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CARBs are scheduled whenever the hell Personnel can manage to get 3 3 star chiefs in the same room for an hour lol. They have nothing to do with when a class will go in.
Just passing some information I came across. Potential Promotional Date for December is the 20. That's all I know. I don't know ranks or numbers. Everything and anything is subject to change. Stay safe everyone.
Typically the dec class gets promoted around the 20th then goes back to class because its almost impossiable to get all the chiefs to a promotion in the end of dec. I'm not saying theres a Dec class yet but if there is the 20th sounds about right for a promotion date.
Well unless I missed something he never said no sgt class as gospel all he confirmed was LT and Capt's but I don't think he said no sgt class for sure....I hope there's another sgt class
Historically December tends to be a down month with the exception of last year. Looks like January will be a sure thing. Looking forward to meeting some of you in January.
So I called over to Uniform Promos for a personal matter and they told me No December class before I could even ask my question for the reason which I had called. Guess it saves time? Lol
I just received an email notifying me to attend Phase I Training on 12/30/2016. I guess January it is as if there was a December class I am supposed to be in it unless a very low number of people are getting promoted.
I just received an email notifying me to attend Phase I Training on 12/30/2016. I guess January it is as if there was a December class I am supposed to be in it unless a very low number of people are getting promoted.
Just got mine as well. But I'm notified for 12/29/2016. It's happening!!