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Post Info TOPIC: March 2022

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March 2022

Dream sheet helps someone like me who has days where I have to cover whole of Brooklyn south housing. I hope we get one or two from this bmoc so I dont have to make impossible happen on those days.


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Send Division wrote:
Jibberjab wrote:
Send Division wrote:
TheBlackCloud wrote:

Todays dream sheet 


see attachment 

 Why post this? It does nothing for anyone getting promoted. 

 Because there are sgt and LT at these commands waiting to find out if they are getting more help.  This forum isnt all about the unborn. 

 Thats a real stretch, just because your pct is on there doesnt mean you are getting help. 

 Ive never seen a command on a dream sheet and then that command does not get any supervisors so I dont know what you are talking about.  And yes there are plenty of times a command isnt on the dream sheet and people end up there. 


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Is there anyway for me to know if Ive been given the green light for promotion? Im looking good for the next BMOC and I have no pending CDs and never had charges. Would I know by now?



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TheBlackCloud wrote:

Is there anyway for me to know if Ive been given the green light for promotion? Im looking good for the next BMOC and I have no pending CDs and never had charges. Would I know by now?

 As long as you have nothing pending you should be fine. Your ICO could check if there is anything from the job pending thats about it or try DCAS 


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Heard another large class for Sergeants in March


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Unconfirmed - heard 120 Sgts for next month. Hopefully someone with good sources can confirm?



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sector7 wrote:

Unconfirmed - heard 120 Sgts for next month. Hopefully someone with good sources can confirm?

 I heard another 200 could be wrong but like i said hearing that they want the list done before June



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Taketheday wrote:
sector7 wrote:

Unconfirmed - heard 120 Sgts for next month. Hopefully someone with good sources can confirm?

 I heard another 200 could be wrong but like i said hearing that they want the list done before June

 Same here. 200+. But we all know how this goes.


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Any idea when in March?


When Bernie Kerik was in charge, thats When the job was really the job


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Futureauxiliary wrote:
Taketheday wrote:
sector7 wrote:

Unconfirmed - heard 120 Sgts for next month. Hopefully someone with good sources can confirm?

 I heard another 200 could be wrong but like i said hearing that they want the list done before June

 Same here. 200+. But we all know how this goes.

 Yea I agree i think promoting 460+ people in 4 months seems a lil unrealistic but I mean they did just promote a class of 230. So who knows I mean alot of people have been saying thats the plan so another class of 200 may happen I have been hearing March 18th as the date. Anyone else can confirm?


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Promotions are March 18. So far Sgts promotion and detectives promotions confirmed. No confirmed numbers yet on how many Sgts


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Current BMOC ending 03/09



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Possible Numbers for next promos ??


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Futureauxiliary wrote:

Possible Numbers for next promos ?



Id love to hear whatever info is circulating. I believe last info was March 18th Promos and as far as #s ppl just said "Big Class" possibly 120.


Can anyone else chime in?

-- Edited by TheBlackCloud on Tuesday 1st of March 2022 07:05:22 PM

-- Edited by TheBlackCloud on Tuesday 1st of March 2022 07:49:14 PM



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TheBlackCloud wrote:
Futureauxiliary wrote:

Possible Numbers for next promos ?



Id love to hear whatever info i2 circulating. I believe last info was March 18th Promos and as far as #s ppl just said "Big Class" possibly 120.


Can anyone else chime in?

-- Edited by TheBlackCloud on Tuesday 1st of March 2022 07:05:22 PM

 Last I heard it was supposed to be a class of 200 again.


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Can anyone advise of the amount of notice usually given prior to promotions. If they expect promotions to be the 18th, which is a Friday, what are ppls thoughts of when the FINEST will come down.

Its wishful thinking but its the little things that keep me going.



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TheBlackCloud wrote:

Can anyone advise of the amount of notice usually given prior to promotions. If they expect promotions to be the 18th, which is a Friday, what are ppls thoughts of when the FINEST will come down.

Its wishful thinking but its the little things that keep me going.

 Im going to say probably March 15 on a Tuesday. That would give ample amount of time for Lts to get photos taken by that Thursday.


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Futureauxiliary wrote:
TheBlackCloud wrote:

Can anyone advise of the amount of notice usually given prior to promotions. If they expect promotions to be the 18th, which is a Friday, what are ppls thoughts of when the FINEST will come down.

Its wishful thinking but its the little things that keep me going.

 Im going to say probably March 15 on a Tuesday. That would give ample amount of time for Lts to get photos taken by that Thursday.

I would agree with that assessment. Februarys class was released on a Friday for Wednesday promotions.

Ill be honest though, I dont like that there has not been a lot of chatter on here about a March class. Im hoping that maybe its just because a lot of the good sources have gotten promoted recently and lost their line of Intel. Im hoping that everyone gets made before the next test.


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March 18th is looking really promising. Still waiting on a number but things are definitely moving in the right direction. More concrete info should be out quickly after this current BMOC ends.


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Just ran into an old friend who works at PA. He said last he heard was 200 ppl to start on 3/25

This doesnt mean anything as it may me old or inaccurate information.but everything in here is unconfirmed until the finest so I figured Id just share what I heard today.

Take it or leave it



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292 vacancy



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TheBlackCloud wrote:

Just ran into an old friend who works at PA. He said last he heard was 200 ppl to start on 3/25

This doesnt mean anything as it may me old or inaccurate information.but everything in here is unconfirmed until the finest so I figured Id just share what I heard today.

Take it or leave it

 I hope they do a little more then that if not ill be in the following class.



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Just heard from someone that knows what goes on with Promotions in the PA and they told me March 25th for Promotion Date


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That is correct. Things got pushed back a week. But at least the class is still scheduled!



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IamTheLaw wrote:

That is correct. Things got pushed back a week. But at least the class is still scheduled!

 You have any info About the next Lt Exam? i keep hearing January/February.



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Taketheday wrote:
IamTheLaw wrote:

That is correct. Things got pushed back a week. But at least the class is still scheduled!

 You have any info About the next Lt Exam? i keep hearing January/February.

 Early Spring (probably March) is what I heard from a reliable source.



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PD2FD wrote:
Taketheday wrote:
IamTheLaw wrote:

That is correct. Things got pushed back a week. But at least the class is still scheduled!

 You have any info About the next Lt Exam? i keep hearing January/February.

 Early Spring (probably March) is what I heard from a reliable source.

 Wow really? That Late thats crazy I assumed since the Key announced their classes for July that it would be Januaryish


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120 to 150... Most likely the number is going to be closer to 140 SGTS going in March 25th.



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IamTheLaw wrote:

120 to 150... Most likely the number is going to be closer to 140 SGTS going in March 25th.

 Good to know much appreciated @IamTheLaw never thought I would make it. Have you heard about them trying to finish the list by June? Know a few people at the bottom saying thats the rumor going around


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I haven't heard anything about that yet @ Taketheday. But if I do, I'll definitely let you guys know.



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If March 25 happens, the following promo/Bmoc wont be until May 2022.



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Futureauxiliary wrote:

If March 25 happens, the following promo/Bmoc wont be until May 2022.

 Or end of April. Lol. 


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My friend in ceremonial just let me know Promotions are happening

I asked when and he said he doesnt have a date yet. I did not take this information to mean anything sooner than what we already expect but just took it as things are moving accordingly.

Ill post more when/if i hear anything



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TheBlackCloud wrote:

My friend in ceremonial just let me know Promotions are happening

I asked when and he said he doesnt have a date yet. I did not take this information to mean anything sooner than what we already expect but just took it as things are moving accordingly.

Ill post more when/if i hear anything

 Cool appreciate the info


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If you have been skipped is there a certain number of times they can skip you? Or once clear promoted?



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Usually twice. As if your original 30 suspended days, 20 vacation days, & year probation wasnt enough, then they wonder why moral is shit. You get punished twice for nothing.


Youre all Keyboard Warriors


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2 days left for current Bmoc. Any updates on next class ??


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They haven't said a word to us in BMOC. In my class at least



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Hey Last week I called 1pp promotions unit they did confirm the tentative date of March 25 for the next class!!

-- Edited by Harley383 on Monday 7th of March 2022 08:11:31 PM


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They wouldn't tell you that stop spreading bullshit and there is no such thing as 1 pp promotions 

-- Edited by Sgtnogood on Monday 7th of March 2022 10:05:51 PM


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Dont understand how people get off being trolls on these forums. People out here are actually trying to get REAL information. Stop the nonsense.  


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UndertakersFinest_ wrote:

Dont understand how people get off being trolls on these forums. People out here are actually trying to get REAL information. Stop the nonsense.  

 Does it shock you? This department has more trolls than under a bridge in a Harry Potter movie



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You should try calling and not assuming. I have the number at work u can call urself tomorrow. What benifit would I have in lying? Plus I stay on top of it cuz Im in the next class. I was trying to spread good news.


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Your retarded. Learn to spell



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No problem Ill keep the phone number to myself. Since youre so smart you can find it yourself. 


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Yea I'm gonna look up 1pp promotions



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If I list it as unconfirmed than it is what it is for now. Only a few people I know has real info. I wait for them only.


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Sgtnogood wrote:

Your retarded. Learn to spell



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Promotions are at 1PP. They had to put down a new floor in the gym at the Academy and it can't be used for 6+ weeks



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RookieScum4Life wrote:

Promotions are at 1PP. They had to put down a new floor in the gym at the Academy and it can't be used for 6+ weeks

 Any info on numbers? 150 or 200?

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