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Post Info TOPIC: How tricky in your opinion was the 2011 Sgt exam?

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How tricky in your opinion was the 2011 Sgt exam?

I was just wondering for you guys and girl that took the 2011 exam did you find it to be straight forward or tricky. I know every test is a different type of exam but after taking the 2007 key rewrite exam which scared the heck out of me, and then after taking the key 2008 rewrite exam shortly after which was really straight forward and fair in my opinion. So your opinions and views please? Especially the people who passed the 2011 Sgt Exam!


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The test west pretty straight forward except for a couple of questioms that were badly worded.The key is to read the quesslowly carefully 


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Thank you for the reply Queens Finest. While practicing questions I have countless times had questions I knew the answers to wrong due to going too fast. I will definitely use the slow down advice on test day. I know the test is 6 hours long and I most likely will be done before the time limit but I still worry about the what if I run out of time scenario's.


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I took the 2009 and 2011 test. Failed the 2009 and passed the 2011 with a high score. The 2011 test was definitely very straightforward, except for the "southerly winds" question. There were one or two very tricky questions, but tricky does not mean its not straightforward. One question that still sticks out in my mind is the in-basket force figures question. In the back of the in-basket booklet was a 28 for a Sgt. So I instinctively lined him off of the roll call and put him on the change sheet and adjusted my force figures to reflect that change. I realized later that the 28 was actually denied. For those that did not catch that, they got the force figures question and another question wrong, just because they missed that tiny box that says "disapproved" on the 28. Very tricky but very straightforward at the same time...

-- Edited by BoogieDownMarine on Thursday 10th of October 2013 07:16:53 PM


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33 your concern about the time is not unwarranted. I took the 2011 test and made the mistake of not having a watch. When I had about 7 questions left, I took a break and on my way back asked two DCAS attendants how much time we had left, they both said, "30 minutes" so I thought great! I sat down and no lie, 10 minutes later the bell rang and we were told to put our pencils down. I guessed on 3 questions, and ironically I failed by 3 points. Now, I have to say, the reason I needed so much time was because I wasn't prepared enough for a very fair test. Had I been more prepared I would have answered questions at a faster pace instead of dwelling on them. What I am doing this time around is I am giving myself 5 hours to finish the test on my own watch! I am also timing myself on practice in-baskets and exams. I am not listening to DCAS supposed 6 hours, I suggest you do the same!


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2007 had a lot of throw outs that why you prob did bad. dont stress it.



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The test was VERY straight forward in 2011. Like queens said the key is to RELAX and UTILIZE ALL THE TIME GIVEN. There are no gold stars in being the first jerk to done with the test.


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I too made the mistake of not wearing a watch, and no one was even given a hint on how much time was left. I panicked and raced through the last 10 questions thinking it was near the 6 hour mark. As it turned out i had about 2 hours to spare.



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I used every last minute. I was up to number 90 something in making sure everything was bubbled when the perp proctor ripped the sheet off my desk lol. I too was clueless as to the time provided. Wear a watch!


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Thank you all for the advice, and input a lot of great information which I will definitely use.



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TransitSucks wrote:

2007 had a lot of throw outs that why you prob did bad. dont stress it.

 Actually no it didn't. I don't remember if it was 3 or 4 doubles or throwouts exactly, but that is normal for most promotional exams. Also the Key rewrites are not worded exactly like the original exam and some material may even be updated to reflect changes in department procedures to help people study for current exams. The 2007 exam was just a brutal exam that tested a lot of technical knowledge on intricate details of the book. It was not unfair or poorly written, it was just damn hard.

Only about 300 people passed after the doubles and throwouts were put in, I can only imagine how few passed on the initial proposed answer key. I doubt you will see another exam like that any time soon, but if you do, you are in for the fight of your life to get promoted...



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PatrolGuideismyBible wrote:
TransitSucks wrote:

2007 had a lot of throw outs that why you prob did bad. dont stress it.

 Actually no it didn't. I don't remember if it was 3 or 4 doubles or throwouts exactly, but that is normal for most promotional exams. Also the Key rewrites are not worded exactly like the original exam and some material may even be updated to reflect changes in department procedures to help people study for current exams. The 2007 exam was just a brutal exam that tested a lot of technical knowledge on intricate details of the book. It was not unfair or poorly written, it was just damn hard.

Only about 300 people passed after the doubles and throwouts were put in, I can only imagine how few passed on the initial proposed answer key. I doubt you will see another exam like that any time soon, but if you do, you are in for the fight of your life to get promoted...

 That is correct.  I passed the 2007 sgts exam.  There was only a few throw outs and yes it was a difficult exam.  



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Yup, the 2007 test was the one I got promoted off of too. It took an act of god to pass that exam, it was pretty damn hard.



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my sincere appologies for the 2007 exam...........


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I don't think they know why you are *personally* apologizing lol



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probably not - but i assume you do - was never meant to be as hard as it was



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Well it was hard, but it was fair. So I don't think anyone involved in the 2007 exam has to apologize for anything, I think the expression, "Lucky Saturday" went out the window on that one, you had to really earn your stripes on that exam which looking at the current crop of newly promoted Sgt's I sometimes wonder if the 2011 exam was open book? lol


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PatrolGuideismyBible wrote:

Well it was hard, but it was fair. So I don't think anyone involved in the 2007 exam has to apologize for anything, I think the expression, "Lucky Saturday" went out the window on that one, you had to really earn your stripes on that exam which looking at the current crop of newly promoted Sgt's I sometimes wonder if the 2011 exam was open book? lol

 You passed the 2007 sgt's test, but you're on the 2011 forum bragging about it and posting the same lame info everyday?  There are guys from the 2009 sgt's test taking the captain's test next month, So you really haven't earned anything; loser.


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There's no way someone can guess their way through a promotional exam and pass. That's just dumb logic. You have to study to pass period. The 2011 exam was NO exception. Useless topic.


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wisecop wrote:
PatrolGuideismyBible wrote:

Well it was hard, but it was fair. So I don't think anyone involved in the 2007 exam has to apologize for anything, I think the expression, "Lucky Saturday" went out the window on that one, you had to really earn your stripes on that exam which looking at the current crop of newly promoted Sgt's I sometimes wonder if the 2011 exam was open book?  You passed the 2007 sgt's test, but you're on the 2011 forum bragging about it and posting the same lame info everyday?  There are guys from the 2009 sgt's tes(like)t taking the captain's test next month, So you really haven't earned anything; loser.




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Wow. Haven't earned anything? Ummmm... I passed the 2007 exam, so I did earn that Sgt promotion. I also earned some money going to work. But I in no way earned the respect of wisecop, so you are right, I haven't earned anything...


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PatrolGuideismyBible wrote:

Wow. Haven't earned anything? Ummmm... I passed the 2007 exam, so I did earn that Sgt promotion. I also earned some money going to work. But I in no way earned the respect of wisecop, so you are right, I haven't earned anything...

 Besides bragging about how you were on top of your promotional class,  trolling about the 2011 SGT's list being cut and stating there will not be an LT test in the spring over and over again, what are your positive contributions to this forum?


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wisecop he was merely answering transits cop post about how the 2007 sgt exam had a ton of throwouts. Which is just untrue. I can see a LT exam happening in the very near future. The current list is almost half way done and more retirements are expected. I think the next Lt exam will be ultra competitive. Hopefully the exam is more fair than the 2011 LT exam which i am sure it will be. But, With all these young Sgt's being promoted, and the current Lt list of 661, and there is only 1750 LT's in total on the job, I expect it to be tough. Maybe not a hard exam but tough in the fact you better be in the top tier or be prepared to wait 4 years.



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Yeah, I give accurate info or correct bad info, I get attacked by people on here. I didn't bring up the 2007 exam on this thread, the OP did and said the Key rewrite based off of it was hard, which I think everyone agrees on. Someone else says there was a ton of throwouts, which is not true, so I corrected the poster from firsthand knowledge that it was a fair well written exam, just very hard.

As for the 2011 exam, I did not take it, so I don't know much about it other than a shytload of people passed it. My theories on this are it wasn't as difficult as any other exam in my career and the list has a good shot of getting cut due to a large list. Also a theory on the 2014 Lt exam, I think it might be more like a 2015 exam based on the current Lt list only being about halfway done and Lt exam lists generally do not get cut, but may expire. Figure another 300+ Lt's left to promote, give an exam 6-8 months before the list is exhausted. List won't be exhausted until probably sometime into 2015.

Isn't a message board for actual facts, but also opinions and rumors based off of logical theories that utilize information from past events and time periods?

Also IF this list does actually get cut, I gave the advice many months ago that it might be worthwhile to prepare for the 2013 exam to hedge your bets. Also even IF they do make everyone, it can only help you for an extremely competitive 2014 or 2015 Lt exam. Face it if you were on the bottom of the 2011 exam list, you are going to have to up your game A LOT to make a Lt exam list which is the most competitive exam of all...

-- Edited by PatrolGuideismyBible on Tuesday 15th of October 2013 01:17:49 AM


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PatrolGuideismyBible wrote:

Yeah, I give accurate info or correct bad info, I get attacked by people on here. I didn't bring up the 2007 exam on this thread, the OP did and said the Key rewrite based off of it was hard, which I think everyone agrees on. Someone else says there was a ton of throwouts, which is not true, so I corrected the poster from firsthand knowledge that it was a fair well written exam, just very hard.

As for the 2011 exam, I did not take it, so I don't know much about it other than a shytload of people passed it. My theories on this are it wasn't as difficult as any other exam in my career and the list has a good shot of getting cut due to a large list. Also a theory on the 2014 Lt exam, I think it might be more like a 2015 exam based on the current Lt list only being about halfway done and Lt exam lists generally do not get cut, but may expire. Figure another 300+ Lt's left to promote, give an exam 6-8 months before the list is exhausted. List won't be exhausted until probably sometime into 2015.

Isn't a message board for actual facts, but also opinions and rumors based off of logical theories that utilize information from past events and time periods?

Also IF this list does actually get cut, I gave the advice many months ago that it might be worthwhile to prepare for the 2013 exam to hedge your bets. Also even IF they do make everyone, it can only help you for an extremely competitive 2014 or 2015 Lt exam. Face it if you were on the bottom of the 2011 exam list, you are going to have to up your game A LOT to make a Lt exam list which is the most competitive exam of all...

-- Edited by PatrolGuideismyBible on Tuesday 15th of October 2013 01:17:49 AM

 SMH, nothing is certain, so how can you give "accurate" info.   A list having a "good shot" Of getting cut?  Since When does anything bad have a good shot? Actual facts on opinions and rumors based on logical theories.... Wtf LOL

Based on past events and time periods you know as much as the theorist from past exams, and the only real theory is that you might be full of Sh*t.

-- Edited by wisecop on Tuesday 15th of October 2013 11:47:50 AM

-- Edited by wisecop on Tuesday 15th of October 2013 11:50:28 AM


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Maybe someday wisecop will actually get I dunno, wise? Right now you look like an angry irrational rookie that is probably on the bottom of the 2011 Sgt list and simply would not take my advice that nothings guaranteed and you should have prepared for the 2013 exam which is just a few days away. Its too late now to prepare for the 2013 exam, its not like you can memorize the whole PG in 5 days, so you better pray that they actually make everyone off the current list...


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PatrolGuideismyBible wrote:

Maybe someday wisecop will actually get I dunno, wise? Right now you look like an angry irrational rookie that is probably on the bottom of the 2011 Sgt list and simply would not take my advice that nothings guaranteed and you should have prepared for the 2013 exam which is just a few days away. Its too late now to prepare for the 2013 exam, its not like you can memorize the whole PG in 5 days, so you better pray that they actually make everyone off the current list...

 Negative, I'm not eligible for the 2013 test they won't let us take it, but if I did i would have came on and posted POSITIVE info .


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wisecop wrote:
PatrolGuideismyBible wrote:

Maybe someday wisecop will actually get I dunno, wise? Right now you look like an angry irrational rookie that is probably on the bottom of the 2011 Sgt list and simply would not take my advice that nothings guaranteed and you should have prepared for the 2013 exam which is just a few days away. Its too late now to prepare for the 2013 exam, its not like you can memorize the whole PG in 5 days, so you better pray that they actually make everyone off the current list...

 Negative, I'm not eligible for the 2013 test they won't let us take it, but if I did i would have came on and posted POSITIVE info .










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Well wisecop, you can blow sunshine up peoples' arses and look at everything through rose colored glasses, I am going to inform them on what has a strong possibility of actually happening. It may not be positive, but it is... reality.


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PatrolGuideismyBible wrote:

Well wisecop, you can blow sunshine up peoples' arses and look at everything through rose colored glasses, I am going to inform them on what has a strong possibility of actually happening. It may not be positive, but it is... reality.

 I dont think we need to be adviced 1,000 times.


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wisecop wrote:
PatrolGuideismyBible wrote:

Maybe someday wisecop will actually get I dunno, wise? Right now you look like an angry irrational rookie that is probably on the bottom of the 2011 Sgt list and simply would not take my advice that nothings guaranteed and you should have prepared for the 2013 exam which is just a few days away. Its too late now to prepare for the 2013 exam, its not like you can memorize the whole PG in 5 days, so you better pray that they actually make everyone off the current list...

 Negative, I'm not eligible for the 2013 test they won't let us take it, but if I did i would have came on and posted POSITIVE info .

Hey Patrolguide, please take some time to slowly read what wisecop justt wrote.  hint... It should be interesting to read a post from someone who most likely has more experience than u when it comes to exams been administered.



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Well in "the hint" it would imply he is not a rookie IF he sits for multiple exams, he is in all likelihood involved in one of the classes. But IF he really does have experience in these exams he simply cannot deny large exam lists of Sgt's generally do not last 4 years and getting cut is the norm, not the exception.

I mean I probably did at one time sent my congrats to everyone that passed the 2011 exam on this very forum and know numerous people deep in the list. I read all of these untrue posts and bad information on imaginary civil service laws, size of lists, number of throwouts/double answers, when exams were given, how long lists were active, etc. I just correct bad info when I see it and offer my thoughts/opinions on what may or may not happen in the near future regarding exams/lists. Am I unique in this? Or maybe its some posters on here that don't want to accept or consider the possibility my thoughts/opinions on future occurrences actually have a good shot of coming true?

As for when I often correct bad info, where have I been wrong? I have been on the money on stuff that already happened, which I think is actually helpful towards people when sifting through nonsense vs. accurate info.

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