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I triple checked the score card that DCAS sent out and they did not add my run/jst points. I know some guys got them and some didnt. I was wondering when did the guys that did NOT get the points take the run/jst? I took it the day before the deadline and I'm thinking that may be why DCAS didnt add them. Maybe the FIT unit didnt send them to DCAS on time or we did the run so late, but still within the deadline, that DCAS already started adding up everyone's points before receiving the points from the last run.
Of the guys who did not get their points, did you guys take the run really close to the deadline, which was Dec 2nd?
I did the run in september and never got the points on my score sheet. I called up and got no where on the phone. I'm going down to DCAS on monday to raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaise holy hell.