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Post Info TOPIC: Current bmocs will be top pay in a year

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Current bmocs will be top pay in a year

The last 2 bmocs and future bmoc will reach top pay next year due to contractual misnegotiation. SBA has not mentioned this at all in their emails nor do they want any current sergeant for the past year or so to know about how the union is not addressing their needs. As far as I know, they want to sweep this under the rug. Where's the outrage from their members? Will they do the same to us in a different position? 


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When they get a class action lawsuit through first class mail sent straight to the office, they will start looking in to it.


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Where is this officially stated? And why are more people not pissed about this?


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This is absurd, so Sgts that have more time in rank, studied harder and got promoted faster, will make a fraction of what a rookie makes?  


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First time I'm hearing about this. Doesn't sound right to me. Don't start false rumors.


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Guno9 wrote:

This is absurd, so Sgts that have more time in rank, studied harder and got promoted faster, will make a fraction of what a rookie makes?  

 From what I was told from the union, the city doesn't have to do anything because people promoted before 4/7/17 are not entitled since they where not members of the pba at that time. I guess we shall see what happens, hopefully they do something  for ya. 


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12YearWonder wrote:

First time I'm hearing about this. Doesn't sound right to me. Don't start false rumors.

 Not a rumor. Top pay cops makes more than a rookie sergeant until march 2018. When you get promoted you can't go down in pay. For example I was a top pay detective so upon promotion I can't go from making 94k base to 86k base, thats the reason why detectives go to top pay sergeant. it's the same concept for the top pay cops under the new contract. A Top pay cop makes 87k and change which is higher than a rookie sergeant so upon promotion they can't take a pay cut. cant blame the PBA for getting the cops money. Now will they go to top pay after a year or stay at the 4th step I don't know and I have yet to meet someone that has the correct answer.

-- Edited by Shampoo on Friday 7th of July 2017 11:00:32 PM


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If anything this should be more inspiration to study harder.


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Don't see it happening. The extra pay the cops get is for the NCO program. It's not included in their base pay. The city doesn't have to do anything. And yes. Study harder.


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12yearwonder... don't take my word for it... do your own investigation and get the facts... ask any person who just went to bmoc, SBA told them this info straight from their mouths. If I was a sergeant with one year on knowing this info, I'd be livid!!


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as someone affected by this...yes, we are at the 2nd to last step...if the city won't budge and fix the payscale, the SBA should insist that we go to the final, top pay, step
they shouldn't let the city have it both ways
if i recall, we were told that they are talking to the city about making the 2nd to last step the new first step but the city will want givebacks as there is no reopener clause
according to the city, if at the time of your promotion, you got a raise, too bad if the cops get a raise above your pay later


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Nothing will come from this. It will all technically adjust itself in March 2018 with the 3% jump. The way City Hall sees it, they gave the PD what they wanted. Move on. And hopefully this mayor moves on as well. Left wing POS



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Heard same thing from my XO, new guys go to step 3 then top pay year later. He said that's what employee relations told him. If so this is bull****!


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I heard everyone was going to the 3rd step at the same time... all these rumors I guess we will know when it happens. Would suck if we got screwed... someone start a class action and ill jump on the bandwagon... more reasons to get promoted off the LT test upcoming...


...Just a Rook who read a Big Book

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Just remember the problem will fix itself on March 2018 when the 3% kicks in.


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Doing some digging around and so far its true. People who studied harder, scored higher, are getting screwed. New Sgts are going to 3rd step and probably top pay next year. Don't believe me call the union or labor relations. To be continued.


...Just a Rook who read a Big Book

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Don't hate the player hate the game lol


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Shampoo wrote:

Just remember the problem will fix itself on March 2018 when the 3% kicks in.

 retroactivley we still made less. so no the problem won't fix its self for current sergeants. Only for new hires. Retroactively we should still be owed money and if we sued we would win. Unfortunately i don't have money to start a lawsuit so the little guy loses yet again. 


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OhGawd wrote:
Shampoo wrote:

Just remember the problem will fix itself on March 2018 when the 3% kicks in.

 retroactivley we still made less. so no the problem won't fix its self for current sergeants. Only for new hires. Retroactively we should still be owed money and if we sued we would win. Unfortunately i don't have money to start a lawsuit so the little guy loses yet again. 

 Exactly, the problem wont fix its self when all the one year sergeants are at top pay next year and the 2,3,4 years guys are still making peanuts. according to the last class of promotes; they will most likely go to top pay within one year because the city said it was easier than trying to figure out how to hold everyone til their 5 year mark. This city finds away to screw over their people new ways every day. 


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make sure u score low 70s in the LT test, this way this scenario won't repeat itself lol, it is what it is.



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Low 70's is the new 100


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Guys, let's not forget the sergeants who voted yes on the contract BEFORE the PBA got their contract. The contract clearly stated a NO REOPENER CLAUSE which means that this was a risk everyone took. Let's stop being whiners and crying about 70s making more than 100s. This has nothing to do with the guys that got promoted, they waited their turn and got lucky that the PBA got that contract. There will be no lawsuit and if there is, everyone will lose. The contract was clearly shown to everyone and I believe 95% said yes. Is this a ****ed up situation? Absolutely it is but let's think rational here and learn that the PBA should always go first in contract talks.

-- Edited by ca170 on Thursday 13th of July 2017 03:26:47 AM


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Damn why is everyone still on this. Cant do shi" about it


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Nobody promoted off the 13 list was eligible to vote on the contract whats your point?


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I've heard the new promotees are moved to 2nd or 3rd step but will still wait 4 years to reach top pay


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Jibberjab wrote:

I've heard the new promotees are moved to 2nd or 3rd step but will still wait 4 years to reach top pay

 Nobody knows not even the union or Labor relations. No one has a straight answer


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So who will start the lawsuit against the SBA /****tay of New York?? So I basically had to go thru all 5 steps-(currently on last step) when other puppies who just got promoted have 1 year to hit top pay???



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End of the day, it's the SBA's fault. The unions took early deals and the pba got a better deal than they did so now there's isn't enough of a raise and guys on the bottom of the list got lucky because the city has to take care of them upon their promotion. Right place at the right time, simple as that. Don't blame the new guys, don't even blame the city. Blame the union. Why don't you hear much from the union? Because they know that if people think about it long enough, they'll realize that this is simply the result of poor negotiation on their part. They've been embarrassed and anyone wasting time blaming the new sgts is letting the sba off the hook.


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AWOL4Life wrote:

End of the day, it's the SBA's fault. The unions took early deals and the pba got a better deal than they did so now there's isn't enough of a raise and guys on the bottom of the list got lucky because the city has to take care of them upon their promotion. Right place at the right time, simple as that. Don't blame the new guys, don't even blame the city. Blame the union. Why don't you hear much from the union? Because they know that if people think about it long enough, they'll realize that this is simply the result of poor negotiation on their part. They've been embarrassed and anyone wasting time blaming the new sgts is letting the sba off the hook.

 Agree with you 100%


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Unions screwed up by not letting the PBA go first.  City screwed up by giving the biggest raise to the lowest rank creating this mess.  This city after all these years still can't get this **** straight. To say its ok that POs and rookies sergeants make more money than bosses with time in rank is ridiculous.  It can be fixed. Someone on the city side has to have the balls to own it and pay out.  Then settle with the PBA first next time. 




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How can you put the full blame on the union when the members voted this contract in? Everyone knew the PBA was still without a contract, what am I missing? The Union should've pushed to wait but the majority should've voted no as well.


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ca170 wrote:

How can you put the full blame on the union when the members voted this contract in? Everyone knew the PBA was still without a contract, what am I missing? The Union should've pushed to wait but the majority should've voted no as well.

 I hear you, but truth is that most of the members who voted yes on that contract are not affected by this particular issue at all. Most of those guys are either at top pay or just below it so none will be paid less than a New sgts. The majority of the rank isn't affected by this at all (and doesn't care much either from reactions I get in conversation tbh). 

I agree that the dea, sba and lba should've waited for the pba to go first. But I think it's a complete waste of time to even think to blame the membership that voted yes. First of all, membership always votes yes, and we all know that. Second, the membership couldn't have foreseen how the deal would work out for unborn sgts, nor should they care really. 

Is what it is.


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Guno9 wrote:

Unions screwed up by not letting the PBA go first.  City screwed up by giving the biggest raise to the lowest rank creating this mess.  This city after all these years still can't get this **** straight. To say its ok that POs and rookies sergeants make more money than bosses with time in rank is ridiculous.  It can be fixed. Someone on the city side has to have the balls to own it and pay out.  Then settle with the PBA first next time. 


Giving the biggest Raise to the lowest rank ?

you sound like a complete idiot with that statement 

stop complaining and pass the LT test. No one cares about feelings. It is what it is.. 

You care and love money you should focus on Aug 23rd.

Unless you don't have the college credits..

To all the haters - Hating on fellow co-workers - you guys have severe mental problems. 

If it was you - you wouldnt give a S*** that your going to Top Pay. 

I'm sure more than Half of you scum bags deserve to get Shafted by this contract issue To begin with.

This job has nothing but absolute F***** HATERS. Be happy for them and keep it moving.

worry about yourself and what you can do to be successful. So what 250 people FINALLY got something from the

city. Its about time something good like this happens for US -- NYPD COPS As a whole. 

Bunch of cry babies i swear. This is why i am all for the BOSS WHO DROPS THE HAMMER ! 

Cuz many if you deserve to get abused and treated like pieces of Sh**









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looks like your not affected by this.




this is a discussion board, we are discussing it, so calm down. Lets take away your money and see if your a "cry baby"



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...Just a Rook who read a Big Book

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Guno9 wrote:

looks like your not affected by this.




this is a discussion board, we are discussing it, so calm down. Lets take away your money and see if your a "cry baby"


Technically no one is taking no ones money, they just paying some newbie Sgt more which would be a good thing Except for those that feel it's wrong because they didn't get that pay when they started. 



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the City having balls and doing whats right? lmfao. they will want something in return...something that will likely involve vacation days or money. the newly hired sergeants did nothing to make this happen. we all agree thats its absurd, and couldn't blame you if the city offered a change with little/no giveback to fix the salary structure. that said...they won't. in my opinion, the SBA should insist on those sergeants making the next STEP in a year to top pay as I am unaware of any precedent in the city of holding employees at a pay step because there are no steps left and the time to top pay has not elapsed. if the city isn't willing to fix it, why shouldn't the SBA insist on this?


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your right td.  Nobody is blaming the new sgts for benefiting from this. Good for them.  All I'm saying is how F'd up this city is and after all these years still cant figure this sh't out.  I cant even explain to others who are not on the job why I make less than the cops under me and also less than sgts with less time on. I just cant believe how some think that this isn't an issue than needs to be addresses. 


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I concur, but there is no reopener clause. What is a top pat sergeant or nearly a top pay sergeant willing to give up to help the sergeants with about 5 months to 2 years seniority? Not much, and it doesn't sound like the city is willing to reopen the contract. I'm at a loss for how going about the pay scale the way it is is cheaper than fixing the pay scale unless the city plans on holding everyone who went to the 2nd to last step at that step for the entire 4 years. If the city does that, the sba should sue. Make the city either fix the pay scale or advance sergeants when they hit pay steps as they sould


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You're right it is a dicussion board -- GUNO9

so dicuss something effective rather than Sh*T on other cops by talking S***t and bringing RANK into this.

" giving raises to the lowest rank."

does that sound like an effective relevant dicussion ?

no, it sounds exactly like my comment - an Opinion.

stop hating you F***** HATER. 


get OVER IT. U cant do ****.. its done its over and its a GLITCH that some will benefit from.

give it 1 year and see what the SBA can or cannot do for the rest of us. 

life's not fair.. sometimes YOU EAT THE BEAR



-- Edited by JDMEVO9 on Monday 17th of July 2017 09:33:04 PM

-- Edited by JDMEVO9 on Monday 17th of July 2017 09:36:22 PM






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Relax dude. I am not a "Hater" I don't blame the cops or other ranks.  They all benefited. I am only saying how the city did not foresee this as an issue before settling with the unions. That's all. Don't get your panties in a bunch.


I said giving raises to the lowest rank in that it affects all the ranks above, Whom all settled first w/out a re-opening clause. sba, dea, lba all F'd up by not waiting for the PBA to settle first.  


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monkeybones wrote:




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Once again. Nothing will happen. F u c k i n g Relax.


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Has anyone realized that the PBA actually did agree to some givebacks in exchange for the NCO differential and the pay increases in the last contract? The SBA might have to negotiate further before the City agrees to give sergeants more money.


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what were the givebacks?


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In case you guys haven't noticed, the entire promotional system on this job is broken.  This is one of the only jobs I've ever heard of where you take a promotion, take on more responsibility, and get paid less for years and have more appearances.  Sgt to Lt you forfeit hundreds of appearances for 7 years, same with Detectives...  Lt to Captain you take a paycut and a huge annuity fund cut for 5 years....  And everyone just rationalizes it as normal behavior because, "Every rank has givebacks"....  Total mismanagement and horrible promotional system across the board.  My wife recently got a raise.  Guess what she got.  A $12500 raise.  The end.  No givebacks, no extra appearances, no retirement account cuts...  Just a raise.  The system is broken, get used to it....  It ain't changing any time soon. 


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que1999 wrote:

In case you guys haven't noticed, the entire promotional system on this job is broken.  This is one of the only jobs I've ever heard of where you take a promotion, take on more responsibility, and get paid less for years and have more appearances.  Sgt to Lt you forfeit hundreds of appearances for 7 years, same with Detectives...  Lt to Captain you take a paycut and a huge annuity fund cut for 5 years....  And everyone just rationalizes it as normal behavior because, "Every rank has givebacks"....  Total mismanagement and horrible promotional system across the board.  My wife recently got a raise.  Guess what she got.  A $12500 raise.  The end.  No givebacks, no extra appearances, no retirement account cuts...  Just a raise.  The system is broken, get used to it....  It ain't changing any time soon. 



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The new sgt who came to my command just told us some disturbing news. At bmoc, the sba told them they will definitely be at 3rd step and will be going to top pay in 1 yr. We kinda knew that already. The crazy part is, the sba told them specifically not to tell the other sgts at their new commands!! Because they knew we'd be mad! How screwed up is that?!? Anyone elses sba delegates have any info on what's going to happen for everyone else? Ours has no info.


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Someone start a class action lawsuit I'm broke.


...Just a Rook who read a Big Book

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we were told not to boast...understandably so. as far as im concerned, you have every right to know. i dont recall being told to keep it a secret. truth is, no one knows for certain what will happen at the one year mark. the only step remaining is top pay. if the city held them at a step for 4 years, its tantamount to a pay freeze and the SBA should fight it. The SBA, as far as we were told, is talking to the city about fixing the pay scale but the city has no obligation to do so as there is no reopener clause.

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