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Post Info TOPIC: I Passed but so did about 23 people at my command. Too many passed.

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RE: I Passed but so did about 23 people at my command. Too many passed.

Notasgtyet u think with common sense. Most ppl dont. Telling somebody who got in the 70's that they will get made is like telling a 4 year old that Santa exist. Its better to tell the truth up front instead of em finding out later Santa doesnt exist (aka: them not getting promoted)


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Gluestick I wish I had your confidence but in reality the police force of the N.Y.P.D is shrinking as we speak. The Jan 2012 has been canceled and we are losing people at an alarming rate via attrition. The fact of the matter is that the rank of Sgt is quickly reaching a saturation point and therefore the needed numbers of Sgt's will diminish. If 3000 did indeed pass this test(looks like that due to how many passed per command) then there is no way in hell that all could be made in 4 years. Many are destined to die on the list or worse yet they will be artificially cut off via a cut off score. Kelly said he was looking to make the best candidates of any list so it is safe to say that a cut off score will be adopted thus insuring the cream of the crop get made.
These are facts so please do not kill the messenger. Educate yourselves before you reply.


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3 including myself passed at my command


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For a list of 3000 you would need an average of 25 people to pass per patrol precinct. Even factoring in all the specialized units and dectectives the BULK of sgts come from patrol. BMOC has on average has only 10 people from specialized units and detectives.


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Gluestick, do you know how many people at my command passed in the last exam? 6.....As of today there are 23 happy Sgt candidates at my command. Similar stories have been reported in other commands. In one command 4 passed last time and now 13 passed while in another 3 passed before and now 9 passed. So on and so forth. Do you see the pattern? If in the last exam there were 2000+ passing candidates how many do you think will be in this one...My guess is 3000+ but then again the cut off score will remedy that.....DO THE MATH!

-- Edited by NotASgtYet on Monday 14th of November 2011 10:32:27 PM


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12 ppl in my cmd pass. 10 in my old cmd


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Transit, can you tell us how many people passed last time around. Some here assume that this list will not be a larger than normal list. Thanks in advance.


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There was only 781 people who passed the 2009 exam wtf are u talking about?


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This test sounds like it broke 1000 still not a bad number 4 years with the list everyone will get made

oh yeahhhhhhhhhhh


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List will be around 1500-2000 everyone getting promoted in 4 years. I suggest that anyone that hasn't done so schedule themselves for the jst. Believe it or not that .5 is huge in a list of this size.


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The list will be around 1500 names......The other people will be artificially whittled away via a cut off score. If I am wrong then I can see the job just letting the all names hit the list but that will set up a lot of people for a drawn out disappointment. Either way the way it looks like many people passed this thing and as a result there can not make everyone so what is coming is an artificial axe which has been used back in the 90's. Where that point of impact shall be no one knows but it has been known to hit the 80+ mark before. This is why I am advocating the run just n case.

If you think everyone is getting made off this list then you are a retard for a lack of a better word.

-- Edited by NotASgtYet on Monday 14th of November 2011 11:21:33 PM



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NotASgtYet wrote:

The list will be around 1500 names......The other people will be artificially whittled away via a cut off score. If I am wrong then I can see the job just letting the all names hit the list but that will set up a lot of people for a drawn out disappointment. Either way the way it looks is that many people passed this thing and as a result there can not make everyone so what is coming is an artificial axe which has been used back in the 90's. where that point of impact shall be no one knows but it has been known to hit the 80+ mark before. This is why I am advocating the run just n case.
If you think everyone is getting made of this list then you are a retard for a lack of a better word.

 They have promoted approximately 700 Sergeants in about a year from the 2009 exam and eversince the implementation of the 70% passing grade no list has run its full course (4 years).  My prediction, the list will last 4 years with all candidates getting promoted assuming a list of 1500-2000.  However this doesn't affect me one bit since I'm already a sgt awaiting my results from the LT exam.  


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You guys are a bunch of losers! First "there was rampant cheating" I don't know how anyone can possibly know there was "rampant" cheating within mere minutes of the test being administered. Then the test was "on the fast track to being axed". Than came "over half passed", then came "cut off will be implemented", then God knows how many more pot stirring rumors. I stopped reading after about 5 days after the test.
Now the new flavor is "Too many people passed, and you won't make it unless you got an 80+

Come on, stop the bulls..t. Stop being haters!!! You gave it a try and failed, and failed miserably. I don't even know why ANYONE in their right mind would belive these rumors.

My command is somewhat everage (about 280 cops) and so far I know of about 4 people who passed, I'm sure there are others whom I haven't found out about yet, but it's nowhere near what the jackasses above are caliming. And even if many many people passed, who care? The list will be good for 4 years.

So all of you worriers out there, stop listening to these fools. I guess I'm partially guilty of giving stock to their nonsense by replying.


Congrats to all who actually studied and passed. I am one of them.


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HAHHAHit it's confirmed....96Times6 either failed or scored a 72+. Have fun thinking you will get made. That is a long 4 years just to find out what I know already. NO STRIPES FOR YOU! I hope to God I supervise you....LOL!


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Hey NotASgtYet and doesn't look like will be one soon: You are partially corrrect, I did score above 72. (You wrote 72+) Try 81 + a few longevity points. I guarantee you I will be a Sgt while you are still trolling around these sites as a loser.

-- Edited by 96Times6 on Monday 14th of November 2011 11:53:15 PM


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Keep dreaming. We all know by the bitterness you are spewing that you are on the cusp of failure....LOL!


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my first test and i got a 69


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Marco, there might be a question or two thrown out. Keep hope alive. All you need is one question.


Marco, my first test ever I walked in cold turkey and remained 2.5 hours and winged everything. WheN i tell you I did not study I mean it. I looked at the in basket and said...WTF! I winged it all but a few things I did know from working patrol......I was surprised when I got a 54. Next test i started to study and then stopped at month 2......I got a 65......LOL. This one I started to study but by month 4 I quit.....WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO! I made it.

-- Edited by NotASgtYet on Tuesday 15th of November 2011 12:01:09 AM


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Disclaimer: 'Regular' Elite -***NOT*** a 'True' Elite.

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Wisecop, when everything is factored in I have an 80+. Last time I checked they promote you based on overall score and not raw score. Wake up rookie.


If indeed I get cut off then so be it but one thing is for sure I will not act like half the whiny tough guys here pissed off because I dare to tell the truth and not pedal them dreams of promotional grandeur.

-- Edited by NotASgtYet on Tuesday 15th of November 2011 12:05:55 AM

-- Edited by NotASgtYet on Tuesday 15th of November 2011 12:06:33 AM


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shut up notasgtyet you old timer peace of crap how many times you had to take the test dom fck


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dude, I took this think 3 times so please do not be angry at me because I passed and you did not. I just love swatting down rookies.



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Passed not past, OMG


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F.U. gotabimer.......I made a typo...sorry I'm not perfect!



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Please take the time out and look at what similar *******s were saying in 2009. You will see NotASgtYet comes from a long line of *******s who like to start stupid rumors. Dont listen to this 40yr old virgin who comes on here trying to get attention because he cant get any anywhere else. You are a loser.


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f.u margaret80 you been since day 1 writing bullcrap rumors remember the post you had the first week about the TEST GETTING THROWN OUT NOW YOU ARE HERE WRITTING MORE BULL CRAP ABOUT THE LIST GETTING CUT OFF.....YOU FAT SKUNK...and yes u did have a post the 1st week dont deny it thats why i know you are just a troll

-- Edited by gotabimer on Tuesday 15th of November 2011 03:59:33 AM

-- Edited by gotabimer on Tuesday 15th of November 2011 04:01:02 AM


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I never said the test was getting thrown out. I was nervous about it getting thrown out because of the information what was floating around. I don't have to explain myself to you, you fat fuk.


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gotabimer trying to get his 1/2 point from the run.  Lay off those cheese burgers your fat fuk.


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Post Info TOPIC: test may be thrown out!!!!!!!!!!


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Date: October 20th
 test may be thrown out!!!!!!!!!!
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I have had a knot in my stomach for the past few months getting ready for this exam. I put everything I had into it. In the weeks leading up to the exam I became so stressed. It started to effect my health and it even effected my monthly cycle. Now just when I think after the exam, things would go back to normal for me, I hear from everywhere that this exam might get tossed. I can't take this crap anymore!!!!! It's not fair to the ones who studied hard and put an honest effort into it and who didn't cheat. All I know is, I deserve to be promoted and I shouldn't have to feel stress after the exam is over!!!!!

-- Edited by gotabimer on Tuesday 15th of November 2011 04:09:10 AM

-- Edited by gotabimer on Tuesday 15th of November 2011 04:09:44 AM


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thats what you wrote troll


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9 passed at my command. Up from 5 last exam.


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Yes I wrote that I've been hearing from everyone that the test will get thrown out. I didn't make any proclamation that it was going to happen. I was sick to my stomach at the thought. Why the hell would I want it thrown out. Go move the fat from your eyelids and re-read what I actually wrote fatback.



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Only 1 passed in my command.....


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bigfoot45 wrote:
margaret80 wrote:

I got an 81!!! But so far 31 people in my command passed. 22 of them are 80 and above and 13 got at least a 90. Now I'm gonna be worried if I actually make a list. You can pass but also not be on a list because it's too many people.

This person's command must be next door to DCAS.  31 passers?  13 with a 90? I think people will die on this list too but come on.  This post has troll, Ogre, and Shrek written all over it.  Time to go back under your bridge.  The billy goats are coming.

 I AGREE, BS 31!


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I work in a huge command mamabear. One of the biggest in the entire dept. I'm sure the numbers in my command are probably inline with other commands based on the amt of people we have.



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Large Marge I work in a big command too. As of now I know of 9 who passed and 2 at 69


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I am trying to get a real accurate count


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My command has just under 200 cops.  We have 9 that passed and one with a 69.



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Yeah, this list will most likely have a legit 1200 to 1400 names. If you got an 80 or over youll be in the top 700 is my updated guess.  Everyone gets made even if it takes the full four years.


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my command has 50 cops 6 passed..85,83,87,70,76,73,69,73

-- Edited by gotabimer on Tuesday 15th of November 2011 05:41:04 PM

-- Edited by gotabimer on Tuesday 15th of November 2011 05:42:33 PM

-- Edited by gotabimer on Wednesday 16th of November 2011 08:12:08 AM



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gotabimer wrote:

my command has 50 cops 8 passed

 Damn, thats a really high percentage.  Do you remeber their scores


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My command has over 250 cops and i know of at least 17 that have passed.



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Do you remeber any of the scores?


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bigfoot45 wrote:

Do you remeber any of the scores?

 7 of the 17 scored 80 or above. 


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margaret80 wrote:

gotabimer trying to get his 1/2 point from the run.  Lay off those cheese burgers your fat fuk.

 So true, a lot of people here talk a big game, but when they get to that wall it's a different story, very funny to watch. It's also a scary thought to know most cant get over a measly wall if their  partner's life depended on it. Stop doing it up at the Caridad and wendy's or having 3 course meals during your tour.


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i heard fat belly margaret80 was in 3 leftover classes because she fake a lod in the academy when she found out she couldn't get over the wall...that looser

-- Edited by gotabimer on Tuesday 15th of November 2011 06:45:37 PM


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gotabimer wrote:

i heard fat belly margaret80 was in 3 leftover classes because she fake a lod in the academy when she found out she couldn't get over the wall...that looser

-- Edited by gotabimer on Tuesday 15th of November 2011 06:45:37 PM



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Patrol = Failure wrote:
margaret80 wrote:

I'm sorry i made a typo. 12 are in the 80's meaning 80-89 and 13 in the 90's. the rest in the 70's. Total so far in my command 31 passed with 70 and above. There is no need for your nasty language. People can make a typo when they type quick.

 How is this affecting your monthly cycle Margaret? I'm concerned.



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My command has about 250 300 cops and about 17 have passed... Last test about 20 passed.. I don't see much of a difference.. Still think the 10% will pass who took this test

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