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I organized Mamabears spreadsheet which had all the best keys on this forum and than I added the great info on specific questions that some of you guys remembered and I came up with this.

-- Edited by CryTwoSeven on Friday 21st of October 2011 03:58:23 AM

-- Edited by CryTwoSeven on Friday 21st of October 2011 04:09:50 AM



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1. D
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. A
6. D
7. B
8. C
9. C
10. B
11. C
12. C
13. D
14. D
15. C
16. D
17. D
18. B
19. B
20. B
21. B
22. C
23. B
24. C
25. B
26. A
27. D
28. B
29. A
30. D
31. C
32. B
33. D
34. C
35. B
36. D
37. B
38. C
39. B
40. D
41. C
42. C
43. A
44. D
45. B
46. A
47. A
48. C
49. B
50. A
51. C
52. B
53. C
54. D
55. A
56. C
57. A
58. C
59. B
60. A
61. A
62. A
63. A
64. D
65. C
66. D
67. C
68. C
69. B
70. B
71. D
72. D
73. A
74. B
75. C
76. D
77. D
78. C
79. B
80. D
81.  A
82. C
83. C (RECKLESS????)
84. C
85. B
86. B
87. C
88. D
89. B
90. C
91. C
92. D
93. B
94. B
95. C
96. A
97. C
98. A
99.  D
100. A

-- Edited by CryTwoSeven on Friday 21st of October 2011 02:29:47 PM

-- Edited by CryTwoSeven on Friday 21st of October 2011 02:30:08 PM

-- Edited by CryTwoSeven on Friday 21st of October 2011 02:35:37 PM


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I hope this is the one...

That would give me an 84

Thanks to everyone for putting together these lists


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I like how Cry27 took the time to update and adjust his key as information was being posted and gathered.



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I got a 79 based off this key. I'll take it considering I thought I blew this test. Thanks for taking your time out to do this for guys like me and giving me some piece of mind until November 14th!








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Tnx cry27 for doing it.... I have 19 different answers === 81 bytheway I heard that the academy ( or smbdy from the academy ) makes a key every time and apperently its a pretty good one... Anyone know anything about it ??


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83 for me according to this one. 84 with 20yrsandout's updated key.



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I heard they stopped doing that academy key


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floating at a 75ish : / think that erks me is that when i got to my car after the test i knew the answers for 6 that i got wrong.



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Once again a 71%. Ughhhhhh. I hope this is within 2 points in my favor. That'll give me a 77. With longevity and physical. Then you never know with throw outs.



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I think that this key is on point ( i did study hard ) right after the test i went back to my car and i reviewed some of the questions that i remembered from he test ( i definetly got 14 questions wrong from what i recall ) according to this key i got 19 wrong... Thnx again and folks please dont listen to that other loser that keeps posting false romers


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This key gives me an 82. I'll take it.


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even though this new key works in my favor i kept the original ones that were debated as wrong just incase : )



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73 cry...I hope the good lord grants this keys margin of error a +/- 3


67 on 2015 Lt Exam. DISGRACE!


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73 with this key. I'll take it. I blew so many easy ones- the crim mis / strangulation, the uniform question, the force figures (was it 33 or 34, seriously, wtf), the legal bulletin...

This is going to be a long few weeks.


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Actually, I got the strangulation / crim mis right- if it WAS reckless, it was a strangulation felony, crim mis misdemeanor.



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I believe that penal law question is actually #83
I put down C for the reckless but honestly I don't remember the exact wording
Either way #83 can be C or D. It's a 50/50


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I think this key is a little off for me. It gives me a 91, when I know the questions i got wrong and they equal about 12 or 13. No way i got a 91. I also remember picking penal law as felony/felony and i have D for 83, so if thats the case, thats wrong. I also couldve sworn that the juv court question was late in the test, and i def got that wrong, but this key had me flawless from 60 on.



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D is the felony felony



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Also which answer do you have a problem with. Mb I can explain


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15 wrong, cross your fingers

Look up and READ

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Puts me at 82.....Every key on here has put me between a 79 and a 84. Hope Im good shape. Plus I got 9 points



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so far i pass on this answer key with a 76 here and with 2oyrs a 77 i know 33 is defenately d ...20yrs has A thats the 90 day question its wrong..i also put a but its wrong.



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is everyone still thinking that #3 is going to get thrown out? what other questions have a chance of getting tossed?


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CryTwoSeven wrote:

Also which answer do you have a problem with. Mb I can explain

Questions i got wrong off the top of my head were the Confrontation question, the aided escalator, the bowling alley that violated liqour license, the penal law strangulation, a desk officer duties, the livescan notification, second grammar, the juvenile court location, and 4 in baskets. Thats 12 altogether i remember getting wrong, yet this key shows me with 9 wrong mostly in begininng of the test. I know that quite a few of the questions i got wrong on test day were later on. Wish we could get this more accurate


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I got 21 wrong puts me at 79. I feel good Thank u guys for putting in this hard work to give us some piece of mind for now.


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73 off of this one. 74 off of 20 yrs, 72 off of supercop (assuming I got all 3 up in the air ones) and 75 off of original cry list.



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But just listen to yourself. You think this key is off by only -3 points and THAT'S ALL. Thats pretty damn good in my books. If you want something "more accurate" than i promise you that I'll have it up in 4 weeks. Sometime around November 14


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Semp1 wrote:

Once again a 71%. Ughhhhhh. I hope this is within 2 points in my favor. That'll give me a 77. With longevity and physical. Then you never know with throw outs.



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Its fel/misd for the dv quest. The question specifically stated when leaving he recklessly knocked over the vase which makes it an A misd. It would be a felony if the word was intentional. That question is still listed wrong on the key, the penal law does not lie. Its all in the wording.



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fixed my key should be going up to down on all formats


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I know I'm a newbie on this site but I deff have info that some ppl would like to know.. I just do not want to release any of it due to the fact that other might still be taking this exam and I'm not looking to give a way any easy points to anyone. I killed my self studying the past 6 month to make sure I pass this test. As for this list is on the money if only the answer to Q83 would change, due to the fact I choose D as my answers (Fel/Fel) and when. Checked it it was wrong because the Reckless being part of the question. Thanks for taking the time and making this key. Please inform me if it has been confirmed that everyone took this test and I will relase a lot of Imp info as to what I remembered on the test.



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THANKS for some reason i made a mistake and i meant to put C not D but yea we have already given away a couple of questions and i think we should just keep it to that

-- Edited by CryTwoSeven on Friday 21st of October 2011 02:37:03 PM


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Agreed Cry, thanks for changing it, and thanks for taking the time to do this. We torture ourselves but in the same time its nice to interact with others on this. This new list puts me at an 85%. I think I can live with that, give/take a few.


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if #83 is the crim. mischief/strangulation question. It was was recklessly damaged property valued at $279. It was criminal mischief Misdemeanor.



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It puts me at 74. Thank god!


67 on 2015 Lt Exam. DISGRACE!


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you made mistakes when transferring the list.  For #33, 4 people have "A", #49, 4 people have "D",# 64, 5 people have "B", and #83, 5 people have "D".  Please make those corrections so people can see, unless there is a reason that you put those answers that I don't know about...

-- Edited by Semp1 on Friday 21st of October 2011 04:40:57 PM

-- Edited by Semp1 on Friday 21st of October 2011 04:43:53 PM

-- Edited by Semp1 on Friday 21st of October 2011 04:45:26 PM

-- Edited by Semp1 on Friday 21st of October 2011 04:50:08 PM

-- Edited by Semp1 on Friday 21st of October 2011 04:50:58 PM



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i think 24 was the bias question



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guys stop trying to figure out questions you seriously are probably wrong. The answer keys will not be accurate if you sway questions the way you want them or need them to be.


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Semp1 wrote:

you made mistakes when transferring the list.  For #33, 4 people have "A", #49, 4 people have "D",# 64, 5 people have "B", and #83, 5 people have "D".  Please make those corrections so people can see, unless there is a reason that you put those answers that I don't know about...

-- Edited by Semp1 on Friday 21st of October 2011 04:40:57 PM

-- Edited by Semp1 on Friday 21st of October 2011 04:43:53 PM

So just to inform you that your wrong... # 33 was 53/city/involved and the ANSWER WAS NOT A  because a was 30 days, the answer is D for (90) days) it doesnt mean because 5 ppl had the wrong answer that they are rigth. Q 49 was one of the missing question and the answer was B ( notify mising person for the upadate) question 64 was the bomb sqd question and the asnwer was D not B because of the TIME.. 83 is NOT D because D = Fel/Fel.. im sorry to be hard with my words but i want to make sure that ppl know that THIS ANSWER KEY IS THE MOST ON THE MONEY COMPARED TO THE REST OUT THERE. if you can tell i know what im talking about and i proved it with a few questions i corrected for you . the buttom line is this test had a lot of tricks if studyed HARD u had a chance to catch some of them, if not SORRY it was not easy...  best of luck to all

-- Edited by Semp1 on Friday 21st of October 2011 04:45:26 PM

-- Edited by Semp1 on Friday 21st of October 2011 04:50:08 PM

-- Edited by Semp1 on Friday 21st of October 2011 04:50:58 PM




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Yes I'm aware of 64. I was the first one to point that out. The point I'm making is leave it alone itll probably still be more accurate. To say I think this number is this and that number is that is playing a very dangerous game.

-- Edited by Semp1 on Friday 21st of October 2011 08:10:49 PM


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Thank you guys so much for taking the time to set up an answer key, I knew i messed up on at least 10 question cuz i got in my car and looked them up right away and got them wrong. The answer key that Cry27 posted puts me at an 84. The other answer key that was posted puts me at and 85. Is anyone else having problems with question#24? I got "A" and I thought it was right but some keys say "A" and some say "C" and I dont remember what the questions consisted of.


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24 had to do with bias question which P/S was most correct in doing. A was requesting CO/DC and Squad and C was requesting CO/DC and being prepared to notify D/O of facts. Answer was C. In this procedure co/dc request squad once he gets there and determine its possible bias

-- Edited by Team J on Friday 21st of October 2011 11:24:58 PM



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Whats up guys. Ive been going crazy looking at this site and according to this last key I got a 69. On the other ones im ranging from a 70-73. Does anybody have an idea on how many questions are being protested??



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Im sorry but by other ones I met other post. Im stressed!


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wow i got an 91. i hope cry is good. there 8 ppl in my cmd that pass most in the 80s with this list



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87 + 7 years of service. Hope this key is right


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Semp1 wrote:

guys stop trying to figure out questions you seriously are probably wrong. The answer keys will not be accurate if you sway questions the way you want them or need them to be.

I agree 100%.  I think that's when all the problems started, when guys started putting specific questions to specific numbers.  Just go with the raw majority choices of those lists initially compiled...  I'm sure people are making mistakes putting certain questions to certain numbers, and that will SKEW the answer keys COMPLETELY.

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