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Post Info TOPIC: Delaying a Promotion


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Delaying a Promotion

Hi, everyone -

I am on the 2011 Sgt list but will not make it in time for the Lt's exam. I will most likely be in the April or May class.

It would be much better for me to go to BMOC a little later (June or July) for some personal reasons.

Does anyone know how to ask to delay a promotion a couple of months if you get called? What are the downsides, besides money, if you like the spot you have now?



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Delaying it this late in the game can be a dangerous move. If you delay, and they cut the list or exhaust it, you may not get made at all. Just be cognizant of that.


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It's a 49 and a trip to 1PP. List isn't getting cut but if they exhaust it, they have to contact you first for the last class.


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You're playing with fire if you delay at this point in the game!



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Even if they were cutting the list they contact you before they do it. They always give deferrals a chance to get promoted. Always.  I'm not telling you, you should defer.   I actually think its a bad move.  Just my opinion 



-- Edited by Semp1 on Sunday 1st of March 2015 03:04:30 PM



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i will give you a Huge reason not to....tomorrow someone drops an IAB log number on you. You are not cleared by the time the list is complete....buh bye promotion. Lets say you get charges tomorrow for something not your fault, buh bye promotion. Stop being silly and listen to this advice, NO MATTER HOW GOOD YOU HAVE IT....I PROMISE YOU IT CAN ALL CHANGE TOMORROW. So would i rather be screwed as a sgt or as a cop? You can say what you want about my advice, but id take patrol supervisor 46 ANYDAY over any detail as a cop. But that is just me and if this advice doesnt go with your feelings do as you wish.


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big risk involved. Tomorrow you get a substantiated bull**** CCRB and you end up getting charges for allegedly "beating a guy up with your baton" or worse. your not getting promoted until that clears up. And lately I have noticed more and more cops getting force complaints substantiated. Why ? I don't know. My guess is that the criteria for substantiating force complaints has gotten a lot looser. Still all you need is a perp to say that you didn't voucher his 5 thousand dollar chain (which he never even had) and now you have a corruption case open on you for "stealing." Even if your exonerated in the end you may not get promoted for much longer than you anticipated.

Your choice. I would do it only if you were on track and you were getting a detective shield in June or July. You skip 4 years of pay increases. That's big $$$. I would not do it for any other reason.... If you do stay clear from doing enforcement activity as much as possible.



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Thanks guys - I honestly didn't think about getting jammed up because I've gone 10 years without anything like that happening and no substantiated CCRBs but I guess it's a different world now. My old partner had a BS force complaint substantiated and it held up his transfer to a detail for months. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do - I'm already a detective - it will certainly be a big bump for me but it's really only about the money - I don't really care that much about being a boss.


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Listen to these guys,,,,, don't delay the promotion. Besides all the other reasons, you will lose seniority. And u never know what can happen

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