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Congratulations to all who have passed. You all deserved it. There are still some of us, though, that failed unfortunately...some of us with a 69. Most people will not come onto a discussion board to admit to it, but I will. Please let us not forget that there is a protest session that must take place. I wholeheartedly believe some of those questions could have had double answers. Who seriously plans on going to the protest session?  Please respond if you are going, and what question(s) you intend on protesting. Thank you.


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I did honestly get a 69 and im hurting, what are my chances honestly ??



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I'm going and am protesting the second grammar and any other good options people bring to my attention. Hey If it helps you it might help me.


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I'm protest the 2nd grammar too


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I still think the second grammar question should be thrown out. There's no way in hell you could tell me that choice C was grammatically correct with the spaces in between the words. If I handed in a report like that when I was attending school, it would have been crumbled up and thrown back at me.


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you might be able to protest the firearms discharge question as well. According to that question, no investigation was needed for a firearms discharge at Rodman's Neck.
But, what if you were eating in the mess hall and took your gun out of the holster and shot into the ceiling. Wouldn't an investigation be done then? I don't remember the question saying "while on the firing line" There may be a chance with that one.


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What be wrong with dat gramma question?


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U just answered ur own question "what if" u what if he question and got it it wrong. Stop assuming he was in the mess hall the question was straight forward u got it wrong.


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Absolutely not, you need to go based on the info in the questions and if the question merely states "at Rodman's neck" why would you assume it's on the firing line?



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The proposed answer key for the sergeant exam was given, and congratulations to everybody that passed. Now is the time to take the next step, which is to proceed with the protest session. The protest period is 11/16/11-12/16/11, and everyone should protest ANY and EVERY question they feel can be protested. Even if you did not request an appointment to attend the review session, YOU ARE STILL ALLOWED TO PROTEST BY MAIL!Someone was already generous enough to post a topic called "Protest tips and example of a successful protest", and it is an EXCELLENT example of how to properly protest a question. We should use this discussion forum to legitimately get on the same page, and not to waste time trying to figure out if 2,000 people passed(which they didn't). That has not occurred in the last ten years, and it sure hasn't occurred on this exam(except in a few rare precincts where 25 people passed if people are telling the truth on this forum).  Before the proposed answer key came out, many people were questioning certain questions, including the force figures question, the firearms discharge question, the prisoner unusual question, the scenario of the off-duty confrontation, and the grammar question. This is a minimum of 5 questions that were questioned before, and can still be legitimately protested. I only need one question, and hopefully we can begin to use this forum to help someone else(maybe even yourselves) to get that one extra point. My hope is that we can begin to use this dicussion forum in a positve manner, and have meaningful discussions to get on the same page with what questions to protest, and what valid points that we should all have in our protest session (whether at the review session or by mail) when protesting the same question. It has been done before, and let's begin the process once again. Good luck!


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RMP6969 wrote:

I still think the second grammar question should be thrown out. There's no way in hell you could tell me that choice C was grammatically correct with the spaces in between the words. If I handed in a report like that when I was attending school, it would have been crumbled up and thrown back at me.

 I agree, I have NEVER seen anywhere spacing as such! Just stupid! If they want to put grammar in, then just stick with words that have the double spelling/meaning! 

I hope to good this protest is successful with this BS question!


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Cfgl1888 wrote:

Absolutely not, you need to go based on the info in the questions and if the question merely states "at Rodman's neck" why would you assume it's on the firing line?

 .... because that's the MAIN reason why YOU are THERE!!  Those "meatball sammiches" are not world-famous or some trendy craps that you would go there for.  In other word, when you hear Rodman's Neck or Ave X Range, meaning that you are there to shoot.  Stop "what-iffing" yourselves.  You'd only waste your time with the protest.  If that's your mentality, then you might as well just protest the whole test.

The 2nd grammar question is a good protest.  If choice "C" was indeed a sentence that started with "so" then that is definitely wrong.  Ask any real English teacher, that's a big no-no (someone already explained why in the unofficial answer key thread).  Better yet, google it so you'd have some concrete, black & white supporting facts.  Compounded that with the spaces in between making it even worst.  Remember, that question clearly asked/tested for correct grammar NOT spelling like the other question.  Choice "D" was more grammatically correct, however the incorrect spelling, whether it was intentional or not, making it a questionable choice also.  In conclusion, depends on where you're leaning toward, you could either argue  for a double-answer or just flat out a "throw-out".

The other question to protest is the "unusual occurence" question.  Break out the PG sections regard "unusual occurence" AND UMOS-victim of "H.A.R.M." and you'll have your argument.  I understand the argument that the question "locked" you into unusual occurence only.  If that was the case then maybe they should had one perp knocked another perp out in the cell rather than involved an UMOS in the stem of the question.


If it helps any of you, then argue the mobilization point and the route questions.  They both should be thrown out due to incorrect use of the word "SOUTHERLY".  This was beaten to pulp in some other thread.

The monthly/quarterly evaluation would had been fair if it was NOT part of the in-basket.  In other word, it was poorly written.  Specialized units/UMOS like DVO's, etc., or just any UMOS, who are performing enforcement duties are to be evaluated by their direct supervisors.  If not available, then another supervisor will be DESIGNATED to do so, hence my argument.  Why would a B-1 squad sgt, sitting on the desk that tour, unpromted, not designated, just arbitrarily decided to do some cop's eval, who is not under his direct supervision.  Can we argue that as a bad question? 

There are probably a couple more.  In the mean time, hopefully some of these would help some of you get that 1 point to pass the test.

I'm not a big supporter/believer of that theory; "you can't be better of w/o someone being worst off".  We're all brothers and sisters in blues.  We're all family here.  Sure, competition is good, but keep it clean and healthy.  You'd repond to an 85/13 w/o any hesistation.  Why wouldn't you 85 a guy or gal in need of 1 or 2 points to pass the test.  I'm pretty sure they all put in a lot of efforts just to get to that point.  So... c'mon HELP THEM!


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TimeForChange wrote:
Cfgl1888 wrote:

Absolutely not, you need to go based on the info in the questions and if the question merely states "at Rodman's neck" why would you assume it's on the firing line?

 .... because that's the MAIN reason why YOU are THERE!!  Those "meatball sammiches" are not world-famous or some trendy craps that you would go there for.  In other word, when you hear Rodman's Neck or Ave X Range, meaning that you are there to shoot.  Stop "what-iffing" yourselves.  You'd only waste your time with the protest.  If that's your mentality, then you might as well just protest the whole test.

The 2nd grammar question is a good protest.  If choice "C" was indeed a sentence that started with "so" then that is definitely wrong.  Ask any real English teacher, that's a big no-no (someone already explained why in the unofficial answer key thread).  Better yet, google it so you'd have some concrete, black & white supporting facts.  Compounded that with the spaces in between making it even worst.  Remember, that question clearly asked/tested for correct grammar NOT spelling like the other question.  Choice "D" was more grammatically correct, however the incorrect spelling, whether it was intentional or not, making it a questionable choice also.  In conclusion, depends on where you're leaning toward, you could either argue  for a double-answer or just flat out a "throw-out".

The other question to protest is the "unusual occurence" question.  Break out the PG sections regard "unusual occurence" AND UMOS-victim of "H.A.R.M." and you'll have your argument.  I understand the argument that the question "locked" you into unusual occurence only.  If that was the case then maybe they should had one perp knocked another perp out in the cell rather than involved an UMOS in the stem of the question.


If it helps any of you, then argue the mobilization point and the route questions.  They both should be thrown out due to incorrect use of the word "SOUTHERLY".  This was beaten to pulp in some other thread.

The monthly/quarterly evaluation would had been fair if it was NOT part of the in-basket.  In other word, it was poorly written.  Specialized units/UMOS like DVO's, etc., or just any UMOS, who are performing enforcement duties are to be evaluated by their direct supervisors.  If not available, then another supervisor will be DESIGNATED to do so, hence my argument.  Why would a B-1 squad sgt, sitting on the desk that tour, unpromted, not designated, just arbitrarily decided to do some cop's eval, who is not under his direct supervision.  Can we argue that as a bad question? 

There are probably a couple more.  In the mean time, hopefully some of these would help some of you get that 1 point to pass the test.

I'm not a big supporter/believer of that theory; "you can't be better of w/o someone being worst off".  We're all brothers and sisters in blues.  We're all family here.  Sure, competition is good, but keep it clean and healthy.  You'd repond to an 85/13 w/o any hesistation.  Why wouldn't you 85 a guy or gal in need of 1 or 2 points to pass the test.  I'm pretty sure they all put in a lot of efforts just to get to that point.  So... c'mon HELP THEM!

 I did not know we can still protest by mail if we missed the mail in date...

I am 1 point off, but TOTALLY agree with all your arguements here... As soon as I get to my desk, I am going to bang out this grammar protest, as well as this DVO desk question and the prisoner unusual...

I also did not like the discharge question... I feel that just because you are scheduled for the range, rodman or ave X or PA, doesnt mean u cant have a accidental, in the lot or gun cleaning... got hit the book about these! If I can help myself or anyone I will!



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I also selected Rodman's neck because it did not specifically state that you were firing your weapon at the firing line. There's a very big difference between an accidental discharge on the firing line, and an accidental discharge at your cleaning station while cleaning your firearm at Rodman's neck. Question should definitely be protested.


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The PG doesn't say firing line either. Good luck with that one.


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Grammar question #2 should be completely thrown out. I know some people want to believe that choice D could be correct making it a double answer but the fact that a word in the sentence is spelt wrong makes it a bad choice. If your going to protest this question your best bet is to protest it get thrown out.


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Iliketurtles wrote:

you might be able to protest the firearms discharge question as well. According to that question, no investigation was needed for a firearms discharge at Rodman's Neck.
But, what if you were eating in the mess hall and took your gun out of the holster and shot into the ceiling. Wouldn't an investigation be done then? I don't remember the question saying "while on the firing line" There may be a chance with that one.

Dude here we go again dude that quetion was straight foward straight out the patrol guide read read troll


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gotabimer wrote:
Iliketurtles wrote:

you might be able to protest the firearms discharge question as well. According to that question, no investigation was needed for a firearms discharge at Rodman's Neck.
But, what if you were eating in the mess hall and took your gun out of the holster and shot into the ceiling. Wouldn't an investigation be done then? I don't remember the question saying "while on the firing line" There may be a chance with that one.


Dude here we go again dude that quetion was straight foward straight out the patrol guide read read troll

 I don't need this question protested.  I got an 84.  However, I do feel that this question COULD BE PROTESTED.   If the question said "accidental discharge while on the firing line" then i would agree with you.
    From my memory, I simply remember the question saying "while at Rodman's Neck".   If so, why are we as test takers forced to assume that he's standing on the 7 yard line with his gun facing his target?  An accidental discharge at Rodman's Neck would be investigated if it happened anywhere else besides the firing line, and the question never said firing line.   



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I was always told you CANNOT start a sentence off with a conjunction.


67 on 2015 Lt Exam. DISGRACE!


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Not to be a downer but you can start a sentence with so.  Its a good sentence.  Your fight is going to be the spacing in the sentence.  I dont think it will work though.  I see this being like the 09 test with maybe one double answer.  



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I got an 84 total score but got both map quetions wrong.  Whoever was arguing about those southernly winds, go protest it.  I will ge there in spirit.  I dont like the odds of winning that one either.



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OH and before someone reitterates about staring a sentence with "SO", it is "taboo" to use it to start a sentence to many English professors.  It is not impropper though.  I got a BA in English.  Oh, and this is a discussion board Dont crucify me if everything is not spelled perfectly.   Here are some sentences.

So, did you pass the test?

So, I hear there are a lot of trolls that hang out here.

So many bosses don't know what the hell they are doing on patrol.

So often in life we forget what words we can start sentences with.

So, come here often?

So, where you from?



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Yeah bigfoot I read that online now as well. I see how its "allowed" but "frowned upon" but then I read other material that says no.

I suppose if enough people bitch about it they will throw it out.


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Generally, coordinating conjunctions are used to join words, phrases, and clauses that are balanced as logical equals and are used to coordinate two independent clauses. Common coordinating conjunctions inlucde: and, but, or, yet, for, nor, so. It is important to know that when you are writing in informal contexts and decide to start a sentence with a coordinating conjunction, you must be sure that what follows it is an independent clause, capable of standing alone as a sentence. In formal writing, it is best to avoid beginning any sentence with a conjunction. In other words, try writing a 49 to some bureau chief beginning with the word "So".

-- Edited by SPEEDZTAR on Tuesday 15th of November 2011 06:39:52 PM



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By the way, I agree with you Su Madre 24; if enough people bitch about it, they will throw it out and/or give it a double answer.


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i agree ima argue the last grammar question


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Anyone recalled what #10 & 11 were? Don't tell me they were the park questions. Thanks


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Everyone who chose the stadium for the mobilization pass or failed this test should be protesting the incorrect questioning of SOUTHERLY winds. The word southerly means the winds are blowing up from the south heading in a north direction, why would you put a mobilization into a park or anywhere else that the wind at 35mph will be blowing into you. This ridiculous wording to this question eliminates both answers and should be 100% thrown out !!!!


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