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New SBA Contract

Will Vinny take out an ad in the Chief Leader next??


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Most sergeants dont live at home with their parents.we all have mortgages, kids, bills, looking to buy a house, thinking about having kids, weddingsetc..things to pay for. 3 years is more than enough time of negotiating. 3 years of no contract while every other rank has one is unacceptable. Times up vinnie



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This union is complete shit but for those of you who are saying to take this deal, the hell is wrong with you people? You are the same people that would vote on 1% raise's just so you can pay your credit card debt with the dogshit retro. The proposal does not fix the compression issue for the future. The 3.25% raise which would be in effect retroactively on 12/10/21 would be pushed back until 04/25/2022 (losing 4 months and 15 days
of retro), a two month contract extension which is essentially zero's for two months (last contract had 3 months and 9 days of 0's, if you add these two months of 0's you are looking at half a damn year with no raise aka garbage). No retro for Sergeants promoted between 1/1/23 and 12/9/24. I know most of you don't give a shit about the new Sergeants but then at the same time you expect the Union and new sergeants to give a shit about you? No sergeant should forfeit retro in any capacity. Remember, eventually those guys will run this rank and hang us out to dry the first chance they can if you go an screw them at the first chance you can (remember we already tried to screw them, and did screw some of them, in the past with adding a 6th step). Newly promoted Sergeants forfeiting 2 days for the first 5 years in rank... To me that sounds like they mean 10 days over a 5 year span (2 per year). Why the hell does anyone have to forfeit any days? The union should be getting us more vacation time with how stressful this damned rank is, not less days. I still never understood why none of these unions fight for more vacation time, as if 27 days is something that can't ever be changed. Hire a panel of doctors that can paint the picture of time off from work (vacation time) and its affect on mental health and bring it into negotiations. Now half of you on here keep talking about getting us to top pay in exchange for giving back all of these things, where in that pamphlet does it say anyone would be going to top pay? Absolutely no where.

Why, like our last contract, should we have givebacks. We are in this position because of what has happened in the past (caving to the city). The other unions gave back nothing and so should we. Also, my delegate said no one showed up to protest at the last meeting. A little disappointed in those who claimed they were going, they were going to make noise etc. All bullshit artist's just like Vallelong an Co. I don't know what the proper course of action is going forward but this proposal by the city is definitely not it.


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^^^ I think thats Vinny.


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Sba/or we should be posting on X everyday tagging everyone. Get a front page add on the NY Post.


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AMNY is not it, it gets about as many reads as the Spring 3100. Had the Daily Snooze or the Post picked it up I could have seen this getting some traction, I am pretty sure AMNY is used by the homeless to stay warm in the winter.

The offer from the City was garbage, but the fact that this was the absolute best thing the SBA could muster up is pathetic. Sleepy Vin and the Useless VP had shown that they cant bring us a contract. Please do not think that they have a line to the Mayor, or even the news. These guys are pretty awful.

We are at the mercy of the City and for some reason I think they have other things going on at the moment.


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We dont all agree on it but if this is the citys best & last offer, it should be put to vote for us to decide if we keep fighting or accept it. We have that right as union members.


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wtf does that even mean "this is the city's last offer"? Is the city going to drop an atom bomb on us if we don't surrender?

Why doesn't Vinny want to go to PERB?

In all honesty, it sounds like this is the deal they worked out with the city long ago, probably has some kind of corruption involved, and Vinny made us stew for months/years so that we'd desperately take whatever he threw out there.


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The issue is that as someone else mentioned before everyones financial obligations are different. We shouldnt just bend over and take it, however the city can wait this thing out for years and they would not give a shit. Unless we were talking about zeroes or layoffs were eventually going to have to come to terms that this problem has been compounding from previous contracts. Is not like were buying a car and tell the guy Ill just go next door and give him my business instead.


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6 months of zeroes. Fuck you. If we agree to this contract whats to stop zeroes being offered in every contract going forward. Too many scabs willing to bend over and say thank you. But then again this will probably pass with 80% if not better and thats why well continue getting shit down the road. Too many people who see the short gains and dont look at the long game.



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Tier3scum wrote:

6 months of zeroes. Fuck you. If we agree to this contract whats to stop zeroes being offered in every contract going forward. Too many scabs willing to bend over and say thank you. But then again this will probably pass with 80% if not better and thats why well continue getting shit down the road. Too many people who see the short gains and dont look at the long game.

 Its a 20-25 year career brotha. Cant afford to stay out of contract for half of it or more. People are hurting. SBA clearly isnt capable of getting us a good contract. That much is clear. Perb is how long of a process? Just to be 3 years out of contract when it finally settles. I understand everyones frustrations. This shit sucks and we all deserve a lot more than this But more damage is done by sitting around waiting, not getting any raises. I begged people to vote no to the last contract. Gave up a step to top pay for nothing. SBA never should have presented that contract. It was atrocious. And thanks to that, we are in this predicament now. City has us by the balls and they know it. Only one who doesnt seem to know that is good ol Vinnie. 


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Where you are in your financially may be very different then where I am. As much as I respect the fact you have the means to continue to fight for something better, you have to respect the fact someone like me doesnt.


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Tier3scum wrote:

6 months of zeroes. Fuck you. If we agree to this contract whats to stop zeroes being offered in every contract going forward. Too many scabs willing to bend over and say thank you. But then again this will probably pass with 80% if not better and thats why well continue getting shit down the road. Too many people who see the short gains and dont look at the long game.

 Our last contract had zeroes in it and added a year to top pay. No one cared about zeroes then and we should have waited for the PBA to settle at that point. Contract passed with flying colors. Why would the city not add zeroes again when Vinny took zeroes last time?


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Go to SBA website, click on the Hispanic heritage photo on top and see comments. Lol

-- Edited by Judy Ruliani on Tuesday 17th of September 2024 02:04:04 AM


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SBA doesn't allow comments on their instagram posts anymore.


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So when do we find out what the SBA plans to do next?



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2025 Most Likely. Your more likely to watch the Super bowl before you see a contract

-- Edited by Taketheday on Tuesday 17th of September 2024 01:07:11 PM


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Hahaha- in their eyes you got more than they needed to give you.

Ill be honest- Im not expecting anything before next summer. I have the money and am not doing what is logically the right thing to do (wait until they sign). Im taking the promotion at a loss and going to step 2 losing $75k over two years and potentially $10k in retro at a higher scale- trust me, the math, maths for me. I have over 20 and pissed This is all to GTF out of this shit union. Vinny and the rest of the board are a bunch of incompetent morons.


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In his eyes vinnie thinks he bought himself another year or two with that contract update and bullshit negotiation timeline that looks like one of his kids prepared it for him.



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FYI : Justin Brannan says the city collected 33 million more this year up 4.4 % totaling 793 million.


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The AM & the Chief. Real great media outlets. What a waste. Put that shit in the NYPOST or have a segment on NBC News, then come talk to me.


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GangGreenMets wrote:

Will Vinny take out an ad in the Chief Leader next??

 Well, you called it!


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Im not happy to be right about this lmao

If Vinnys plan was AMNY and the Chief Leader he may as well just sign the contract. Nobody reads those outlets, and the few who do probably do not care. That was a complete waste of money.

-- Edited by GangGreenMets on Wednesday 18th of September 2024 06:26:46 PM



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The quickest way this get solved is go visit Trump at his city residence. Don't worry there is no security, and let him know of this criminal pay disparity for him to talk about.


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DeptIsaJoke wrote:

The quickest way this get solved is go visit Trump at his city residence. Don't worry there is no security, and let him know of this criminal pay disparity for him to talk about.

 Come on now lets not get crazy


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AMNY and the Chief are comical. Not a single person of substance reads any of those papers. I took a look at the Chief when an old timer told me to skim that to find a city job (I dont think he knew how to use a computer).

Since these bafoons read the site, you were a little late to the game and you chose a horrible outlet. The longer you guys are unable to connect with anyone, the worse this impacts us.

Please consider doing the patriotic thing and stepping down.

The Uncle


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UncleC69 wrote:

AMNY and the Chief are comical. Not a single person of substance reads any of those papers. I took a look at the Chief when an old timer told me to skim that to find a city job (I dont think he knew how to use a computer).

Since these bafoons read the site, you were a little late to the game and you chose a horrible outlet. The longer you guys are unable to connect with anyone, the worse this impacts us.

Please consider doing the patriotic thing and stepping down.

The Uncle

 I was told to look at the chief for the same thing, I think it was 2006 or 2007. That was the first and last time I had ever read it. 


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The only way the post or the daily news will run with this story is if we tell them were sitting down with Caban at Con Sofrito to negotiate a deal.


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Im not going to tell you how to do your job but here are a few tips:

1- You need controversy- figure out a way to jump on a sensitive, media worthy incident like the subway shooting the other day and make some polarizing statements. Then start your campaign on the clout and platform youll have.

2- If you didnt know, You represent us. Speak to the Mayor- if you cant get to the Mayor, speak to him through an outlet that can. It isnt rocket science.

3- Looking at the numbers- losing $15000 in salary and interest is a lot worse than losing $1500 in retro. Youre holding out for Pennies. Even the retro is depreciating at a rate that essentially makes it a total fucking loss. A 20k retro a year ago is worth 6 percent less now. Use your head. And if you dont know how to do that, use your heart.

4- People will always complain- you should know this if you ever managed a squad. You can promote someone to specialist and theyll complain about the new tax bracket. Sign the contract and understand that the compression issue can be fixed in the next one as long as you get them above PO salary.

5- You need to plan ahead. Dont wait this long to do something about a contract. Waiting this long has down stream affects that impact kids, wives, mortgages, morale, psychological wellbeing, careers, decisions etc.

6- If you havent read the room yet, you may need to pull the ole Caban and resign bud. You have failed and frankly, are not good at your job.

Respectfully and with no faith,

Your broke brother in policing,

35 a month (without a contract and inflation I may have to be 50 a month)

-- Edited by 35amonth on Thursday 19th of September 2024 11:53:30 AM


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A lot of great 1 liners here! There is so much more that can be added here. It is pathetic that the union is getting very basic but solid financial advice from a Homer Simpson avatar!

Sign the contract dipshit.



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Hahahahahahahaha! Fantastic

Respectfully and with no faith,

Your broke brother in policing,

35 a month (without a contract and inflation I may have to be 50 a month)


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This union works with absolutely no sense of urgency. Theyre all at top pay, making extra % for union responsibilities, and have absolutely no sense of getting it done for those suffering. I wish he really would step down. I would never vote for him.


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Till we get this thing settled I guess is AKA Vinny Vaseline .


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Vinnie Noshlong


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Vinny Limpshlong


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So what is Vinnys plan now? Take out two ads in two lame duck papers and call it a day? Anybody know when the next meeting is?



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Did everyone go to previous meeting? Was anyone allowed to speak? I'm guessing noone went.


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There is no plan. If they halt promotions then theres no new SGTs going to top pay. Which means city isnt losing money but also Vinnie Limpdick isnt gaining votes. Hell keep holding off.


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There were a few people there, mostly delegates. I wish more showed up.

For anyone wondering, Vinny has no plan. And honestly, its not his fault that he has no idea whats going on.He wasnt even voted in. He just took advantage of the Mullins disaster, and since the spineless directors were scared of him he was allowed to slither to the top.

If Vinnys grand plan was to let 1,400 sergeants get screwed by the city, leave us without a contract for three years, and then take out an ad in AMNY, we are in some serious trouble.

Vinny, do the patriotic thing and step down. Its not personal, its business. Youre in way over your head.


The Uncle



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What a complete disaster


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I like how a union of 5,000 and not one person steps up to take charge and out Vinny or his team of cronies. Im sure you all know someone who works for the daily news or the post, spill some beans and be a leader. Everyone likes to hide under the radar and no one wants to make a splash. If thats the case, then you deserve your no contract and your 97K a year salary because no one is fighting for you. Vinny is a piece of crap. The whole team is corrupt. I heard Vinny been taking bribes right along with Eric Adams


awe come on Peg!

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Had a meeting with Vinny and like 20-30 other sgts. I can confirm he has no plan. I understand how we got here, he misplayed his hand. It happens. I cant say I would have done better. The first relevant date to keep an eye on is when the PBAs deal is up which is sometime next year. The best way to make sure this doesnt happen next go round is to negotiate in tandem with the PBA.



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Just assume this is not getting settled until next year. Or beyond but even then thats if the PBA sits down and actually settles in 2025, we may have to wait closer to end of 2026 after another 1500 SGT are sent straight to top pay while everyone else is stuck at 97,000. Its just clear incompetence and just reflects how poorly our union has handled this.


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Its clear the city & the SBA have decided whats best for them is to sacrifice 1400 SGTs. In their minds, ppl are going to get promoted or retire & that # will dwindle down & each passing month theyll give a shit less. This union can truly, undoubtedly, can go fuck itself.


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No1isbetter wrote:

Its clear the city & the SBA have decided whats best for them is to sacrifice 1400 SGTs. In their minds, ppl are going to get promoted or retire & that # will dwindle down & each passing month theyll give a shit less. This union can truly, undoubtedly, can go fuck itself.

 Seems like they have no choice but to leave those sergeants hanging. That, or agree to givebacks that will impact all sergeants indefinitely. 


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Its alot harder for me to care about those promoted here on out, when they didnt give a fuck about me when they sold me out for a 5th step in 2021 & they still dont give a fuck about me now while Im stuck at $97k. So give backs are fine with me.


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GangGreenMets wrote:

So what is Vinnys plan now? Take out two ads in two lame duck papers and call it a day? Anybody know when the next meeting is?

 Next SBA meeting is Thursday October 24



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Bklynsouth3020 wrote:

Had a meeting with Vinny and like 20-30 other sgts. I can confirm he has no plan. I understand how we got here, he misplayed his hand. It happens. I cant say I would have done better. The first relevant date to keep an eye on is when the PBAs deal is up which is sometime next year. The best way to make sure this doesnt happen next go round is to negotiate in tandem with the PBA.

Which is what people told him to his face back in 2021, wait for the PBA. He misplayed his hand and actively ignored obvious advice to build upon the settled financial terms of the PBA agreement. The honorable thing to do is to RESIGN due to this incompetence. 


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There is no way we can wait a year. Another year of Vinny sitting on his ass waiting is unacceptable.


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The SBA overplayed its hand. They really put us in a bad situation. The last contract put us back and since they really have no connections to anyone were at the mercy of the city.

Time to start a movement to get Vinny to step down.. and that certainly doesnt mean to replace him with the VP. Get everyone off the current board

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