RISING STAR ! The ultimate source to ace your NYPD Sergeant, Lieutenant, and Captain Exam Visit www.RisingStarPromotion.com to subscribe to our mailing list and get info on the next Sgt, Lt. or Captain Exam!
Doubt anyone at top pay as a cop with time on will take this test now that the PBA settled their new contract. As of August 1, 2009, top pay cop will make about 91,000 with base pay, longevity, uniform and holiday pay, alittle overtime and your at 100,000 easily. Guaranteed motivation to study or even take it goes way down. Best guess is less than 3,000 take the test and probably 400 pass, so good luck to those studying. Score a 70 and you might be in the top 300 on 09 test.
When you see me coming best get out of my way cause the pendulm is swingin' back the other way
This is good for everyone, because pay for sergeants will most likely go up as well. They wont have base pay for top cop at 76,000 and base top pay for sergeant at 72,000.
if this contract came out last yr I honestly wouldn't have study.
Same feeling here jagged. If this came out last summer, my motivation would be in the toilet. Last year cops were making 59,588 at top pay and sgt. starting around 77,000 with longevity. Now, once again, its a minmal raise for the first few years to become a sgt. before you make the big jump.
When you see me coming best get out of my way cause the pendulm is swingin' back the other way
I think cops are going to be less motivated to take the sgt test, but if you have less than 15 years on, i dont see a reason why you should not take the test. If the city can't get cops to take the test then they are going to give the sgts more money to make it attractive like they did with the last contract... "Always remember its a bosses job!"....
Well,....in my opinion, I think that after this contract gets ratified, I really think people are going to reconsider their options of taking a PROMOTIONAL EXAM. Lets face it! Who wants more responsibility? Sgt., Lt. & Captain are by far not bad gigs and are prestigious positions,.. However, does accountability, stress over others productivity amongst other issue in being a first line supervisor all the way up through an excecutive manager outweigh your own personnal accountability in this Department? Didn't think so. I still want to make boss because in the long run I will make more money,......In the end it is all about what drives you!!!