RISING STAR ! The ultimate source to ace your NYPD Sergeant, Lieutenant, and Captain Exam Visit www.RisingStarPromotion.com to subscribe to our mailing list and get info on the next Sgt, Lt. or Captain Exam!
I'm with it. It's all about getting a better mouse trap. I'm hearing start off small. Just doing maybe a hour a day. Picking it up as it gets closer to game day. I'm looking for some motivation to get started myself. I wish I was feeling another study round, but the drive isn't there yet. Stay far from the burn out track.
started reading light too, kind of turned off by the schools after the lt. test, but might have to look into them especially if they offer live classes.
With those numbers id be surprised if there was even a class after May and before Sept. I need 1 point and if I don't get it I'm done! Good luck to all.
I am also taking a gamble with a bit over 90 names away, having said that, the benefit of making it outweighs the risk of not getting there for me. In reality all I am doing is heavy reading for 7 months instead of all the other BS filler stuff.
been reading now for almost 4 weeks, I am realizing the amount of info still ahead. I was thinking of concentrating on mostly all CO/Duty capt. procedures and anything in the 'additional data' that talks about commanding officer. It seems kind of a waste of time memorizing what the youth officer or the umos on the scene needs to do, I already took 2 tests that went there. I would think for a captain's test, they would ask predominantly captains' duties! Time is so short!
been reading now for almost 4 weeks, I am realizing the amount of info still ahead. I was thinking of concentrating on mostly all CO/Duty capt. procedures and anything in the 'additional data' that talks about commanding officer. It seems kind of a waste of time memorizing what the youth officer or the umos on the scene needs to do, I already took 2 tests that went there. I would think for a captain's test, they would ask predominantly captains' duties! Time is so short!
Thought the same thing on the last exam until they asked me about giving department recognition to a civilian. It amazes me how screwed up these exams are. It's almost like they get a boner asking about the most useless detail. Something to be mindful of, they are now asking questions specifically related to the actor with answer choices that pertain to another actor (your mind recognizes having read it). For example, they'll ask about an XO duty but have answer choices pertaining to a CO responsibility. The answer choice ends up being something generic the XO does. So now you have to know that procedure almost verbatim. It's insane.