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Post Info TOPIC: 4500 instead of 9K+ ?

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4500 instead of 9K+ ?

Can anyone confirm whether or not the satements that Semp and Skiguy made about DCAS personnel saying at the protest today that the 9K+ filing for the Sgt test was just a rumor and it was actaully approximately 4500? Its a whole new ball game if thats true


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I can confirm. LOL
Hoenestly, read all my posts and you'll see that I'm not a **** stirrer. Also, I stressed it was a lady that told us that. We didn't see anything written.


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No way, did you go to any classes? The Key alone probably had more than 4k sign up for the course.


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Yeah, unlike last time my class was packed from day 1 straight through til the end. Although there were alot of people I know that attended multiple classes which could have changed the overall appearance of the amount of people attending for a specified day that your class was held on



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I can't believe you started a thread on this. Lol. You guys are losing it. I have no reason to lie. Look at all my previous posts none of them were to mess with anyone believe what you want. Think about it. Who told you 9500 where did that "official" number come from. No body. And when it comes to the key. I'd say near the end 150 a class were in Brooklyn. Less on the 4x12. That's no more than 300 a borough 300x5 is 1500. Fast track which is less popular probably had 1200 so that's 2700 at most obviously 50% of that total number did not pass. I took the 09 test and the 2011 test the school was no more packed then last Time. Face it. You're all making yourselves sick for no reason.

-- Edited by Semp1 on Thursday 17th of November 2011 01:55:31 AM


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I'm inclined to agree with Semp.


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people (sorry feeding into the rumor mill) were telling me we have to apply for longevity and medal points.  is it true? you seem to know a lot. thanks in advance


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That's a lie!!!!



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You can't apply for longevity. You just get that. Medals you have until the list is generated but not just to apply for it to be accepted and approved and the run you have until Dec 2. Obviously all are only valid if you got a 70 or higher.


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Medals have to be done before oct 15.



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That's not true. For some reason people think it must be handed in before the test day. That's not true it's before the finalized score and list is generated.

-- Edited by Semp1 on Thursday 17th of November 2011 02:07:17 AM


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Hey Semp no disrespect to you, Ive followed your posts and know that your honest. It doesnt mean that you couldnt have mistaken what was said. Im just looking for clarity on the topic and hearing it from more than 1 person is better than hearing it from only 1 person.


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It's on the notice of examination!



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If I'm wrong about that I apologize.


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Not your fault I thought the same and then read the notice


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I can't copy and paste the notice from my iPad but it states it on page 5 sub. E



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Oso60. Skiguy is a friend of mine he was there with me standing next to me. There's another on this forum who was also there he just hasn't posted. This is what we were told from DCAS employees directly. If you choose to believe the Trolls on this board and make yourself sick over it shame on you. I highly doubt she was giving us wrong information. We were engaged in a conversation with her, and DCAS knows, it's not like its a random rising star poster making the statement "I heard from a confirmed source". Clearly I was at the protest today so obviously wanted to share some good news with you guys, if you choose not to believe me or skiguy I understand there's a lot of liars on this board, but the lies are always to stir the pot. Never something positive.

-- Edited by Semp1 on Thursday 17th of November 2011 02:29:41 AM


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I was at the protest too in the city and there were only 9 people in my room and there were 3 rooms so I believe you semp1 I just hope you're right. They didn't tell us 4500 the place I'm at but I didn't ask them any questions regarding that stuff they were old ladies


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ok. so how do i apply for the medals? please and thank you a lot guys.


wait. lol. disregard...it's too late for the medals then yes? 

-- Edited by bronxraider on Thursday 17th of November 2011 02:44:30 AM


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about 4-5 people that signed up for the key in my command hit the studying hard at the start and payed for the key and ended up not going to the test for god knows why, so it is rational to think its a 4k test


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Semp1 wore sweatpants to the protest.

-- Edited by skiguy37 on Thursday 17th of November 2011 03:03:56 AM


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I will sleep better tonight ... plus I just told off the trolls HB and NotASgtYet so that helps too



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If you already have the medals, they will be automatically calculated as per your file @ personnel. As for the cutoff to have them approved for them to count...no clue, but you don't need to "ask" the job to fit them into your score if you already have them.


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Not saying semp is trolling or lying, I'm saying maybe the DCAS person had the wrong info.

Could be true I guess, but it seems the Bronx Key class had a few hundred people in every class on morning and night.


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How many people took the test from your commands? Mine I would estimate around 50...I do think 9k is too high after all and that maybe 4k is a little low. Probably somewhere between.



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50x100=5000. Trust me. DCAS is not wrong. No way any where more than 4500 took this test. It amazes me you guys will believe a post from "random weird hairbag" that's clearly a lie when you got multiple people telling you what a DCAS employee who clearly new the amount of LT's who took the test, obviously new how many Police Officers in total signed up for the protest. Why would she not know how many people took the test. I would think that's something they know. I'll say it again this list will be somewhere in the ball park of 1000 cops.

-- Edited by Semp1 on Thursday 17th of November 2011 06:53:44 AM

-- Edited by Semp1 on Thursday 17th of November 2011 06:54:16 AM

-- Edited by Semp1 on Thursday 17th of November 2011 06:57:14 AM


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Maybe, but there aren't 100 commands, there are specialty units, PSAs, districts, house mouse units and all that. My guess is 6k+, but guess nobody can say for sure, you could be right.



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There are 76 precincts about 10 PSA and 10 HB. Add another 4 for good measure to just get an average. No way in reality more than 40 in every command took this test. So by saying 50x100 I'm giving a generous average, and I'm sure that covers all details. Just think from a realistic stand point. It wasnt misinformation.

-- Edited by Semp1 on Thursday 17th of November 2011 06:57:59 AM

-- Edited by Semp1 on Thursday 17th of November 2011 06:58:40 AM


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Right on, hope you're right. How many in your command passed so far? Also, how many took it?

-- Edited by 6monthwonder on Thursday 17th of November 2011 07:01:56 AM



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My command had more than what I've typically heard when asking "real" people not rising star liars. We had 14 total, and I come from a fairly big precinct. We all want out of our precinct. It's terrible.

-- Edited by Semp1 on Thursday 17th of November 2011 07:04:54 AM


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Haha, think we might work in the same place!



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Lol. It's a possibility. Im sure you work in a **** hole. They always have the highest passing. The 67 had 27 last test. So that just shows you, you're always going to have a lot of people passing in worse commands.


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If you're in Brooklyn it's not my command. Sounds like a similar place though. Definitely right, we had about 14 people pass in my command and I think it was just because everyone studied hard because they want out, not because the test was extremely easy (though it was pretty fair).



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I am in Brooklyn, and people should stop using the word "easy" to describe a test that no matter how straight forward it was, was testing the taker's knowledge on a 1500+ page book. Asking you 100 random questions from a random page pulling off that page 1 random fact and then testing whether or not you could remember that and requiring that you know at least 70. Lets not forget also adding 3 other options that are sometimes close enough to make you think all 4 are correct, and an open book portion that when answering 1 question wrong could possibly create a ripple effect causing 2-3 more on average being wrong. If that's easy then I do not know what is challenging. Nothing you have to study for, for months devoting hours a day to is easy. Not everyone as much as people like to say, "if I studied I would have passed", can finish the "marathon" and actually pass. It's an accomplishment to pass no matter what the score, and don't let anyone ever take that away from you. If they do tell them you'll be looking forward to their 100% score on the next "easy" test the department offers.

-- Edited by Semp1 on Thursday 17th of November 2011 07:47:01 AM


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Yeah, for sure. Fair, not easy. A lot at my command studied their asses off and most of the people that actually put the time in (went to every class and really studied) passed. The ones who half assed it or didn't study failed. More failed than passed, but I think my command might have a higher passing % than many because it has turned into a craphole.



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Here Here Semp!


I worked my tail off and I passed with a 74 plus whatever points I get for being hired on 1-9-06.


I TOO kept categorizing it as "easy" but the more correct term IS straightforward. We all worked hard and your right...it IS an accomplishment


67 on 2015 Lt Exam. DISGRACE!


Lt Exam Wars

Episode II : Vucinaj Strikes Back



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In 08 6,000 took the test.  There had to be more for this one.  Some old lady at DCAS probably threw a number at you.  She felt important for a moment.



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She wasn't old she was in her 30's, the proctors were old the women that took our exit sheets were not. Sorry I believe DCAS, and what does the 08 test have to do with the 2011 test. In 09 there were 4500 that took the test at least 2000 less than 08. Should it have been more because it was the following year. You know what though, You're right you know more than DCAS and the people who actually went to the protest and spoke to them, they probably just felt really important saying a number. Good job.

-- Edited by Semp1 on Thursday 17th of November 2011 06:56:16 PM



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Someone is getting into Dbag mode.  Save that for your future squad



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I'm not in any mode. I'm tired of guys like you coming on this board and countering anything positive with a negative. You're the "Dbag". Who cares what your negative assumptions are. We're having a conversation that stems from a valid conversation and all are trying to be positive. You've now posted in two forums I was in just trying to negate what I've said. Guess what it really doesn't matter.

-- Edited by Semp1 on Thursday 17th of November 2011 07:42:58 PM



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If you read any of my other posts I am not **** stirrer.  I try to just be realistic. If you can't understand that I dont know what to tell you.  I'm done with you.



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I don't think you are just think you're getting hyped up. Don't feed into the rumors that were pretty much started on this forum


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Semp1 wrote:

I am in Brooklyn, and people should stop using the word "easy" to describe a test that no matter how straight forward it was, was testing the taker's knowledge on a 1500+ page book. Asking you 100 random questions from a random page pulling off that page 1 random fact and then testing whether or not you could remember that and requiring that you know at least 70. Lets not forget also adding 3 other options that are sometimes close enough to make you think all 4 are correct, and an open book portion that when answering 1 question wrong could possibly create a ripple effect causing 2-3 more on average being wrong. If that's easy then I do not know what is challenging. Nothing you have to study for, for months devoting hours a day to is easy. Not everyone as much as people like to say, "if I studied I would have passed", can finish the "marathon" and actually pass. It's an accomplishment to pass no matter what the score, and don't let anyone ever take that away from you. If they do tell them you'll be looking forward to their 100% score on the next "easy" test the department offers.

-- Edited by Semp1 on Thursday 17th of November 2011 07:47:01 AM

I appreciate what you say... I too, did study quite a bit, not so much at home because of children, but at work as much as possible... I felt going into this test, I was in a good place, knowledge wise. But I got caught up in overthinking questions, second guessing myself and changing answers... So to say it was easy, NOT TRUE...


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