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So I have a hell of a ride to brooklyn. I am according to the excel program in the Mid 70's. I have no clue as to what to protest at this point. would u guys wait for the key to come out on this board , or just man up and head to Brooklyn? I studied pretty hard and all but, is it worth it to go? How comfortable r u guys with obtaining a good legit key off of this site afterwards? This city is a joke with the way they are dragging this out and not even posting it on thier site. what u think?
I'm heading to Brooklyn. It's close to a two hour trip, but I want to see with my own eyes how I did. There are so many trolls on this board at the moment that anything else posted isn't believable.
I'm heading to Brooklyn. It's close to a two hour trip, but I want to see with my own eyes how I did. There are so many trolls on this board at the moment that anything else posted isn't believable.
I'm going, but I don't plan on protesting anything. I'm ill equipped to do this (no printed out hardcopy updated patrol guide) so I can't even do it properly. But I want the answer key. I'll see if I can get the answers out on my green sheet somehow.
Honorable Mention* 0.156
Exceptional Merit 0.125
Commendation 0.094
Meritorious Police Duty 0.063
Excellent Police Duty 0.031
Annual Physical Fitness Incentive Program maximum of 0.500 per year to a maximum of 2.500
Departmental Medal of Honor 0.375
Police Combat Cross 0.219
Medal For Valor (Merit) 0.188
I physically went to Dcas for my scantron answer key on Monday and they said it will be mailed to my house before the protest review session, which still has failed to arrive.
It clearly states in the protest procedure letter that Dcas mailed to me that we have 30 days from the protest review session to submit protests by mail if we so choose, with 4 copies of your written protest for each question, along with 2 copies of the supporting documentation. We are going tomorrow to see what we scored first and foremost. since most likely no one will bring in the encyclopedia that we call a patrol guide, this is used to our advantage to check the questions that we think were unfair, try hard to remember them as best as can be, and then submit the protests by mail to:
protest Dcas bowling green station P.O. Box 974 NY, NY 10274-0974.
Once they receive your protests and post the exams eligible list, Dcas will then invite those who submitted protests to attend the test validation board. Don't get discouraged, we are in this together and have no help from the experts who taught our high priced classes. We need to collaborate our protested questions, we have power in numbers and our voices must be heard (braveheart moment).