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you need to bring your admission paper, you are allowed to the patrol guide with you. You get assigned to a class room. You are not allowed any food, at least last time i wasnt. You get a total of 6 hours again . You get to see the actual full test booklet and you bring your answers with you that you wrote down. They will also supply you with a tentative answer key. They will tell you the instructions about how to protest a question. Just because you say this answer is wrong , means nothing. You need to prove and show it by providing patrol guide reasons. The proctors will photocopy patrol sections for you that you give them to provide proof. You need to clearly state the question you are protesting , why the answer they provide is incorrect or a double answer. If you feel none of the answers are correct due to wrong wording ect..., ( it can happen) you need to explicitly state that. You can talk to the people who are in your classroom. Wish you the best of luck. This is how you protest at the site, you can also protest through the mail but i never did it that way. Also you are supposed to receive written reasoning on everything you protest whether it is thrown out or not, i never received any of this either. Wish you the best of luck. Bring calculator and a watch again.
How the hell are we gonna carry the entire patrol guide with us? It's like trying to fit the entire encyclopedia brittanica in one book bag. We can't use digital PG on iPads or phones right? Even if we bring the study packets from the elite or fast track or key, that does not tell you what page to cite or what step in the procedure you are fighting.