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Post Info TOPIC: June 2017

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June 2017

Hello my good people of the nypd.... There was a little confusion at the white house, as always, who knew promoting people would be this difficult? I've cancelled the May promotion due to my son in law birthday. I'm going to demand the greatest police department to promote good sergeants to lieutenant on june 9... A little unorthodox, but I'm trump! Now its time to dig up some native American land in sesrch for oil. 

Grab them by the p**sy

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Any chance now there is more than 25 going in?



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Great ...so basically it'll be practically half way through 2017 and they will have only promoted 31 Lieutenants in the calender year! Unreal...


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Why am hearing there won't be anything until July.


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Heard same thing from 1pp nothing until after the fiscal year of July 1. Trump seems to be throwing darts at the board like on the air used to.


The Son Of Xavier has spoken.

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They have cut OT department wide so i can see the postponement till the fiscal year is over.


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Waiting till July 1st because of the Fiscal year makes absolutely no sense.

a promotion does not throw off the NYC Budget at BASE pay or any pay. 

several promotions are a speck of Dust on the budget






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Dam the news just keeps getting better and better today.


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There are promotions to capt on june 9. Due to the contracts they postponed there promotions till after the lt raise on june 6, june 9 was what they were told, i womder if they are postponing them as well.



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24 Captains on June 9th along with X amount of It's. That's what I'm hearing. Upcoming Captains already started the mentoring.


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I wonder if they will increase the number of Lts now


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Where are you getting this OT CUT info from? My command still has a 130 cap


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terrystop not sure what command your from, but everyone I talked to in DB has had their OT cut. So far only the ones at the palace have not been touched.


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Hello everyone. Yes these rumors are truth. A lot of you should be patient because the budget was indeed cut for the upcoming promotions. But do not fear because I sense that a lot of sergeants from manhattan south and transit are going to find wealth in the upcoming months. The month of September seems to bring lots of wealth and an operational cap dissolved. All Scorpio, Cancer, Geminis and people born during the year of the Pig will see overtime as well. most of you who are pending carb will pass. Do not fool the men at the boro with your overtime by holding slips until the next financial period. I see one of you getting booted out of your current spot because you hold on to overtime slips.



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Can someone ban this EDP


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anyone hearing same class of 25 lts on june 9th or is it bigger since they skipped? trying to plan vacation in june thanks


The Son Of Xavier has spoken.

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Well now with another class of captains there might be just a guess


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From a good source I'm hearing its in the 40s plus a bigger then usual captains class for June 9

-- Edited by LtTest2015 on Tuesday 2nd of May 2017 09:10:01 PM


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thanks bro


The Son Of Xavier has spoken.

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I believe captain bmoc starts tomorrow maybe they will hear something about June 9th for us.


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I got a weird feeling we r going to get shafted again, so im going to work from now on with a tube of KY. I'm not going to be caught off guard again.


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good source today AUGUST. no not done much but this is different. month after fiscal year. right from someone at 1pp whos right in loop


The Son Of Xavier has spoken.

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no   My thumbs up emoji doesnt wotk


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At this point no one knows, there r rumors flying every which way. Im just going to continue to walk around with KY in my pocket. Also i thought the Trump administration gave the city money. So that should help out with the budget since it was the trump detail that was eating so much of it.


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Im saying that fiscal budget crap was all nonsense. Especially when they're doing 2 captains class and 3 sgts classes like they're doing. We're just getting f'd in the a at this point. KY needed all around for the next month or two, we were done dirty.


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It's. It gonnna be august no way lol.....I say June 9 is good



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Boba wrote:

It's. It gonnna be august no way lol.....I say June 9 is good

 I agree


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so r we still on for the 9th ?


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Common Sense don't throw away that KY just yet. Lol. I have a feeling it's not happening. Hopefully I'm wrong


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Its part of my belt now


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I'm sure we will get a call to go in......then we will get a call that it's cancelled lol


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Donald trump voice: hello my good people of the nypd. The safest smallest city in the world, that's what I call my hands at night. Anyhow, some of you good sergeants must be wondering what is going on with promotions, I can hear your concern, I promise, it's a hUge concern. One of the biggest. When I fired my FBI director last week, he destroyed the only list I had who isnto be promoted to lieutenant. My Google thumb drive never auto saved. I will look to destroy google in my
Next term for that matter. My team is collaborating with good people of dcas to give me another list, however it won't be ready until June 30. That's when the next promotions will happen. For those studying for captain, you're in good shape, most of you will make it.... except for that class getting promoted October 27. My Spanish interpreter says "que lastima".... sounds like the same thing that girl back in college said when I grabbed her by the .... for those on edge, settle down, promotion will come. Getting this wall built is just as difficult and is occupying more of my time. Who knew it would be this difficult?? On a side note, my daughter is hot. And I have the best steaks. Try one. I see a lot of old faces making their return to rising star. I'm glad. Soon I hope to see schedule A magnet. Now it's my time to go and take a wiki leak in my 24 carat bathroom

Grab them by the p**sy

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Lmao I thought I was gonna make LT in May so I put in a pool.....without my 50 dollar raise I didn't have the money so I took it out of my life savings .....thank goodness we are getting promoted on June 9 ....I mean June 30th.....I mean July after the fiscal year .....I mean august at the end of the summer ....I mean September the beginning of the school year .....hopefully before September 15 before the ops coordinator has to get the snow removal ready


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This Edp trump guy is talking out of his ass like ondeair. June 9th is still a possibility, just like anything else . Worst case August when they reach 200 vacancies and someone's fat ass has to make a decision ..


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Im just going to continue to walk around with my KY, i wonder if i can get a refund for the captain's exam since at this rate we might not make it.



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Donald sounds a bit off the wall but he has been right so far.


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common sense wrote:

Im just going to continue to walk around with my KY, i wonder if i can get a refund for the captain's exam since at this rate we might not make it.

 I think we are good for the Captain exam. I'm sure DCAS/NYPD or who ever will change their minds about the exam date 3-4 times and the exam will end up being given sometime in November or December.  Either way KY is mandatory at this point.  I even turned down my summer detail, thinking I would be gone.  All I need now is to get into some **** on patrol and get jammed up to seal the deal. 


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Doggieloverwoof wrote:

Donald sounds a bit off the wall but he has been right so far.

 He has been 50/50 and even the most "credible people" have wrong in tell once in a while. Rumors are still strong for June 9 Lt class. We'll see what happens .



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Bigguy69 wrote:
Doggieloverwoof wrote:

Donald sounds a bit off the wall but he has been right so far.

 He has been 50/50 and even the most "credible people" have wrong in tell once in a while. Rumors are still strong for June 9 Lt class. We'll see what happens .

 No one wants him to be wrong more than I do,  TRUST me, I am one miserable Sgt at my current assignment lol


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I say 50/50 shot. This dept has changed there minds within hours as of late. This is only worse now since what happened last month, otherwise it wouldnt be so bad.



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Everyone on the current list will be promoted before the Captain exam. If you're on the list start studying.


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BklynSouth wrote:

Everyone on the current list will be promoted before the Captain exam. If you're on the list start studying.

 Any chance you could share any rumors you have been hearing about a class going in?


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And how many


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I don't doubt Donald. I'm prepared to just settle in for the summer. Trying to see the positive at least I'm building chart time.


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Heard the Lt promotion for the 9th are a no go


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I guess those big sgt classes hurt us


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There is a captains promtion I don't think they will promote just captains


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Lts not till after fiscal year--which starts in july. their planning for 40 in august and i got that from multiple people at 1pp. someone else talk to someone at 1pp cause this trump guy is flapping---hes ontheair.


The Son Of Xavier has spoken.

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