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Post Info TOPIC: November BMOC

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November BMOC

Now that the October BMOC has been confirmed for a paltry 44-50 bodies it is time to speculate as to when the next BMOC shall be and how many bodies.

I am a firm believer that the Nov/Dec BMOC classes will not happen for these are the designated down months of the year for BMOC. This is not an off the cuff prediction. If one were to check the past SGT EXAMS one will discover that the latter months of the year are usually down months for BMOC. So that being said, I predict that the Jan 2013 BMOC is the next slated class and I predict that the following classes will all be 75 +


What say you.



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I'm afraid I'm inclined to agree but one can always hope :)



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They were down months last year but there have been many "new years" classes. And there was a time where Labor Day was a down month too.



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I agree IZzo we are due a down month or 2 soon.

-- Edited by Su Madre 24 on Friday 21st of September 2012 07:29:15 PM


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With a recruit class coming out this coming Dec. I would have to say there will be a Nov sgt class and maybe no Dec. My guess is 1 more this year. Prob bringing the list to 500



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Well we can speculate all we want but the truth is no one will know until the end of Oct.

-- Edited by Doggieloverwoof on Saturday 22nd of September 2012 07:09:16 PM


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I agree with 20yrsandOut. I heard from someone in the PA that they are putting in a class of 1800 in Jan. Can anyone here confirm or deny? If it's true, that is very good news for those of us still on the list.



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1800 in Jan? That is good news.


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Sorry to burst everyone's bubble but I specifically recall that the last sgt's list had down months of Nov/Dec even though there was an academy class of 1500 that went in that following Jan. The fact that there is an academy class going in does not affect whether there will be a BMOC or not. Simply put, the BMOC sessions goes down for two months at the end of the year. This is standard practice for the last few Sgt's lists. To make matters worse this years budget is in turmoil due to a 1.5 billion hole put into it by taxi medallion fiasco. The shortfall will be plugged via possible layoffs in the regular workforce and attrition within the NYPD. Simply put, the next academy class is being postponed.


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Umm...There have been a few BMOC classes in December during the past couple of years, they are known as the "holiday class"....


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Ahhhhhh the budget issues. Where have you been, it's been a while.



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This guy has gotta be f'n kidding me, do we all work on the same job? BMOC will run aslong as they have an active list + a need to promote and the money to do it. There is NO unit on this job that just shuts down just because.


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You guys are hilarious. Obviously the need has dwindled hence the request for 48-50 bodies. The fiscal budget is in disarray and attrition is the evil twin of lay offs. If the job was in such dire need for sgts then why the request for only 48-50 bodies. I want to hear your explanation for them apples.


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Lets look at it. Bloomberg losses a court battle in court. He cries, he whines, then he uses his buddies in the papers to fight his battles. By using scare tactics for his appeal in court. Come on guy you believe everything you read in the papers? Especially NY rags. If you do I got a bridge to sell you



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My explantion might be a bit much for you its just basic math. The first three classes including upfront promotions equaled 175 promotions. Including the 48-50 for october the three month total for aug, sept and oct will be 178-180. Honestly i expected oct to be only 45.


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Some of you are believing the yellow propaganda that your are spewing. Never has there been a sgt's list where the entire year has gone on with monthly promotions. EVER! That being said and the current financial turmoil, the lack luster current class going in for October, it is pretty much safe to conclude that like usual Nov and Dec shall be down months. Stop trying to amp up a B/S situation but trying to make others believe in your pipe dreams. Yes I would like a class in Nov and Dec but it just wont happen. History dictates that there shall be down months for the year towards the end of the year. If there were steady classes of 75+ being pumped out I would be on your side of the argument but the numbers do not lie. Demand is dwindling hence the smallest BMOC class of the year for October.

Jan 2013 will be the next BMOC after October and I predict it shall be 75+.


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Nobody ever said there will be not be a down month. But to bring up the financial nonsense is moot point. If you want to believe politicians that's up to you. That's your opinion. However your not changing mine. So speculating that there's going to be a down month is quite a stretch after almost 5 straight months of bmoc. Hey I'll make one to, its gonna rain next month. Be calm brothers and sister your time is gonna come.


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Saltness,,, you can choose to live in the fantasy world while I will reside in the real world. Some folk just love believing in Santa Clause and the Lochness Monster. I am not downing you for believing fairytale s, Saltness. Every command has one and it so happens to be you at your command.

Please do not forget to leave cookies and milk out for Mr Clause this winter and always check the closet for the boogity man before you go to bed...LOL!


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Right guy. Doom and gloom guy. We had a very good wave of bmoc and now instead of riding in it you talking about drowning in it. If that insult comes from you bro I'll take it. Anyone who believes bloombergs nonsense like yourself is truly amazing. Taxi medallions. He put the future of the city on taxi medallions. Oh no folks the next bmoc classes is going to burn the city down. Run for your lives promoting 1663 people is gonna cause the apocalypse. Get your zombie gear out folks. It been a while since we had no bmoc classes on this form. So thanks for being that guy.


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I can tell Salt-ness is one of those guys who checks this forum on a daily basis to see if any new information has arisen. Sad, sad, sad man. I too am on the list and will quite possibly go in the 2nd class of 2013 but you do not see me sweating the outcome. The way I see it is that I will get made when I get made. Hell, I am on the list so I have to get made. You strike me as that fellow that goes home daily and tries on the shirt with the chevrons already sewn on the sleeves. BWHAHAHAHAH! Patience , young padawan. We will all get made eventually. There is no need to attack the real time information affecting the job. Continue burying your head in the sand and practicing your draw in the mirror...LOL!

Carry on , bro.


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To all u guys waiting just be patient and try not to go to crazy listening to stuff on the site, especially with guys that have been wrong 10 out of 10 times.

-- Edited by Drstylez12 on Sunday 23rd of September 2012 01:25:00 PM

-- Edited by Drstylez12 on Sunday 23rd of September 2012 01:25:39 PM


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Hmmmm....I'm getting flashbacks of SimplySgt....


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You figured me out dude. Alright I want to apologize to the other who had to read through this crap. It my fault I got baited by the speculating-guessing-assumption-what it guy whose only source is a September 14 daily news article. Also I would like to say congrats to the 50 going in on October. Hopefully your promotion will not contribute to the decline of the western civilization. And lastly thanks to all who contribute LEGIT info when I go on everyday with my sgt shirt then Lt bars and finally with my cpt bars it brings a smile to my salty attitude.


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Hey the way it's going I wouldn't be surprise if there's a dec class too.


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Hmm. Looks like SimplySgt a.k.a. ChiefIzzo is back spewing nonsense again.

Only time will show what will happen. Wether there will be a class in Nov, Dec or not we will all fidniut soon enough. No need to play into the hands of the trolls who have been "predicting" false information since the day of the test.

Hey Izzo why don't you provide usefull information for once instead of being negative all if the time?


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What a sack of impatient crying babies you all are.

Waaaah waaaah waaah ....Am I in this BMOC yet?.....Why not?....Waaah!

You fool remind me of the guy in the below pic.





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I will post the info as soon as I hear something in class.



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bravedog24 wrote:

I will post the info as soon as I hear something in class.

Thank you!


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Chief izzo writes just like simply sgt..."young padawan" and "BWHAHAHAHA" the Santa clause analogies....common dude, give it up already.

This is what I know..... Job still needs Sgts. Yes we might have a couple of down months. Yes promotions will eventually slow down as time goes by. The entire list will most likely be made within the next 2 years. If we have down months this month and December then so be it.... It won't be the last of them. We will se more the farther we go into the list. Point is who the hell cares???

My prediction is that list hits about 1000 by December 2014.... This is an educated guess not fact just like my other predictions. Which for the most part have come true :)


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spartan85 wrote:

Chief izzo writes just like simply sgt..."young padawan" and "BWHAHAHAHA" the Santa clause analogies....common dude, give it up already.

This is what I know..... Job still needs Sgts. Yes we might have a couple of down months. Yes promotions will eventually slow down as time goes by. The entire list will most likely be made within the next 2 years. If we have down months this month and December then so be it.... It won't be the last of them. We will se more the farther we go into the list. Point is who the hell cares???

My prediction is that list hits about 1000 by December 2014.... This is an educated guess not fact just like my other predictions. Which for the most part have come true :)

Ummm don't you mean December of 2013??????


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Yea... Typo. Thanks for noticing



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I actually think by Dec 2013 it might be a little higher. We'll see. 1,000 is just as good.


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Has anyone under list number 500 been ordered for "random" dole testing recently? I was notified today and am wondering if this is a step in the right direction. Perhaps they are clearing candidates for the next class few classes !



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Random doe test is just that. RANDOM. It has nothing to do with being on any type of list.


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Disregard then. Just wishful thinking on my part.


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Anyone from the October Bmoc on the Air that can let us know if there is any talk of a November class?? What day is OCT being promoted?? This board has been very quiet lately



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96Times6 wrote:

Disregard then. Just wishful thinking on my part.

Patience buddy. You are almost there. Enjoy the last few months as a cop


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For what its worth, I was at a unit in 1PP and got told by someone there that they were scheduled to speak at BMOC next month. This obviously is not set in stone, but is a good sign for those of you set to go in the next class.


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I also heard there is gonna be a November Bmoc, from a reliable source.



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If there is a November class what's The most likely start day, oct 29 or Nov 5.



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Oct 29th. It's usually the monday after the promoting Friday.


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Has LT NG mentioned anything about future classes??

-- Edited by 20yrsandOut on Thursday 11th of October 2012 10:13:22 PM



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I spoke to Uniform Promotions today and they told me that November promotions are scheduled for the 30th (as of now), so based on that i'm saying if a class does go in it would be on Nov 5. They didnt indicate what ranks are being promoted on the 30th just that promotions are scheduled for that day as of now.



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That makes no sense. That's a Tuesday.



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November 5th is a monday and November 30th is a friday



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Oh Nov. disregard. That's a little too far into the future.


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Any New Info For The November Class?



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Nov Class is good to go get ready cowboys and saddle up i will be teaching it and i hope you all are ready bring your twinkies and some cheese Burgers for me and all you will
pass the final exam. make sure to bring a number two pencil and wear your sharpest suit ! Good luck see you all on the last friday of October !


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BRAT where have you been? Any info on a NOV class?

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