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RE: List with *

Lmao. Im not going to lie this forum makes me laugh. I see a bunch of haters here. So my question is the following.... How does that affect the YOU?? If you failed the exam?? . It is what it is folks. There is an exam coming up in early 2017 start reading now, I guarantee it would be better than this past one. This is the worst exam in the history I believe. Now stop bashing these folks , get to know this folks they may be nice people with great leadership skills. And dont get me wrong I think the system is ****ed up but is not their fault they just taking advantage of an opportunity. Many of us in their shoes will do the same. I know one guy in this list that was legitimately deployed and got back just in time to take the exam. Understand that these military folks regardless of what you think about them are doing or have done many sacrifices for YOUR country... Our country. Or if they havent is a posibility they will one day. Yes Iam a vereran and i dont like when my armed forces folks get humiliated by ignorant individuals. Now to end this conversation I understand how most of you feel about certain military individuals with no integrity values that would purposely schedule a training on exam day, thats disgusting. I never did that and i never will. I wouldnt be able to enjoy the rank cause i would fell i didnt earn it. But thats not always the case for every military guys on this list. I know bunch of reservist that took the test on exam date and fail like alot of us.



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Yea scumbag. Armed forces is always hiring. You probably to fat and lazy to make it in the military. Or maybe you dont have the  courage to get deployed to a foreign country away from home sweet home.... Have some respect. And i guranteed you are the biggest hypocrite SOB that pretends to sympathize for veterans . I dare you go to a recruiter tomorrow and join...



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ondeeair2321 wrote:

Loophole Lt s will be coming to a precinct very very soon. Will we bow to their cheated rank and yes sir/ma am them? Or will we make our disgust known and treat them accordingly? Believe it or not as sgts and sgts that band together we have a HUGE power over them. We push the cops. Not them. US. We get the guys to work. We get the much needed activity when it's time from the cops. Let these Lt s work for that-------they didn't work for their rank. let ur silence to them be known. Treat them as outcasts the way they should. There is nothin worse then being outcasted when ur new. Make the cheaters life a hell. Let the cops know who their new Lt is and how they value integrity.

 You so ****ed up bro... Is not right to that. You have to respect the rank not the individual. Maybe thats the reason you didnt pass the test. Because according to this post and all your posts you're pretty stupid and ignorant.


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Every military member comes on here with these run-on walls of text. They should teach basic writing skills over there, maybe people would actually read it if it wasn't written like a 6 year old's homework.

You guys make Onedeeair look like William Shakespeare.



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IShredMajors wrote:

Every military member comes on here with these run-on walls of text. They should teach basic writing skills over there, maybe people would actually read it if it wasn't written like a 6 year old's homework.

You guys make Onedeeair look like William Shakespeare.

 Really??? Read your First sentence and tell me if it is proper english. This is not a school project, this is a chat room Dumb ****.



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Ished is right. Some of these military guys need to shut up. if ur deployed legit we don't hate on you so stop. It's he weekend scammers. Anyway At the end of this week a majority of scammers will be Lts. Merit matters folks commands will be getting notified of some of these characters scam I'm sure. It's really burned people I see


I cannot tell a lie I did cut it with my hatchet

Pay no attention to my posts any longer. 

I can not help myself in creating lies.

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GDASSCLUB = It is what it is you



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Has anyone gone to the media yet? More public exposure is prob the best route to force the dept to react and change policy.


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%48. LOD in the sgt test. LOD in the LT test. Confirmed.




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DatnoidS wrote:

%48. LOD in the sgt test. LOD in the LT test. Confirmed.

 And the dept doesn't blink at it, they don't care.  We are stuck everyone.  The corrupt prosper in the Nypd.


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Where is the post that had all the prior exams taken by people on this list?

what happened to that thread?  

-- Edited by Suckerpunched on Tuesday 23rd of February 2016 04:13:30 PM


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#3 IAB LOD, lied to everyone about taking makeup...amazing how many sgts have LOD who don't work on the street. Must all be made out of glass, shatter so easily.

#18 IAB too, lied about taking test on original date.


Seems IAB largest corrupt bureau in modern times.


-- Edited by AhouseRocker on Tuesday 23rd of February 2016 05:05:10 PM

-- Edited by AhouseRocker on Tuesday 23rd of February 2016 05:08:06 PM


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#23 scammed military. Then walked around and pretended he took the test while the rest of us discussed the questions. I was in IAB with him at the time and he kept that act going for a while before we caught on to him.

He's also an IAB lifer/volunteer.


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rat bastards

-- Edited by Jraming26 on Tuesday 23rd of February 2016 11:52:24 PM


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13 is a seventh day Adventist who also took a make up exam.


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AhouseRocker wrote:

#3 IAB LOD, lied to everyone about taking makeup...amazing how many sgts have LOD who don't work on the street. Must all be made out of glass, shatter so easily.

#18 IAB too, lied about taking test on original date.


Seems IAB largest corrupt bureau in modern times.


-- Edited by AhouseRocker on Tuesday 23rd of February 2016 05:05:10 PM

-- Edited by AhouseRocker on Tuesday 23rd of February 2016 05:08:06 PM

#3 is also dumb as rocks, no way he did that fair and square.


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*106 military as per sixmonthwonder on another thread



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skiguy37 wrote:

*106 military as per sixmonthwonder on another thread

Thanks! Was using my cellphone to post and accidentally clicked on the wrong thread, the text is really small. 



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I know a lot of you'll are upset about the exam but I would be careful about calling people scammers and cheaters with little to no proof. Then when people put individuals out on social media and label them with out just cause, you're violating federal law at this site and individuals can be held responsible. Not starting but just be cautious because you all are walking down a slippery slope.



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Modified4life wrote:

I know a lot of you'll are upset about the exam but I would be careful about calling people scammers and cheaters with little to no proof. Then when people put individuals out on social media and label them with out just cause, you're violating federal law at this site and individuals can be held responsible. Not starting but just be cautious because you all are walking down a slippery slope.

 You're an idiot !!! You're #14 on this list and you're upset because you're being called out as a CHEATER !!! Have some integrity in the future and stop scamming !!!


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Lol ok

-- Edited by Modified4life on Wednesday 24th of February 2016 08:34:04 PM



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He's just a troll, he probably isn't even on the list at all. Or maybe you're right, maybe he's one of the cheaters.




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Modified4life wrote:

Wish I was number 14 this way I can get a white shirt before you and have you as my driver. Then make you turn left after left for eight hours then stick you with a s&!@y collar while you say lieutenant over and over While processing. What a butt clown! Just stop messing with my military people And I won't have to come after you thru this forum!

-- Edited by Modified4life on Wednesday 24th of February 2016 05:36:00 AM

-- Edited by Modified4life on Wednesday 24th of February 2016 05:42:27 AM

 That you # 14? You drinking again? Lol


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DetSgt, not going to go back and forth to prove to you I'm not him but if you want to meet up inbox me. When I first met him I didn't like him but his tactics help me pass the Sgt's exam because he use to come to roll call and read the patrol guide when we missed up. Then any questions I had with the guide he helped me out. From what I hear he's still a walking patrol guide. So if you want to say I'm defending him absolutely I know for a fact he did two combat tours overseas and with this last exam his XO tried to get his orders changed for after the test but being it was in the works for over a year he couldn't.


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Moving on we call all these make-up people cheater but how is you guys can come on this site quote questions word for word and even numbers but call the others cheaters? When I left the test couldn't remember what was where or guess you'll that good!



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Modified4life wrote:

DetSgt, not going to go back and forth to prove to you I'm not him but if you want to meet up inbox me. When I first met him I didn't like him but his tactics help me pass the Sgt's exam because he use to come to roll call and read the patrol guide when we missed up. Then any questions I had with the guide he helped me out. From what I hear he's still a walking patrol guide. So if you want to say I'm defending him absolutely I know for a fact he did two combat tours overseas and with this last exam his XO tried to get his orders changed for after the test but being it was in the works for over a year he couldn't.

 Lol. Ok your definitely him. #14. 

Everyone that knows him says he's a tool and to put it nicely not a very nice person. 

The gig is up. Everyone knows the military guys are rescheduling their weekend drills or volunteering for stateside missions in order to take the make up exam. 

In fact people on a previous thread said they have proof of # 14's antics. 


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-- Edited by Modified4life on Wednesday 24th of February 2016 08:35:47 PM



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Modified4life wrote:

So then DM me and let's meet up if not conversation is dead!




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DETSGT wrote:
Modified4life wrote:

DetSgt, not going to go back and forth to prove to you I'm not him but if you want to meet up inbox me. When I first met him I didn't like him but his tactics help me pass the Sgt's exam because he use to come to roll call and read the patrol guide when we missed up. Then any questions I had with the guide he helped me out. From what I hear he's still a walking patrol guide. So if you want to say I'm defending him absolutely I know for a fact he did two combat tours overseas and with this last exam his XO tried to get his orders changed for after the test but being it was in the works for over a year he couldn't.

 Lol. Ok your definitely him. #14. 

Everyone that knows him says he's a tool and to put it nicely not a very nice person. 

The gig is up. Everyone knows the military guys are rescheduling their weekend drills or volunteering for stateside missions in order to take the make up exam. 

In fact people on a previous thread said they have proof of # 14's antics. 

 He's definitely #14...his profile had his name on it without him even knowing LOL a clear indicator that he isn't deserving of a 90 on this exam. The guy can't even hide his identity properly.


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-- Edited by Modified4life on Wednesday 24th of February 2016 08:37:12 PM


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If you're willing to cheat and cut corners then you've chose your career path. Enjoy the money and the backlash, is the compromise you made when you decided to become a piece of shti.


Disclaimer: 'Regular' Elite -***NOT*** a 'True' Elite.


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Story about *75

My friend asked fellow sgts how's the atmosphere been between *75 and the other sgts at his command. A Sgt responded back with: "No one has seen *75 since the list release...he's been on military leave"



67 on 2015 Lt Exam. DISGRACE!


Lt Exam Wars

Episode II : Vucinaj Strikes Back


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These test should mean something.. It's time cheaters get the very special attention they deserve...Those of you who continue to pass these test legitimately make sure you treat them right.


Disclaimer: 'Regular' Elite -***NOT*** a 'True' Elite.


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Su Madre 24 wrote:

Story about *75

My friend asked fellow sgts how's the atmosphere been between *75 and the other sgts at his command. A Sgt responded back with: "No one has seen *75 since the list release...he's been on military leave"


 Where is he? Iraq? Afghanistan? Or New Jersey?  


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Anyone know #12? He got modified on 2/20. List came out on 2/18.


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Modified for cheating? or instant KARMA?


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Number 12 is not coming up as modified when I checked


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Give it a little, it just came down.

Anyone who knows him could shed some light.

-- Edited by IShredMajors on Wednesday 24th of February 2016 04:04:23 PM


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Finest message # 20994300


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Number 13 doesn't have time in rank till Nov 3 2016.....number 14 is modified....number 17 doesn't have time in rank till sept 4 2016... number 10 doesn't have time on till april 25 2016



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I think think it's a matter of perspective. With that said, if you were on deployment in another country, I have the upmost respect for you. That is something that I have never done, I was never in the military. If you were on your weekend drill, you were gaming the system. In my eyes you are no better then the guy who parks his Hummer/Mercedes Benz/Lexus/etc in the project parking lot. 


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42* Sabbath


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DETSGT wrote:
Su Madre 24 wrote:

Story about *75

My friend asked fellow sgts how's the atmosphere been between *75 and the other sgts at his command. A Sgt responded back with: "No one has seen *75 since the list release...he's been on military leave"


 Where is he? Iraq? Afghanistan? Or New Jersey?  

 right now, I don't know 

-- Edited by Su Madre 24 on Wednesday 24th of February 2016 07:06:31 PM


67 on 2015 Lt Exam. DISGRACE!


Lt Exam Wars

Episode II : Vucinaj Strikes Back


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IAB should not be the lead investigations unit in this test debacle! More than 20% of the "make up exam" passers are from IAB! Who watches the watchers?


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Exactly. If IAB is involved phone calls will be made and it will simply go from an allegation to a communication.


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Cheaters will not be punish by the department because some of the "higher ups" in the department also found these types of exam "loopholes" when they took their promotional exams initially! The only way we can change the system is by having DCAS and the Department come up with multiple versions of the exam to give to people with different test dates! Besides, the exam it self is usually consist of approximately 10% of the questions written by exam "makers", so therefore the Department and DCAS can use the remaining 90% of the "left over" questions to make another version of the exam! PROBLEM SOLVED!


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those that are saying throw out the test.... gimme a break. the test was insane, we know that!.. but the scammers didn't make YOU fail!..they just weaseled their way into a passing grade by getting answers from people who already took the test!... even from the use of this forum. the only thing they can do is switch exam days to solve the jewish observance issue, and create a different equal alternate test for everyone else (very simple).


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W_T_F_ wrote:

Cheaters will not be punish by the department because some of the "higher ups" in the department also found these types of exam "loopholes" when they took their promotional exams initially! The only way we can change the system is by having DCAS and the Department come up with multiple versions of the exam to give to people with different test dates! Besides, the exam it self is usually consist of approximately 10% of the questions written by exam "makers", so therefore the Department and DCAS can use the remaining 90% of the "left over" questions to make another version of the exam! PROBLEM SOLVED!

 Negative that's not going to work, the exam need to be given on a weekday holiday week where it doesn't come to conflict with any one, military drill, Jewish observlance or LOD that going to correct the issues 


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Don't forget #3 lod


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For all "scammers" as soon as youre promoted to the RANK of LT get the 411 on your SGT and let's see who follow the PG "it's like shooting fish in a barrel..... #Crybabyera

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