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Post Info TOPIC: List will be out Jan 5

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List will be out Jan 5

Never forget the 9 heroes !


The end is near,..good luck to all!,...

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Papi825 & Ltcara said the same thing. I wonder if its true.


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Wheres this coming from ?


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WhiteCastleCop wrote:

Never forget the 9 heroes !

 Bro go back to trolling in the Captains forum. Notice how the Sgt forum has actually been civil. Find something better to occupy your time with, fucking loser.


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countryroads wrote:
WhiteCastleCop wrote:

Never forget the 9 heroes !

 Bro go back to trolling in the Captains forum. Notice how the Sgt forum has actually been civil. Find something better to occupy your time with, fucking loser.

 Relax its the holidays 


The end is near,..good luck to all!,...

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skelgel wrote:

Papi825 & Ltcara said the same thing. I wonder if its true.

 Someone I know told me the list will be coming out late January. That being said, I dont know how legit his info is. So I cant say that for certain. In my honest opinion, it seems like its a bit early, but you never know. Ill remain optimistic lol 


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last sgt list came out end of the year, close to new years if i remember correctly


No stripes. No gripes.

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VetteCop wrote:

last sgt list came out end of the year, close to new years if i remember correctly

 Yes, and it was 10 months after the test (test was February)


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countryroads wrote:
VetteCop wrote:

last sgt list came out end of the year, close to new years if i remember correctly

 Yes, and it was 10 months after the test (test was February)

 christmas miracle for many... lol


hopefully the same for this test


No stripes. No gripes.

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Yanosik said the other day too he expects January or February. 


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Papi825 wrote:
skelgel wrote:

Papi825 & Ltcara said the same thing. I wonder if its true.

 Someone I know told me the list will be coming out late January. That being said, I dont know how legit his info is. So I cant say that for certain. In my honest opinion, it seems like its a bit early, but you never know. Ill remain optimistic lol 

 Yanosik said the other day too he expects January or February. 


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I pray it does happen soon, the faster the ball gets rolling the better it is for us.


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I just wonder if they are gunna want a big list and curve this like they did the captains


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dc88rs wrote:

Yanosik said the other day too he expects January or February. 

 Who cares what that ne'er-do-well has to say. I wouldn't believe anything from an instructor unless it came from God King Mifsud. Long Live the chosen one!


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RamJamFlamSong wrote:
dc88rs wrote:

Yanosik said the other day too he expects January or February. 

 Who cares what that ne'er-do-well has to say. I wouldn't believe anything from an instructor unless it came from God King Mifsud. Long Live the chosen one!

 misfud was def on the money with this exam. I took elite and I did well. But I Supplemented with some of the key stuff and bro the key was spot on. 


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dc88rs wrote:

Yanosik said the other day too he expects January or February. 

 You reached out to him and that was his opinion, or did he say a reasoning behind this?


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Passit100 wrote:

I just wonder if they are gunna want a big list and curve this like they did the captains

 I am almost certain that there will be a big list established. Our exam had a lot of messed up things going on. either throwouts or curve I am sure the job will establish a big list and continue with the new tradition of not having a new exam until the current one either is exhausted or dies out.



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skelgel wrote:
Passit100 wrote:

I just wonder if they are gunna want a big list and curve this like they did the captains

 I am almost certain that there will be a big list established. Our exam had a lot of messed up things going on. either throwouts or curve I am sure the job will establish a big list and continue with the new tradition of not having a new exam until the current one either is exhausted or dies out.

 The last sgts exam scheduling and test was an atrocity. The job wants 4 years lists now. 


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skelgel wrote:
dc88rs wrote:

Yanosik said the other day too he expects January or February. 

 You reached out to him and that was his opinion, or did he say a reasoning behind this?

 He commented it on his instagram. The other day when he posted congrats to the people who made the capt list someone responded on the post and said any word on sgt list? And he responded and said no I expect January or february so I guess well see. 


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RamJamFlamSong wrote:
dc88rs wrote:

Yanosik said the other day too he expects January or February. 

 Who cares what that ne'er-do-well has to say. I wouldn't believe anything from an instructor unless it came from God King Mifsud. Long Live the chosen one!

 Take it easy man, Im a Key guy too. Im just telling you what I read lmao


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dc88rs wrote:
skelgel wrote:
dc88rs wrote:

Yanosik said the other day too he expects January or February. 

 You reached out to him and that was his opinion, or did he say a reasoning behind this?

 He commented it on his instagram. The other day when he posted congrats to the people who made the capt list someone responded on the post and said any word on sgt list? And he responded and said no I expect January or february so I guess well see. 

 oh ok cool. thanks for sharing that. for them it comes with a little more credibility lol



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Has to come out soon because the 2017 list is dying. Department needs to have a sergeant list. Can survive without lieutenants, but definitely need sergeants.



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Protest for the makeup is Jan 7. So whoever is saying Jan 5 is nonsense.



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I havent heard anything. As soon as I do I will post.


The end is near,..good luck to all!,...


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Speaking of Protest session.when do you think the results of the protest sessions in September will be finalized? I check DCAS Dashboard every so often to see if the raw score has changed. I think the Captains protest was finished pretty quick, obviously a lot less people took it so far fewer protested questions. Anybody have any estimates? There has to be several of the BS questions thrown out.


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Mike, stop fishing for info for your class


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There are multiple dates for make up test. Make up test will not hold back list from being established at this point. the captains list was established and expedited. There are make up testers on captains exam that passed but are not on list yet because they are still within 30 days post protest review period. But they will be added later.

Ultimately it comes down to when department is ready for new list as captains list proves.

2017 list expires within the month of January, they have some passovers that will get promoted for the month. New list i can see coming out March/April after the Lts exam.

-- Edited by 28approved on Thursday 29th of December 2022 02:23:40 PM


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Yano the clowno. I have it on good authority those passovers, we're passed over.


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28approved wrote:

There are multiple dates for make up test. Make up test will not hold back list from being established at this point. the captains list was established and expedited. There are make up testers on captains exam that passed but are not on list yet because they are still within 30 days post protest review period. But they will be added later.

Ultimately it comes down to when department is ready for new list as captains list proves.

2017 list expires within the month of January, they have some passovers that will get promoted for the month. New list i can see coming out March/April after the Lts exam.

-- Edited by 28approved on Thursday 29th of December 2022 02:23:40 PM

 The problem is that Sgt vacancies are insanely high. In fact, Sgt vacancies are currently higher than Captain vacancies in terms of percentage of the total rank. This may force the dept to rush the list, similar to how the Captains list was rushed.



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I believe a list drop will be soon and 93 and above will be eligible to take the LT test.


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Troll account

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Tomorrow is the 5th. Are we getting a list?


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Highly doubt it. The original poster is a troll.


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Na lmao



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What time is this List droppin today??



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-- Edited by brooklynbacon on Friday 6th of January 2023 01:58:53 AM



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I guess Im his defense he didnt specify what Year.

Jan 5, 2024 is a possibility.

Keep studying. Stay focused. Stay motivated. Until next time


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Did anyone hear list will drop tomorrow?


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Oh lets hear this rumor


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Na bro, didnt hear anything about the list tomorrow lol



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Awesome! What time exactly?  Ill set my alarms. 


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Follow forum rules and guidelines. hit the books for the next one rookies


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passit is usually good with the info. whats up bro what more do you have for us??


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Scores still haven't been updated on the DCAS dashboard to reflect protested questions. We are still miles away from seeing this list. Stop with the nonsense.


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countryroads wrote:

Scores still haven't been updated on the DCAS dashboard to reflect protested questions. We are still miles away from seeing this list. Stop with the nonsense.

 Captains scores aren't updated and that list was released weeks ago. 


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Their throwouts questions got updated like a month ago. Those who passed before the curve gained a point or two on the DCAS dashboard.



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CappedOut wrote:
countryroads wrote:

Scores still haven't been updated on the DCAS dashboard to reflect protested questions. We are still miles away from seeing this list. Stop with the nonsense.

 Captains scores aren't updated and that list was released weeks ago. 

 Are you sure about that? Going based off the Captains forum, check the thread titled "Score change" from Nov 1st. Folks reported that their raw score increased.


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its been a while since we got anything concrete from them. Has anyone reached out to dcas for any updates? I emailed them about two weeks ago and no response. 


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skelgel wrote:

its been a while since we got anything concrete from them. Has anyone reached out to dcas for any updates? I emailed them about two weeks ago and no response. 

 Yes, they just send a generic response along the lines of "lists are established anytime up to 2 years after test dates." They don't provide any concrete information.


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atleast you got a reply lol. I have a feeling it probably will get established soon, but no promotions off of it until after the Lt exam. How lonng could they really go without a class of sgts? tops maybe 2 months id think but i am guessing.

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