RISING STAR ! The ultimate source to ace your NYPD Sergeant, Lieutenant, and Captain Exam Visit www.RisingStarPromotion.com to subscribe to our mailing list and get info on the next Sgt, Lt. or Captain Exam!
What list number do you think will be reached by November 23, 2012? Obviously just a guess... but I am sure someone out there has thought about this a bit.
I'm 290s. Figure either way I'm 3 classes away. Best hope is August 29th is 20 years for a class of 2500. Lets hope 10% of them are Lt's and half of them retire. Come July 1st there should be a lot on terminal.
Even though this will be the hardest test of the three, it's also the most likely that you'll pass by just winging it. We all know the material, minus the admin guide and interim orders. Minimal studying could get you a passing grade.
ok. I personally know 3 people who took the last captain test, as sgts (already passed the LT exam) scored between 65 and 75. A little studying bumps that up a few points. Just saying. We all obviously have done pretty well on two tests already.