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Post Info TOPIC: There is still hope....

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There is still hope....

STI whether you want to admit it or not but history repeats itself. You had guys on the 2006 list acting immature and arrogant on exam x. You say you dont like the new breed, so your retiring from the forums, but its all the same. If you went back and looked how you 2006 listers acted on exam x youd see its not much different. Just like you commented that the 2003 test was easier than the 2006 thats why so many people scored well. You cant deny that those 19 cry babies didnt try to do us dirty. Besides you been around long enough to know that there are professional **** stirrers with multiple personalities on these forums who's sole purpose for living is to start ****. 

-- Edited by HabidasheryAuto on Sunday 15th of April 2012 02:24:32 AM



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Take the next test in 4 years.  Until then......sucks to be youuuuuuuuuuu!!!


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The 2006 list got cut at list #756. That person got a 78. You have people who got 50s and 60s hoping that 15 to 20 questions get tossed so they can make the list. I don't care that the list is dead. Just remember that Lieutenants are not retiring. Don't be surprised if people on this list never get called and meet the same end. Good luck.



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Yeah.....but you're comparing a fair straightforward exam to one of the hardest cluster****s ever put to paper. A guy with a 65 on the 2011 test gets at least an 80 on the 2006 exam. That's a fact. And while I don't agree with this kindve viciousness, it's a direct result of a lawsuit started by 19 people from YOUR exam trying to get our test thrown out. A lot of people are real pissed at the 19 babies from Quad and community affairs who tried f'ING us over with some real dirty tactics.


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Everyone says that the test they took was harder than the previous. Please spare me. Did you take the 2006 test? If you did then obviously it wasn't so easy because if it was you would be a Lieutenant. If you did not take it then you really can't comment. Good luck either way.


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Everyone says that the test they took was harder than the previous. Please spare me. Did you take the 2006 test? If you did then obviously it wasn't so easy because if it was you would be a Lieutenant. If you did not take it then you really can't comment. Good luck either way.

 from exam x:


Postby STOPTHEINSANITY » Thu Mar 22, 2007 3:16 pm

The problem is comments like"200 people with a score much better than half your list"With comments like those I could not care less if they cut your list right now.You will not get much sympathy with wise cracks.Also maybe the 2003 test was easier so ANYBODY scored well.
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Nope....didn't get the opportunity to take it, was sitting in bmoc when they gave it. Took the rewrite though, issued by the Key...and all I can say is that it was very easy. Woulda smoked it...just like I did my Sgt's test and this last Lt's test. I don't fail tests.



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And the point of my post was not to belittle your exam but to explain the anger people have in response to that fugazey lawsuit....a topic you conveniently completely avoided.



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they did try, and it didnt work. amen.


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HabidasheryAuto wrote:

STI whether you want to admit it or not but history repeats itself. You had guys on the 2006 list acting immature and arrogant on exam x. You say you dont like the new breed, so your retiring from the forums, but its all the same. If you went back and looked how you 2006 listers acted on exam x youd see its not much different. Just like you commented that the 2003 test was easier than the 2006 thats why so many people scored well. You cant deny that those 19 cry babies didnt try to do us dirty. Besides you been around long enough to know that there are professional **** stirrers with multiple personalities on these forums who's sole purpose for living is to start ****. 

-- Edited by HabidasheryAuto on Sunday 15th of April 2012 02:24:32 AM




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Hey snotnose, so do tell, if you were one of those people that studied hard, worked even harder, took time away from your family to take those stupid classes, and you see your fellow workmates disappearing during work hours to go study, while you are working your tailbone off, would you not want to make a lawsuit if dcas, the president of the USA, whomever, said the number is ending at a certain number 790 I heard, not sure, and you are still sitting around for your number to come up, would you not be PISSED off also, and see the injustice, and want to do something about it?  Or would you say, oh well, I guess I got screwed again.  Only fools let themselves get eaten by a shark, you have to fight to survive.

It doesn't hurt to be the relative of the commissioner, or a high level chief, then favors get done, but not everyone asks for a handout.




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Pissed at who? Pissed at the job? I don't get the logic. If you didn't make it , it wasn't meant to be. You didn't score high enough. Not everyone gets a trophy. Little league ended 20 years ago. Wipe away those tears and man up. Study harder for the next test or reevaluate what you want to do in your current rank. Coming on a message board and posting comments that are incoherent and grammatically a nightmare solves nothing. Either does vindictive and baseless lawsuits. At some point you just have to grow a pair.


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Hey snotnose, so do tell, if you were one of those people that studied hard, worked even harder, took time away from your family to take those stupid classes, and you see your fellow workmates disappearing during work hours to go study, while you are working your tailbone off, would you not want to make a lawsuit if dcas, the president of the USA, whomever, said the number is ending at a certain number 790 I heard, not sure, and you are still sitting around for your number to come up, would you not be PISSED off also, and see the injustice, and want to do something about it?  Or would you say, oh well, I guess I got screwed again.  Only fools let themselves get eaten by a shark, you have to fight to survive.

It doesn't hurt to be the relative of the commissioner, or a high level chief, then favors get done, but not everyone asks for a handout.


How come you did not initiate the lawsuit when the test was announced then? Did that relative of a chief really think that they were going to make 500 LT.s in the last year of the test. You all have no shot tomorrow. But if you get lucky I am sure that it will be easier for us to find more than 19 people to counter sue.

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