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July 2022

Let the games begin!


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2317 is where they left off just to answer your question from the June thread. Good Luck! 


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Still on a track to finish this list, but just barely. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst


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Ticonderoga wrote:

Still on a track to finish this list, but just barely. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst

 I agree, at this point I cant see them cutting the list but nothing is guaranteed. I hope we all make it!


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If Im on vacation can I still get promoted



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Helloall wrote:

If Im on vacation can I still get promoted

 Yes. You just go in to personnel and pick your shield up when you return. Call them. 



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Been lurking a long time. Hopeful late July is finally the month. With the new fiscal year, I'm hopeful they put in a decent sized class and get more of us promoted, as the one this week for June only added 10 Sgts after accounting for Lt promotions



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SaltyCrimeGuy wrote:

2317 is where they left off just to answer your question from the June thread. Good Luck! 

 They left off at 2320. 2319 resigned and the guy before him got made on this promo.

-- Edited by Futureauxiliary on Thursday 23rd of June 2022 01:54:03 PM


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Ok thank you! Nice to finally have a 1 in front of how many names away I am lol


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what do we think? another 60 for July? seems to be the trend


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VetteCop wrote:

what do we think? another 60 for July? seems to be the trend

 Thats what im thinking. 60 every month until list is done. Well see if July breaks the 60 sgts trend.


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We heard about this class since May. Has anyone heard any chatter about what the plan is going forward?



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I know its early but has anyone heard anything ?


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Futureauxiliary wrote:

I know its early but has anyone heard anything ?

 I havent heard anything but I just signed up for the LTs classes. Hopefully it works out and I get promoted to SGT first and didnt just waste $800 lol



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Damn future, how far away are you now? I feel like your always one class away. I'm praying for you.



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yougonow wrote:

Damn future, how far away are you now? I feel like your always one class away. I'm praying for you.

 I been here with you guys since day 1 of this exam. I still have about 120 names ahead.


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You got this brotheryou will get promoted


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Sosmoney1134 wrote:

You got this brotheryou will get promoted

 How do you feel about 190 names away lol? 



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SaltyCrimeGuy wrote:
Sosmoney1134 wrote:

You got this brotheryou will get promoted

 How do you feel about 190 names away lol? 

 I think we should be good!



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Hearing July class is being planned no concrete numbers as of yet if I hear anything new I will post.
I honestly think with 360 names left and the fact they already finished the captains list which was one of the 3 lists that were extended I think they would most likely finish them all. Just my opinion


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Futureauxiliary wrote:
SaltyCrimeGuy wrote:
Sosmoney1134 wrote:

You got this brotheryou will get promoted

 How do you feel about 190 names away lol? 

 I think we should be good!

 again I believe they exhaust the list.. Think of it this way they have 7 months left... even if they do say 3 promotions, one of them is bound to be in the 150's, maybe more.. Again all speculation - but with the vacancies and no new sgt's list yet there really is no reason to not exhaust the entire list. The July class, if there is one, will be a good barometer.

-- Edited by VetteCop on Wednesday 29th of June 2022 05:44:23 PM


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We will be in the same bmoc for sure.

-- Edited by UnAvailable777 on Wednesday 29th of June 2022 06:52:35 PM



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End of July would be a solid class for 100. Recruits graduated, FTU Sgts assigned, a lot of backfilling to do. I do feel a July class would definitely set a tone moving forward. Next recruits graduated October, Id hate to see the job wait til then to pump out classes, if they do, then thats when youll see the 100+ back to back.


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Hearing some rumblings about a July class. Possibly 80 SGTs/60 LTs. No idea if my source is accurate or not but there you go



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tunnelrodent wrote:

Hearing some rumblings about a July class. Possibly 80 SGTs/60 LTs. No idea if my source is accurate or not but there you go

 Way too early to hear numbers.   


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Is there anywhere to buy a patrol guide? I would like to start reading do any classes sell their books?



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cop wrote:

Is there anywhere to buy a patrol guide? I would like to start reading do any classes sell their books?

 Go on your job phone, portal, department manual. You can also ask yanosik to grant you access to his elite PG.



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Rumor from Elite is that filing date for Lt Exam is expected to be December. Exam expected to be March/April


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Its not a rumor. Its posted on DCAS web site.



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Anyone on the current Sgt list has an excellent chance at getting promoted as this filing date/period and prospective exam date of march/april dictates to me that they plan on full exhaustion of this exam in order to promote. Alternatively, the dates of the 2022 Sgt exam also shows that they are shooting for a Jan/Feb list finalization of those who passed to begin promoting them as well.

So with this rambling post, I am just pushing positivity to the ones waiting to get promoted in order to take the LT exam. This is not concrete information at all, just an observation.

Your day WILL come, FUTURE + et. all.

-- Edited by yougonow on Tuesday 5th of July 2022 01:50:31 PM


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Wanted to pass on some information. NYPD labor relations came by BMOC. Two week ago they finally decided to allow the detective service differential to count towards the steps. So if you are a top pay detective collecting service differential, youll go to top pay sgt. You can verify yourself by calling the NYPD labor relations unit.


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Scuba Steve wrote:

Wanted to pass on some information. NYPD labor relations came by BMOC. Two week ago they finally decided to allow the detective service differential to count towards the steps. So if you are a top pay detective collecting service differential, youll go to top pay sgt. You can verify yourself by calling the NYPD labor relations unit.

 This is great news for the detective veterans, and much deserved.


<5 year detectives (which could really be someone with 5.5 - 6 years of investigative experience) still get the shaft, though. Enjoy your $500-$1000 bump in pay then no raise for four years. Hope y'all detectives are studying for LT. Lol


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Any chatter for next class, shit is dry as a desert in here lol!


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Futureauxiliary wrote:

Any chatter for next class, shit is dry as a desert in here lol!

 Not exactly a verified source, but someone I know in the current class said they mentioned they are hearing there will be an August class



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July 29th planned as of now.



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If they mentioned that theyre prepping for another class than take their word as gold. If whoever is in there didnt hear it from the instructors mouth, then its all speculation. An August class would be AMAZING. I understood the struggles in my previous precinct with the shortage but I admit I have a better understanding of it as I experience it for myself.

-- Edited by No1isbetter on Saturday 9th of July 2022 12:54:16 AM


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Tentative July 29th was said by the instructor today



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We need numbers talk



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An instructor from where ?


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From leadership training


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I'm hearing August, but a 7/29 promotion would entail an 8/1 first day of BMOC. So maybe these rumors are on and the same. Either way its looking good. Nobody has any numbers yet as far as I can tell.


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Ive been told 75+ LTs for end of month. Didnt get a number for Sgts. Apparently they want to kill of LT list as they did with Capt.

-- Edited by No1isbetter on Monday 11th of July 2022 12:44:53 PM


Youre all Keyboard Warriors


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No1isbetter wrote:

Ive been told 75+ LTs for end of month. Didnt get a number for Sgts. Apparently they want to kill of LT list as they did with Capt.

-- Edited by No1isbetter on Monday 11th of July 2022 12:44:53 PM

 Good indication they might put 100+ sgts also. (my opinion)

-- Edited by Futureauxiliary on Monday 11th of July 2022 01:52:09 PM


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Anybody know the rest of the tentative promo dates for the remainder of the year? I know it's planned in advance. There's definitely some type of print out, but it's guarded like the crowned jewels.


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VetteCop wrote:

Anybody know the rest of the tentative promo dates for the remainder of the year? I know it's planned in advance. There's definitely some type of print out, but it's guarded like the crowned jewels.

 Its not guarded.  Go and ask Personnel.   The dates mean nothing. They are tentative and are barely followed.   


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Semp1 wrote:
VetteCop wrote:

Anybody know the rest of the tentative promo dates for the remainder of the year? I know it's planned in advance. There's definitely some type of print out, but it's guarded like the crowned jewels.

 Its not guarded.  Go and ask Personnel.   The dates mean nothing. They are tentative and are barely followed.   

 Pretty sure every date that's actually been a promotion this year - was on that list 


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VetteCop wrote:
Semp1 wrote:
VetteCop wrote:

Anybody know the rest of the tentative promo dates for the remainder of the year? I know it's planned in advance. There's definitely some type of print out, but it's guarded like the crowned jewels.

 Its not guarded.  Go and ask Personnel.   The dates mean nothing. They are tentative and are barely followed.   

 Pretty sure every date that's actually been a promotion this year - was on that list 

 It hasn't used every date on that list though.  They are all tentative and barely followed in the end.  Meaning half the times there's no class and the other half the week is changed.  



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Letsss fucking goooo 18 more days for July 29!! Maybe another 2 weeks for the finest!!



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Hearing decent size class for LT this month. Do not know numbers Im sure sgts are to follow. 

-- Edited by Semp1 on Tuesday 12th of July 2022 07:24:17 PM

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