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Post Info TOPIC: Study Again--Not in Stone--But Be Safe


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Study Again--Not in Stone--But Be Safe

With the 30 or so PM s i ve gotten you all know im not a crystal ball--i just relay the info to my brother/sister officers that I get from my buddy in Personel Bureau. I do NOT know when or what number they will cut the list. All I have been told is that they are gearing up for a LT s exam in early 2014 & that they are looking to get a new list going b/c this list is very bottom heavy. Does that mean they ll cut it? NO. you all know the job--changes every minute. The bigs at Personel & OMAP are discussing this though b/c its coming from up top--thats all I got. If i were on the bottom I would study again--be safe....


I cannot tell a lie I did cut it with my hatchet

Pay no attention to my posts any longer. 

I can not help myself in creating lies.


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We should always expect he worst and hope for the best. So that way...no surprises.


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What range would you consider the bottom 1000 and up?


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with all due respect must not have been to easy for the 7,000 or so people that failed it.

-- Edited by Mattinglyfan on Thursday 6th of December 2012 06:24:28 PM



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My motto is Expect the worst and just accept that the best will never come lol. Gets me through the week.



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You're wrong. The most people that have taken until this test since passing grades were implemented and yearly tests were given were less than 4,500. Matter of fact 2009 was considered high because about 5,000 took it. 9,000 people took the last test. That's not normal. Honestly why are you even still harassing every one on this board. Let us believe what we want. You stated your opinion we've stated ours no one is right or wrong until it happens. It's just becoming more and more troll like. And btw I'm assuming you're talking about the 2006 test that every one claims was "hard" but really it wasnt just the first to have a passing grade and people weren't used to actually studying and knowing enough to get a 70 so the numbers were slightly skewed.

-- Edited by Semp1 on Thursday 6th of December 2012 10:31:01 PM



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Ondeeair I tried to warn them already. Don't bother because you will be called a troll by then end of the day. You can't tell these rookies any thing any more because they know it all no



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-- Edited by SIMPLYROGAIN on Thursday 6th of December 2012 11:08:47 PM



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As soon as I heard the total number of people on this list I thought right away, "Here come the bad ole' days of lists getting cut short". I expressed this on these boards as forewarning months ago of what used to go on for promotional exams and I was called everything from a troll to a liar. I died on a list before getting promoted on another list.

I am not saying its definitely set in stone either, but the possibility appears to be there more so than any other list in recent years...


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Was there a passing grade in the list u die on



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There is a passing grade on every exam, but prior to 2006, DCAS set the score based on how people the job wanted on a list. So in 2003, "passing" was actually the embarrassingly low 58 raw score to make the list and had over 1700+ names on it. The list got into the high 1100+ range with final scores (points added) of 67's.

I don't recall the exam before that exactly, but final scores were in the 70's, but "passing" raw scores to make the list was in the 60's. So it is fair to say the scores on those last 2 exams were not as good as the scores on the 2011 exam. A lot of these young guys must have thought we were all dopes taking those old exams, I say that perhaps those exams were more difficult?

Also when the 70 passing raw score was set, you will notice only a few hundred people passed each exam for years, so they probably had similar difficulty to the old tests with bigger lists, but the lists did not tap people below 70. But this last exam, I can't say I took it, but based on all of this info, I am guessing it was probably the easiest and most fair test to come around in a really long time.

Will OMAP, DCAS, the PC's office want to promote people in the bottom few hundred to be supervisors on an easy exam? Maybe? Maybe not? We shall see...



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Same percentage passed based on how many took this test.



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Wrong, if normally 7-8k people file for a test and this one was about 10k, the pass percentage is much higher at about 17%. The exam I got promoted off of 300+ passed, 7k filed, about 4% passed.

Also more than half the people that file, probably don't really study and view the Sgt exam as either a day off or a lottery ticket...


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I'm a little confussed that all the promotion class are run by chiefs and captains and none of them telling us if the list is cut or not. I mean the key sent me two emails saying they are prepared to teach us the new material bc they hear and strongly believe certain material will be on the next test. But they don't know if it was even suggested that this test is getting killed. If the test is dying I need to know bc I need to sign up for the classes in full again.


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I have a feeling you are all going to be scared silly into signing up for study programs to take this next exam. You will all pay your fees study and maybe pass. And then you will get promoted from the 2011 list and scream that you want your money back. But oh well go ahead and study. It will take your mind off this nonsense about the list being cut....have fun :)


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nah, i've made my decision to self-study. i'll probably attend a few important classes here n there, but otherwise, i'm on my own this time. Let's see how well I'll do.



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I don't think you're a liar. Matter of fact most of the things you are saying about past exams are 100% correct but you can not compare exams prior to 2006 marked on a curve with failing grades being promoted when the dept had no other choice but to cut it early or promote 50%'s. I also think some of the things you say are a little weighted in your favor purposely, with out clarifying facts like that youre just fueling the propaganda fire. Clearly you're posting non stop solely to get a rise out of people. If not then youre doing a good job of it with out trying. This is a forum for PO's to talk openly about the exam they took, the list theyre on, and hopefully waiting to be promoted to Sgt. Not a forum for supposedly higher ranks to come and try and non stop tell us we're going to die on a list. If it happens it happens.

-- Edited by Semp1 on Saturday 8th of December 2012 05:57:32 AM



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It would be in the best interest of the guys who own/work the classes to scare you into studying for the new exam, so they are not going to deny or confirm the current list being killed, but the fear of the list getting killed will generate business for them.

As for the attacks on me, what I post is either true or speculation on past exams, I am sharing good info on here, choose to read it or not. Semp1 has attacked my facts several times even though I can tell him I died on a list by a small amount of names and I know how far they got on a list, he will call me a liar? I guess name calling is better than dealing with reality? After dying on one list, I ended up being among the top scorers on another Sgt's exam and the last Lt's exam.

Anyway, its your careers, you do what you think is best. I do not work for any classes, I have absolutely no inside information on any list being cut, I am just spreading true information of how DCAS and the job has operated on past large lists numbers and what happened. I keep reading a lot of bad info from Semp1 (not just to pick on him) and others that I have debunked such as "lists have to last a full 4 years" or "lists never get cut, everyone gets promoted" or "only 4000 people file per exam" or "the 2003 exam they dipped into the 40's", etc. All untrue and if you choose to believe that stuff, I dunno what to tell you...



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I am posting here to clear up a lot of bad info that I read here and hear being said at my current command. I never said that I KNEW for a fact that the list would be cut, only that historically lists this large are cut and replaced by a newer list and it does not take a full 4 years to do.

You keep mentioning people getting promoted in the 50's. Its true that 58 raw score was set as "passing" in the 2003 exam, but that score did not get promoted. But in theory if you add up the 2.5 city resident points, military, seniority, medals, fitness, etc. you might have had someone who managed to muster what I think is a 9 point max (not sure 100% if that was max points allowable added, but there is a max on how many points can be added) then a 58 turns into a 67 final score which is what the final class off that list scored on that exam.

Other than 2003, I never heard of raw scores in the 50's making lists, but raw scores in the 60's happened too. Other than 2003 though, I never heard of people getting promoted with final scores in the 60's. People died on lists and their final scores were well into the 70's. I remember the 2003 exam so well bc it was the first promotional exam I ever took and the old ExamX message board discussed it for years and it was a complete debacle...

-- Edited by PatrolGuideismyBible on Saturday 8th of December 2012 04:25:10 PM



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Yes but a 70 is still a failing grade on the old exam. I'm sorry the fact that longevity and other bonus points like residency was added still means a 70 is a failure raw and clearly these people still shouldn't be bosses in the PCs eyes. We actually have to pass now to get thr points.

-- Edited by Semp1 on Saturday 8th of December 2012 06:58:26 PM



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A 70 could be a failure on an old exam in theory bc no passing score was set in stone depending on how the exam takers performed. Basically the job would tell DCAS how big a list they wanted, whether it was OMAP, the PC's office, whomever, I am not exactly sure, but say they wanted a list of 1500 or 1700 or 1800. Whatever number, DCAS would get that number and take the top 1500, 1700, 1800, etc scorers and establish a list regardless of score. But if there were 1500 names as the number and number 1500 scored a 72, then perhaps everyone who got a 72 would be on the list. So maybe the list would be 1573 instead of 1500.

Just giving examples and making up numbers, none of those numbers are from any real lists. Now the 70 passing rule comes into effect. The first 4 sgt's tests after the 70 passing score mandate, killing a list was not even though of bc so few people actually achieved a 70 raw score. So only a few hundred people made each list of the 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009 lists.

2011 exam is a new beginning. Its uncharted territory. 70 mandate in effect+ large list = full list promoted like every list since 70 was "passing"? OR list cut early like old exams with large lists? It will be interesting...


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Would making another list coming out so soon mean we need sgt's? If the commish wasn't happy with people that got in the 70 range he wouldn't have made a cut off score of 70. And also if he kills a list 2 years in and starts up another it seems there would be a lawsuit of sorts.



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Dogman1 wrote:

Would making another list coming out so soon mean we need sgt's? If the commish wasn't happy with people that got in the 70 range he wouldn't have made a cut off score of 70. And also if he kills a list 2 years in and starts up another it seems there would be a lawsuit of sorts.

 go sue! no one gives a rats a$$ if anyone sues. The LAW CLEARLY STATES!!! list MUST be activated for 1 year! But no more than 4! where does it say anyone in there that a list MUST be activated for 4 years?? just bc you past a test, doesnt mean you have to get promoted! Can someone explain to me, i heard that they can pass you over even if you pass. The one in three rule?? any explanations on this rule


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the lawsuit would compare prior exam list and score numbers you ****ing fool.  They won't promote a 77 on this exam but promote a 70.3 on the last exam please 


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They really cant say "needs of the department" thats why we cutthe list we dont need sgts and turn around and start the 2013 list. Im still not understanding why wouldnt they use the whole list and have the 2013 one as a back up. The next list will be just as big as this one if not bigger. 7k+ failed and you cut it, there will be 7k + the 600 cut off this one plus the 5k elig to take the test. so the next list size would be 2k list which would be a bigger cluster **** of a list. Unless they make it a super hard list that allows lets say 300-500 to pass which makes the amount of the next test taking it even larger, it will just snow ball. And The one in three rule is the commish can kill a list without being effected but i think he did that to a previous list so im not sure he can do it again.



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DCAS can enact a list at any point they want and discontinue an old one---FYI. Im not here to worry or waste time debating--I have a very good source that says they are looking to get a new list going b/c the last one was "bottom-heavy." They want a new list--period. We can Rachel Maddow this to death---i am putting out info so some of my brother/sister officers low on the list dont get screwed.


I cannot tell a lie I did cut it with my hatchet

Pay no attention to my posts any longer. 

I can not help myself in creating lies.

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Don't get screwed ? We already getting screwed if they cut it.



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its a competitive exam. there is a big reason they put that word in the exam. the top of the list get priority and the bottom r left to fend for themselves if cut. hence y they can replace it. will they?? i have no idea. maybe not---maybe so. i am just relaying info.


I cannot tell a lie I did cut it with my hatchet

Pay no attention to my posts any longer. 

I can not help myself in creating lies.

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Once again i ask why are the bosses not saying it might get cut, the instructors should know something but say nothing. And before you say "o they would not say if its cut or not " why not ? is saying to cops as a boss to study for the next test because its getting cut going to get them jammed up or they wusses ? or is it the fact that they do not know.



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fedup wrote:

the lawsuit would compare prior exam list and score numbers you ****ing fool.  They won't promote a 77 on this exam but promote a 70.3 on the last exam please 

 have fun w that lawsuit internet tough guy


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queensfinest wrote:




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Bc I won't be on jan bmoc ? Or get promoted at all according to these super secret informants that shall not be named


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Dogman1: com'n bro, don't let all these uncertainties get u down. Just study again, n take the new test n hope for the best regarding this list we r still on. We will be prepared for w/e comes ahead of us, keep ya head's up cause we did pass regardless what'll happen to this list.


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marco is from my command he passed too, troll somewhere else trolls

-- Edited by Dogman1 on Tuesday 11th of December 2012 01:53:52 AM


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Anyone know if Marco won his appeal on the southerly winds question?


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Mama bear was sitting on a 69. Anyone know if she made it?


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Mama bear on the air?



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You're bringing up some old names from the past.

If I recall I believe mamabear found her points and scored in the low 70s


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No she didnt


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I remember Marco got his pt.



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Wheresthelist wrote:

No she didnt

 Alright I stand corrected...honest mistake. jesus christ.


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What did she get?



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No one knows 100% if the list is going to be cut, so no need fishing for answers. Use common sense....they still have over a 1000 names on the list and they're giving a test in 6 months. No one knows for sure but that isn't promising news for the last few hundred on the list. Is it completely damning....of course not... But if I had a list # greater than a 1000 I would study for the next exam just to give me a safety net if they do if they do cut the list. And with all due respect, if you got more than 25 wrong on that test... You probably didn't study as hard as you should have. They made that test as straightforward as humanly possible.


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No mama bear got a 69


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My favorite number, is that why she doesn't get on this any more?


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its obvious those who are saying the list will be cut are
1.those who have a list # of 1664+
2. people who want u to buy study packets.


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You have a good point there.


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stiggityone wrote:

No one knows 100% if the list is going to be cut, so no need fishing for answers. Use common sense....they still have over a 1000 names on the list and they're giving a test in 6 months. No one knows for sure but that isn't promising news for the last few hundred on the list. Is it completely damning....of course not... But if I had a list # greater than a 1000 I would study for the next exam just to give me a safety net if they do if they do cut the list. And with all due respect, if you got more than 25 wrong on that test... You probably didn't study as hard as you should have. They made that test as straightforward as humanly possible.

 stiggity couldn't of said it better... There are some trolls on here that just want to start trouble... However, the facts are the facts and to hear that another exam is being given so early in this list raises flags. So who ever might be at risk do what you feel best. Stay strong with the opinion that this list will never be cut.. Or to be on the safe side take this next exam JUST IN CASE the list does get cut.

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