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Post Info TOPIC: Executive Meeting w/ DCAS on 3/22/18


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Executive Meeting w/ DCAS on 3/22/18

Fellow Future LTs,

Let me preface this by saying Ive been a member of these boards since I was preparing for my sergeants exam. Im no troll, and I can only confirm pieces of these rumors that began to spread like wildfire yesterday. It is clear that something took place concerning not only our exam, but prior ones and future ones.  I dont know the full extent, and keep in mind that maybe, this (hopefully) means nothing. I truly hope I can look back on this in a few months and laugh when I see my score is exactly what I expect it to be. But, if any disparity exists score wise, or if the list balloons without explanation, (as happened with the sergeants test), it may be attributed to this. I believe the 70 is passing rule is no longer the case. This may effect no one, or everyone. As far as I know, nothing is on hold. I believe the list will be released as planned, whenever that may be. This only refers to a potential change in the manner which exams are graded, differing from what we're used to (not an error or mistake, just a difference in methodology). Keep that all in mind with a grain of salt.

As was many of you, I was f**cked on the 2015 exam, barely missing the mark. To those of you who are in the same boat, only we can understand how hard it was to stomach that process, and to have to see scammers and other people say study harder, which anyone who took that exam knows would have done nothing to change that score. Those who were screwed in both 2011 & 2015, I salute you. Id have likely given up by then.

Starting with the 2017 Sergeant Exam, finally, it seemed, fair exams would once again be the norm. Make it insanely hard if you wish, but make it fair. Later, we would see that list released with over 2,600 names on it. Unheard of in recent memory. How is it that some of those who failed with a 65 and were later told there were a few throw-outs end up in the 70s? How did some gain 10+, and others a few points, if any? Mostly everyone made it. Many picked up points. So why really question it?

Yet, the word of something odd was making its way through the job. How was this even possible? A curve? 10 throw-outs, even though the official amount was way less? I was the first to say BS. I said to myself passing is 70, and if you got over a 70, you made the list. It was just an easier exam and more people want the rank than ever, studied harder, etc. and that was that. Period. No that way after the 2015 debacle, that such a travesty would be allowed to happen again.

Fast forward to yesterday, and several Departmental executives (some sworn, some civilian) meet with DCAS. This included a 3 star and the head of a newly created Bureau. I heard this meeting would take place, but thought nothing of it. Meetings are routine at that level. Then by the time the day ended, the grapevine was in full force, as most rumors are. By the time I heard about it again, it was a completely different story, but it got me thinking.

I'm not a job conspiracy theorist. I don;t think IAB is tracking our every move or that our phone microphones are always on. I am, however, paranoid and a tin-foil hat person when it comes to promotional exams. Again, my 2015 exam mates you know what I mean. I have more faith that ISIS will convert to Judaism than I do in the transparency and legitimacy of this exam process.

Over the years, DCAS has brought in outside help in order to help with exams or a variety city service titles. Thats no real secret. Could they have done it here? It was mentioned briefly after the 2015 LT, but the rumor mill ended there. One of the rumors about yesterdays meeting was that a private contractor was there to talk about, among other things, the LT exam. As a city agency, you cant just hire a company you have to accept bids, proposals, etc.

 I did a quick search of city records online and found an RFP (Request for Proposal) that DCAS put out in order to find a contractor. Its attached here: https://a856-cityrecord.nyc.gov/RequestDetail/20161209001 (go down and click on RFP to view the PDF).

The document outlines what DCAS is looking for as far as this contract is concerned. Take note of the following. Keep in mind that each question on an exam is referred to as an item.

Post-Test Analysis: Section 3, first paragraph:

All administered written examinations must be analyzed for evidence of item validity, measures of test reliability, and evidence that there is the absence of adverse impact for all focal group members of a gender, educational and/or ethnic group.

Post-Test Analysis: Section 3, sub C.

Detailed adverse impact analysis should utilize current professional practice. The analysis should include Statistical Analysis Methods such as the Fisher Exact Test and Non-Statistical Analysis Methods, in particular, the 80% Rule Test are employed to measure whether a test has adverse impact on one or more of the participating focal groups. Differential performance of focal groups on individual test items should also be studied. This analysis should be done with all test items to clearly demonstrate whether any items, in fact, had an adverse impact on any of the participating focal group members. The analysis should be by race, gender, ethnic group, and all combinations thereof. A remedy should then be considered and implemented. A report detailing said analysis and, if applicable, all remedies implemented, is to be submitted to the DCAS Contractor Coordination Group within two (2) months after the test administration date.

Scoring: Section 4 sub. D.

Produce an Item Analysis within two weeks following the date of test administration based on the Proposed Answer Key, and again within two weeks following the determinations of the Test Validation Board based on the Final Answer Key resulting from the review of candidate protests (or as a result of no candidate protests received). The Item Analyses must summarize candidate group performance on the test as a whole and on individual test items, by candidate ethnic and gender self-identification and by total population.

This means questions are to be reviewed a second time AFTER the TVB decision, based on the makeup of those who answered correctly or incorrectly. The anticipated start date for this contract is June 1, 2017. Well before the sergeant exam was ever fully compiled and graded, and well before the LT exam was even administered. Could this contractor have played a role then, and is playing a role now, in ensuring fairness? Based on which members of the service attended this meeting yesterday, Id wager yes.

So, who won the bid? A late inquiry with DCAS yesterday answered that for me: Morris & McDaniel, Inc. won it, at the cost of nearly $1.5 million for 3 years with potential renewal options. Do a quick Google search of them. You'll find their involvement in preparing public safety exams span decades, as does their involvement in lawsuits. Their website claims their methods are tailored to get the types of candidates agencies want, and that such methods can withstand legal challenge.

So, basically, something fishy is going on here. I am trying to get their actual proposal and the contract itself which will hopefully answer more questions. Could I just be crazy? Maybe. Maybe not. This RFP isn't just for PD, its citywide. Maybe its a whole lot of nothing.

My takeaway? 70 and passing is over, and some weighted method is now in place based on what/who the job wants on the list. Time will tell, and we all know how little transparency DCAS exhibits in how they grade exams. Again, I hope I can laugh at this soon.

Graded incorrectly? No, that implies a mistake. Graded differently? I think so. I'll post further if I hear anything credible.

-- Edited by 63ASAP on Friday 23rd of March 2018 01:38:03 PM


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(MY take on what 63ASAP is Saying) The test scores are reviewed to ensure that more "DIVERSITY" is reflected on the list AND IN THE RANKS and then the list is curved or graded, whichever word you prefer,  to make that a reality. And Honestly 63Asap has posted the most informative post I have ever seen since I have been a member of this forum (2008)

-- Edited by Samiam32 on Friday 23rd of March 2018 01:44:18 PM

-- Edited by Samiam32 on Friday 23rd of March 2018 01:51:22 PM



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100% confirmed. This agency was hired to ensure that a legally defensible cut score is set and to ensure that the passing score does not produce disparate racial results in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; rather that the cut score produces results that are reflective of the diversity of the job. This likely means that the questions deemed to produce disparate results in scoring are curved or weighted in a manner that would create more equity among the passing scores.



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70 is still passing.... it just appears that they can manipulate who can get to a 70.  


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we have motive and evidence, the exams are absolutely corrupted


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bigfoot45 wrote:

70 is still passing.... it just appears that they can manipulate who can get to a 70.  

 Then a 70 is not passing. Who you know or what hooks you have is now passing


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first of all stop the bullsh@t the list is not on hold

and stop the assumptions about changing score for diversity that full of Sh&t just do what we do best and be a cop that it

I only see one color and that's Blue

you pass the test so shut the fu#k up and waiting for the list period 

we are worst then perp asking us why we stop them  



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All I have to say is "WOW..."  Good stuff.



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neverAgain wrote:

first of all stop the bullsh@t the list is not on hold

Never said it was. In fact, I stated the contrary.

and stop the assumptions about changing score for diversity that full of Sh&t just do what we do best and be a cop that it

Clearly, not full of it. There is some factual basis to this.

I only see one color and that's Blue

Agreed. Our employer, however, disagrees.

you pass the test so shut the fu#k up and waiting for the list period 


we are worst then perp asking us why we stop them  






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This is CONFIRMED. There are NO assumptions....this is FACT. This is illegal IF it is based on racial/ethnic background which it seems to be. This is blatant discrimination against certain races. We have standing to bring a lawsuit against  the job and DCAS. A person being moved a 100 or so names on the Lts list may cost people several classes before being promoted or possibly not getting promoted if they cut it at the end. People who got more questions wrong will be moved ahead based on certain criteria.

This will even be more exacerbated if you're on the Captains list. 

-- Edited by Nappybkpd on Friday 23rd of March 2018 03:00:21 PM


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Here we go. Now anyone of a certain ethnicity who originally did great is now gonna be looked at like they got a leg up. So much for brotherhood.



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I was in the process of debating whether to post this or not but cat is out of the bag so Ill post it now (I think 63 has already confimed it):

Not trying to start anything but I only repeat what I hear and this is what Im hearing... the mess up could potentially be from the citys attempt to add even more diversity to the top of the PDs ranks. If certain questions have been deemed to have a drastic disparity of people of a certain chosen group not answering it corretly at higher rates in comparison to other groups then a loop hole in law may allow for the question to be thrown out. This could happen even if the question is taken right out of the PG word for word with no gray areas. DCAS may be playing these exams in the same way that has plagued FDNY entry exams since a decade old lawsuit. I hear this may have been done to the Sgts list explaining such a drastic difference in the number of people first reported as passing vs the number of people who actually made the list. I hear they may be trying the same with our Lts list. This has nothing to do with nepotism on our job which btw I hate bc I dont believe un-deserving people deserve better gigs however if true this is no different.

Disclaimer: I never defined the chosen group so you cant cry and complain. Therefore chosen group could be anything: ex. People who like listening to the opera, people who watch the price is right, people who like the beach, people who hate the beach...

Wasnt sure whether to post this or not but I feel people have the right to know. If this is true DCAS needs to be up front and let people know what is happening and cant hide this crap behind closed doors. They should have to disclose what reasoning is used behind the grading and the specific reasons for each question thrown out. Also what laws are they doing this under if found to be true? The standards used to grade these exams need to be made well known publicly and should be established as legal before applied. There has to be an offical disclosure of what will happen bc its not fair to all of us. I hope this gets taken care of quickly.

Also if you have heard the same or have any info to contribute regarding whats happening that could solidify any of this info please do share it on the forum. We need this info out there. Also Im not trying to start a social debate here Im simply repeating what the word on the street is and I love you all equally!


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Nappybkpd wrote:

This is CONFIRMED. There are NO assumptions....this is FACT. This is illegal IF it is based on racial/ethnic background which it seems to be. This is blatant discrimination against certain races. We have standing to bring a lawsuit against  the job and DCAS. A person being moved a 100 or so names on the Lts list may cost people several classes before being promoted or possibly not getting promoted if they cut it at the end. People who got more questions wrong will be moved ahead based on certain criteria.

This will even be more exacerbated if you're on the Captains list. 

-- Edited by Nappybkpd on Friday 23rd of March 2018 03:00:21 PM

Seems like they hired this firm specifically for their track record of beating legal claims.


There's nothing we can do until the scores come out.  


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Not to hijack your forum but DCAS did provide a written explanation as to why questions were thrown out on the Sgts exam. I attended the TVB reading session. Each question received a full blown explanation as to why it was thrown out or why it wasn't. The report was well over 100 pages long.



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Reds wrote:

Not to hijack your forum but DCAS did provide a written explanation as to why questions were thrown out on the Sgts exam. I attended the TVB reading session. Each question received a full blown explanation as to why it was thrown out or why it wasn't. The report was well over 100 pages long.

 If its not a throw-out issue then it may be a point value issue but theres definitely something brewing. Something was done to the Sgts exam and no one knows bc DCAS has not been transparrent. They have an obligation to be transpareent and held accountable for whats happening. These are civil servant exams for crying out loud!



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If you research the firm, they have been sued multiple times. Some wins, some losses. Regardless of DCAS trying to hire a firm to avoid a lawsuit, that's impossible to attempt. A lawsuit can definitely commence. 

I do agree, there is nothing to do until the scores come out. Or DCAS explains how each question will be weighed.   


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-Randolph McLaughlin



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Reds wrote:

Not to hijack your forum but DCAS did provide a written explanation as to why questions were thrown out on the Sgts exam. I attended the TVB reading session. Each question received a full blown explanation as to why it was thrown out or why it wasn't. The report was well over 100 pages long.

 Thats not whats being discussed.


Example. Question 50 is thrown out.

10% of fat people got it wrong. They get 1 point.

But 90% of skinny people got it wrong. They get 1.25 points based on a weighted percent average.


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brooklynbacon wrote:
Reds wrote:

Not to hijack your forum but DCAS did provide a written explanation as to why questions were thrown out on the Sgts exam. I attended the TVB reading session. Each question received a full blown explanation as to why it was thrown out or why it wasn't. The report was well over 100 pages long.

 Thats not whats being discussed.


Example. Question 50 is thrown out.

10% of fat people got it wrong. They get 1 point.

But 90% of skinny people got it wrong. They get 1.25 points based on a weighted percent average.

 So this only comes to play when a question gets thrown out? 



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brooklynbacon wrote:
Reds wrote:

Not to hijack your forum but DCAS did provide a written explanation as to why questions were thrown out on the Sgts exam. I attended the TVB reading session. Each question received a full blown explanation as to why it was thrown out or why it wasn't. The report was well over 100 pages long.

 Thats not whats being discussed.


Example. Question 50 is thrown out.

10% of fat people got it wrong. They get 1 point.

But 90% of skinny people got it wrong. They get 1.25 points based on a weighted percent average.

While not confirmed, it's possible that some sort of similar methodology was used. As stated above, it's true that until scores come out, we'll be in the dark. All, please take my post more as a search for transparency in grading methods rather than stirring rumors. Yes, we know some things have changed but we don't know how or what.

And Reds, you're not hijacking at all, but question for you. At the TVB reading session, how many questions were tossed? And did that number correlate with your expected score (with all the extras added and such)? Some friends were told X amount was tossed, yet their score was well higher. Curious on hearing from others who were there.

-- Edited by 63ASAP on Friday 23rd of March 2018 03:50:40 PM


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Basically they can look at a question and say 500 people from a diversified group got this question wrong. Lets throw it out and now those 500 people just got an extra point. And then they can continue to use that method until the list is diversified to their standards.

-- Edited by Samiam32 on Friday 23rd of March 2018 03:55:05 PM



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Drstylez12 wrote:
brooklynbacon wrote:
Reds wrote:

Not to hijack your forum but DCAS did provide a written explanation as to why questions were thrown out on the Sgts exam. I attended the TVB reading session. Each question received a full blown explanation as to why it was thrown out or why it wasn't. The report was well over 100 pages long.

 Thats not whats being discussed.


Example. Question 50 is thrown out.

10% of fat people got it wrong. They get 1 point.

But 90% of skinny people got it wrong. They get 1.25 points based on a weighted percent average.

 So this only comes to play when a question gets thrown out? 

 Its when a disparity is found between certain groups getting one question wrong at a high rate then other groups. However we dont know what remedy they are applying making this whole ordeal really shady, unfair and no other better word comes to mind then MANIPULATION to get a more desired outcome. 



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From my understanding no question is being thrown out. It is merely going to be graded differently. For example: question 15 is scored at 1 point based on how many, in a certain criteria, got it wrong or right. Whereas question 16 will be scored at 1.25 based on the same criteria. 


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FranknBeans wrote:

Here we go. Now anyone of a certain ethnicity who originally did great is now gonna be looked at like they got a leg up. So much for brotherhood.

So true... I agree.. 


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While not confirmed, it's possible that some sort of similar methodology was used. As stated above, it's true that until scores come out, we'll be in the dark. All, please take my post more as a search for transparency in grading methods rather than stirring rumors. Yes, we know some things have changed but we don't know how or what.

And Reds, you're not hijacking at all, but question for you. At the TVB reading session, how many questions were tossed? And did that number correlate with your expected score (with all the extras added and such)? Some friends were told X amount was tossed, yet their score was well higher. Curious on hearing from others who were there.

-- Edited by 63ASAP on Friday 23rd of March 2018 03:50:40 PM

 63ASAP, there were five total changes at the TVB reading session. There were three double answers and two throw outs. I picked up one full point from that. With that being said my score was .693 higher than expected. 

-- Edited by Reds on Friday 23rd of March 2018 04:03:59 PM


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Brotherhood on this JOB Died A LONG TIME AGO.


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Samiam32 wrote:

Brotherhood on this JOB Died A LONG TIME AGO.

Yeah agreed.... It doesn't help any either when a Sgt., probably trolling this board,  rat on another; more specifically a good Capt.   Disgraceful..



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I second what Samiam32 said...This is the best, most informative post I have ever seen on any of these boards! Nice job 63ASAP!!

Here's a good description of the 80% Rule Test (4/5ths rule) referenced in the post. I had never heard of it before.



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Not sure what to think about all this. However, The fact that they dont let you take your scratch answer key anymore kind of leads me to believe something could be squirrelly with this.


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Leslie wrote:

I was in the process of debating whether to post this or not but cat is out of the bag so Ill post it now (I think 63 has already confimed it):

Not trying to start anything but I only repeat what I hear and this is what Im hearing... the mess up could potentially be from the citys attempt to add even more diversity to the top of the PDs ranks. If certain questions have been deemed to have a drastic disparity of people of a certain chosen group not answering it corretly at higher rates in comparison to other groups then a loop hole in law may allow for the question to be thrown out. This could happen even if the question is taken right out of the PG word for word with no gray areas. DCAS may be playing these exams in the same way that has plagued FDNY entry exams since a decade old lawsuit. I hear this may have been done to the Sgts list explaining such a drastic difference in the number of people first reported as passing vs the number of people who actually made the list. I hear they may be trying the same with our Lts list. This has nothing to do with nepotism on our job which btw I hate bc I dont believe un-deserving people deserve better gigs however if true this is no different.

Disclaimer: I never defined the chosen group so you cant cry and complain. Therefore chosen group could be anything: ex. People who like listening to the opera, people who watch the price is right, people who like the beach, people who hate the beach...

Wasnt sure whether to post this or not but I feel people have the right to know. If this is true DCAS needs to be up front and let people know what is happening and cant hide this crap behind closed doors. They should have to disclose what reasoning is used behind the grading and the specific reasons for each question thrown out. Also what laws are they doing this under if found to be true? The standards used to grade these exams need to be made well known publicly and should be established as legal before applied. There has to be an offical disclosure of what will happen bc its not fair to all of us. I hope this gets taken care of quickly.

Also if you have heard the same or have any info to contribute regarding whats happening that could solidify any of this info please do share it on the forum. We need this info out there. Also Im not trying to start a social debate here Im simply repeating what the word on the street is and I love you all equally!

 My Source told me about this weeks ago, along with the fact that the Lt list was in PD hands. I left this information out because I didnt think it would come to fruition. Now that it seems it is, 63ASAP is dead on. 


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Its all in percentages & demographics



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This should be 100% illegal. Sadly its prob defended by the law

-- Edited by Leslie on Friday 23rd of March 2018 05:09:04 PM



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Not sure how someone could formulate a lawsuit when people dont even know how it effected their score... I doubt anything will happen. The job prob sat down with dcas to make sure they were covered and to help them understand how the list is shielded under the law from possible lawsuits. All I know is I should have at minimum a 90% on that freaking list, lets see what happens..


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Affirmative Action in Testing


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Leslie wrote:

Not sure how someone could formulate a lawsuit when people dont even know how it effected their score... I doubt anything will happen. The job prob sat down with dcas to make sure they were covered and to help them understand how the list is shielded under the law from possible lawsuits. All I know is I should have at minimum a 90% on that freaking list, lets see what happens..

 I think we all need to come down and wait to the list comes out, I could understand the concerns but lets just relax and wait and see.



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Drstylez12 wrote:
Leslie wrote:

Not sure how someone could formulate a lawsuit when people dont even know how it effected their score... I doubt anything will happen. The job prob sat down with dcas to make sure they were covered and to help them understand how the list is shielded under the law from possible lawsuits. All I know is I should have at minimum a 90% on that freaking list, lets see what happens..

 I think we all need to come down and wait to the list comes out, I could understand the concerns but lets just relax and wait and see.

 Yea I know... I just want them to get this crap right and not have to wait any longer smh


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Leslie wrote:
Drstylez12 wrote:
Leslie wrote:

Not sure how someone could formulate a lawsuit when people dont even know how it effected their score... I doubt anything will happen. The job prob sat down with dcas to make sure they were covered and to help them understand how the list is shielded under the law from possible lawsuits. All I know is I should have at minimum a 90% on that freaking list, lets see what happens..

 I think we all need to come down and wait to the list comes out, I could understand the concerns but lets just relax and wait and see.

 Yea I know... I just want them to get this crap right and not have to wait any longer smh

 I hear you, hopefully it comes out soon and it really doesnt affect much, not to many complains from the sgts list about this, just more people passing the Threshold and passing, I could be wrong and I dont know anything but if they are doing this maybe its because they want to make everybody on the list and give less exams in the future, again no inside info just my 2 cents


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Very well put together post... Ive overheard people talking about so called minority points weeks ago from some what of a reliable source but at the same time i didn't want to entertain it. I further heard that a "list" was in someones hands in 1 PP... it all means nothing in my opinion... after 2015 anything is possible.


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Drstylez12 wrote:
Leslie wrote:
Drstylez12 wrote:
Leslie wrote:

Not sure how someone could formulate a lawsuit when people dont even know how it effected their score... I doubt anything will happen. The job prob sat down with dcas to make sure they were covered and to help them understand how the list is shielded under the law from possible lawsuits. All I know is I should have at minimum a 90% on that freaking list, lets see what happens..

 I think we all need to come down and wait to the list comes out, I could understand the concerns but lets just relax and wait and see.

 Yea I know... I just want them to get this crap right and not have to wait any longer smh

 I hear you, hopefully it comes out soon and it really doesnt affect much, not to many complains from the sgts list about this, just more people passing the Threshold and passing, I could be wrong and I dont know anything but if they are doing this maybe its because they want to make everybody on the list and give less exams in the future, again no inside info just my 2 cents

 I dont think so because they could easily just not making a passing cut off and everyone could get on the list. 


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Let the racism begin, god forbid minorities on this job past a fair test that can never happen all of a sudden the conspiracy theories begin.  63ASAP youre everything thats wrong with police work spreading rumors with enough truths sprinkled into them as to make them believabl.  Youre a race baiter Al Sharpton in reverse shame on you and those  like you and everyone else thats going to start postin that they didnt past or got a lower score because of some secret formula to promote minorities.    Anyone who writes a racist post be prepare to defend it in person because I will make it my mission to put you.



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Here's my FOIL request:


In relation to the August 23, 2017 administered Promotion to Lieutenant (Police) Exam No. 7532, pursuant to the Rules of the City of New York (RCNY) 43 RCNY § 1-08 (a), which implements the New York State Freedom of Information Law please provide the following information:

1.  Analysis results for evidence of item (individual test questions) validity, measures of test reliability, and evidence that there is an identified or absence of adverse impact for all focal group members of a gender, educational and/or ethnic group; 1a. and specific focal groups that were identified for any such analysis.

2. Analysis results from any adverse impact analysis and any method used in such analysis to include but not limited to the Fisher Exact Test, Non-Statistical Analysis Methods and the 80% Rule Test and any reports generated or compiled in regard. 

3. Results of any analysis that identified differential performance of the identified focal groups on individual test items and any reports generated or compiled in regard. 

4. Any and all remedies that were implemented and/or considered to remedy any identified adverse impacts on identified focal groups and any reports generated or compiled in regard.

5. Any item analysis of specific exam questions of the proposed answer key and any reports generated or compiled in regard.

6. Results of any item analysis that summarizes candidate group performance on the test as a whole and on individual test items, by candidate ethnic and gender self-identification and by total population any reports generated or compiled in regard.

7. Identification of specific unit, section or working group employed by DCAS that conducted any of the analysis identified above (1-6)

8. Identification of any outside entity that was contracted in response to an official RFP (Request for Proposal) or otherwise for performance of any of the analysis identified above (1-6) and cost of such contracted service either projected or paid to such entity.


I'll post if I hear anything back...


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kaysersoze69 wrote:

Let the racism begin, god forbid minorities on this job past a fair test that can never happen all of a sudden the conspiracy theories begin.  63ASAP youre everything thats wrong with police work spreading rumors with enough truths sprinkled into them as to make them believabl.  Youre a race baiter Al Sharpton in reverse shame on you and those  like you and everyone else thats going to start postin that they didnt past or got a lower score because of some secret formula to promote minorities.    Anyone who writes a racist post be prepare to defend it in person because I will make it my mission to put you.

 Well said. I studied my ass off for this test and for the 2015 test. I know a lot of people that did of all races so lets not try to take that away from anyone that put the effort in.



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Screamingator1 wrote:

Here's my FOIL request:


In relation to the August 23, 2017 administered Promotion to Lieutenant (Police) Exam No. 7532, pursuant to the Rules of the City of New York (RCNY) 43 RCNY § 1-08 (a), which implements the New York State Freedom of Information Law please provide the following information:

1.  Analysis results for evidence of item (individual test questions) validity, measures of test reliability, and evidence that there is an identified or absence of adverse impact for all focal group members of a gender, educational and/or ethnic group; 1a. and specific focal groups that were identified for any such analysis.

2. Analysis results from any adverse impact analysis and any method used in such analysis to include but not limited to the Fisher Exact Test, Non-Statistical Analysis Methods and the 80% Rule Test and any reports generated or compiled in regard. 

3. Results of any analysis that identified differential performance of the identified focal groups on individual test items and any reports generated or compiled in regard. 

4. Any and all remedies that were implemented and/or considered to remedy any identified adverse impacts on identified focal groups and any reports generated or compiled in regard.

5. Any item analysis of specific exam questions of the proposed answer key and any reports generated or compiled in regard.

6. Results of any item analysis that summarizes candidate group performance on the test as a whole and on individual test items, by candidate ethnic and gender self-identification and by total population any reports generated or compiled in regard.

7. Identification of specific unit, section or working group employed by DCAS that conducted any of the analysis identified above (1-6)

8. Identification of any outside entity that was contracted in response to an official RFP (Request for Proposal) or otherwise for performance of any of the analysis identified above (1-6) and cost of such contracted service either projected or paid to such entity.


I'll post if I hear anything back...

 I did not get as detailed as you lmao I sent two request 


1) Is an adverse impact analysis system being utilized to determine scoring or point value assignment on items of the 2017 NYPD Lts exam?


2) Was an adverse impact analysis system utilized to determine scoring or point value assignment on items of the 2016 NYPD Sgts exam?



Ill post the response later on..


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Screamingator1 wrote:

Here's my FOIL request:


In relation to the August 23, 2017 administered Promotion to Lieutenant (Police) Exam No. 7532, pursuant to the Rules of the City of New York (RCNY) 43 RCNY § 1-08 (a), which implements the New York State Freedom of Information Law please provide the following information:

1.  Analysis results for evidence of item (individual test questions) validity, measures of test reliability, and evidence that there is an identified or absence of adverse impact for all focal group members of a gender, educational and/or ethnic group; 1a. and specific focal groups that were identified for any such analysis.

2. Analysis results from any adverse impact analysis and any method used in such analysis to include but not limited to the Fisher Exact Test, Non-Statistical Analysis Methods and the 80% Rule Test and any reports generated or compiled in regard. 

3. Results of any analysis that identified differential performance of the identified focal groups on individual test items and any reports generated or compiled in regard. 

4. Any and all remedies that were implemented and/or considered to remedy any identified adverse impacts on identified focal groups and any reports generated or compiled in regard.

5. Any item analysis of specific exam questions of the proposed answer key and any reports generated or compiled in regard.

6. Results of any item analysis that summarizes candidate group performance on the test as a whole and on individual test items, by candidate ethnic and gender self-identification and by total population any reports generated or compiled in regard.

7. Identification of specific unit, section or working group employed by DCAS that conducted any of the analysis identified above (1-6)

8. Identification of any outside entity that was contracted in response to an official RFP (Request for Proposal) or otherwise for performance of any of the analysis identified above (1-6) and cost of such contracted service either projected or paid to such entity.


I'll post if I hear anything back...

We'll be a year into promotions before they even figure out what half of those questions mean... 


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wouldn't it be easier to get that info from the sergeants test which has already been graded?


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kaysersoze69 wrote:

Let the racism begin, god forbid minorities on this job past a fair test that can never happen all of a sudden the conspiracy theories begin.  63ASAP youre everything thats wrong with police work spreading rumors with enough truths sprinkled into them as to make them believabl.  Youre a race baiter Al Sharpton in reverse shame on you and those  like you and everyone else thats going to start postin that they didnt past or got a lower score because of some secret formula to promote minorities.    Anyone who writes a racist post be prepare to defend it in person because I will make it my mission to put you.

It's affirmative action.

Come find me bro. 


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I would have suggested not even ACKNOWLEDGING that post



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I sent two one for the Sgts exam too. You should sent that request for the Sgts exam as well. They can avoid the foil for the Lts exam by saying no information is available as of yet. They cant do the same with the Sgts exam bc its an official list

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