go cry in your gender neutral bathroom


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Jeez that escalated quickly


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Mike is not to blame and neither are the other instructors. Theyre a guide thats it and everything is fair game guys lets not kill each other now .


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Anyway I hope everyone is well and keeping each other safe this city is in flames watch each others back and get home save everyone- god bless !


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I do feel we had an unfair advantage in that the promotion exams were every 2 to 3 years. The new test takers just took their first promotion text and some have 8 years on already!  Now they experienced a test and understand the commitment needed to past, they have to wait?  What?  Another 5 years for a test?


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Wasnt the reason this list so long because they had an actual 5 point curve on top of the throwouts? If this list got a 5 point curve i still think they give another exam 3.5 years from right now. I have a feeling theyll cut the list in the low 70s anyway.


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Wooly wrote:

I do feel we had an unfair advantage in that the promotion exams were every 2 to 3 years. The new test takers just took their first promotion text and some have 8 years on already!  Now they experienced a test and understand the commitment needed to past, they have to wait?  What?  Another 5 years for a test?

 Yes, this is incredibly frustrating. I'll be coming up on 8 years having just been eligible to take my first test, then probably have to wait another 4-5 before taking the LT exam. It's annoying to hear Captains and above brag about how they made Captain in 9 years, when it will be physically impossible for me to even take the Captains exam until I have anywhere from 13 to 17 years on (depending on future timing). As someone who always hoped to move up the ranks relatively quick, I got absolutely screwed by the timing of the exams.


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countryroads wrote:
Wooly wrote:

I do feel we had an unfair advantage in that the promotion exams were every 2 to 3 years. The new test takers just took their first promotion text and some have 8 years on already!  Now they experienced a test and understand the commitment needed to past, they have to wait?  What?  Another 5 years for a test?

 Yes, this is incredibly frustrating. I'll be coming up on 8 years having just been eligible to take my first test, then probably have to wait another 4-5 before taking the LT exam. It's annoying to hear Captains and above brag about how they made Captain in 9 years, when it will be physically impossible for me to even take the Captains exam until I have anywhere from 13 to 17 years on (depending on future timing). As someone who always hoped to move up the ranks relatively quick, I got absolutely screwed by the timing of the exams.

 I have 6 so i cant imagine your frustration because i was also furious lol. Ive spoken to cops (bosses) who said they were able to take 3 exams by the time they had less than 10 years on. Some even passed the 3rd one and are promoted now. So if i didnt pass this, or you, we are royally screwed unless they give another exam within 2 years assuming everyone failed.

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