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I'm also being told 9/7 now. I would think the orders would come down the thurs or friday before BUT this place being this place i wouldnt be supprised if it came down tuesday the 6th.
God, look at you little savages. Your all like a bunch of desperate children waiting for your food portions. Pathetic is probably the best way to describe it. I hope the September class gets cancelled that would great.
God, look at you little savages. Your all like a bunch of desperate children waiting for your food portions. Pathetic is probably the best way to describe it. I hope the September class gets cancelled that would great.
Hahahaha the crazy HeatMiser is back !! I thought you disappeared once your identity was revealed, kudos to having balls and coming back.
God, look at you little savages. Your all like a bunch of desperate children waiting for your food portions. Pathetic is probably the best way to describe it. I hope the September class gets cancelled that would great.
Defillippi, I heard your a mess when it comes to making decisions in the 113. Also, I wouldn't tell the CO you're trying to leave already. Too soon you big clown.