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Post Info TOPIC: CONFIRMED: 2011 Sgt's Exam on the fast track to being axed.


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CONFIRMED: 2011 Sgt's Exam on the fast track to being axed.

I too was sceptical of the exam being ditched so soon but I placed a call to DCAS and a supervisor confirmed that the rampant cheating via cellphone is being investigated and that most likely it is leaning toward ditching this test and replacing it with a new one in October 2012. She claimed it is better to ditch it now before teh scores are released than to wait until after.....If you doubt call DCAS.


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so people that actually left their phones in the car and played by the rules have to take another test ... what bull


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Dogman, dont belive this poster! Soldier has 1 POST and of course its negative! When all of a sudden a new memeber pops up and starts posting NEG things its most likley a imposter!!!!! Try calling DCAS good luck if they ever pick the phone up..... Plus this would be all over the NEWS by now! Come on guys dont fall for this!



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Dude, I took my Exam in Manhattan and I saw people cheating......according tho this forum it was rampant. I guess the lack of supervision bred an atmosphere of chance. Many people have the new cellphones with the Patrol guide downloaded on them. People took the gamble. It is not fair that people pass an exam because they cheated. I am fine with it being ditched now because you will have too many people passing who did not deserve to pass.


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Sorry cant see this happening. If it does Id be pissed cause I took the test honest and think I passed. On that note unless people were caught cheating there are just allegations. I dont think you can throw out a test based on people saying it. Cause if you saw it, why didnt you report it to a proctor or a NYPD supervisor that was at the school. Unfortunately people who didnt pass are going to push for this so they get a second chance. Every test its the same thing, people saying its going to get thrown out. How do you think the city and NYPD would look if they had to announce the test being thrown out because Cops have no integrity. DCAS is going to tell you whatever they have to go get you off the phone.


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Soldier if you saw people passing why didnt you say something to them or to a proctor or to a Boss. Thats not being a rat. THey are messing with peoples lives, by messing with outcomes of test. I dont see the city throwing it out. Theres NO PROOF anyone cheated. They cant throw it out cause people are whining they say people cheat. If you saw it there gonna say you should have said something.


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i hope they don't throw it out, I took this test honest and wheater I pass or fail I don't want to take it over again just because some ******* decided to cheat.


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guys, trust me. He is just a troll. The test is not being scrapped. It's best to just ignore these idiots.



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Ghetto, some guy posted that there were about 18 people confirmed caught cheating citywide.......I suspect there are more to surface as this thing explodes. I hope teh media does not get a hold of this story.
Oh yeah, so you want me to be a snitch and tell on the poor chumps cheating....Dude you will make a fine addition to IAB when you get out of BMOC.


guys, trust me. He is just a troll. The test is not being scrapped. It's best to just ignore these idiots.


If you think I am lying call DCAS. It is a simple call....Do it or shut up.

-- Edited by SOLDIER on Tuesday 18th of October 2011 05:35:57 PM



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If you don think it could happen then think again. Some guy posted that the 1992 transit test was scrapped due in part for cheating.........It has happened and it is happening again. There was not enough supervision at this test and it became the perfect storm for cheaters.


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Bro Im probably going to IAB anyway cause Im a Detective. Your not snitching, people need to have integrity. So you wouldnt say anything at the time but now that you dont have to face the person you would have called a cheater, now youll whine and complain about it ......thats very cowardly for a Soldier isnt it?



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Ghetto, you sadden me. I think I am done addressing you at this point. Enjoy your cheese munching life.


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Lol sorry I sadden you. Im as Cop as it gets. I dont believe in snitching. All im saying is if these jerkoffs cheated they knew the risk. And personally being a Marine (and you a Soldier) I hold myself to a higher standard. Im not saying I would have ran to a Boss right away, but you bet your ass I would have said something to that person. My point is its to late to complain over it now. Its over. By letting happen you let it happen now deal with it.



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Am I the only one who hears squeaking? I swear I hear a rat squeaking. Dammit , all this squeaking is driving me crazy.


Ignore the rat, people.

-- Edited by SOLDIER on Tuesday 18th of October 2011 06:06:24 PM


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SOLDIER is that hairbag that has failed the last 5 Sgt's Exams and no matter how hard he tries can't pass the damn thing.... Relax guys. This guy is full of $hit.



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I just called DCAS and they confirmed this is bull and they are not throwing out the test don't believe soldier



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This exam will see the first group promoted in a matter of months...the '09 list is all but done in 1-2 more promotions. We're on deck (if we pass that is).



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SOLDIER wrote:

Ghetto, you sadden me. I think I am done addressing you at this point. Enjoy your cheese munching life.

 !!!!!!!!!!! wow.....  I'll be honest.... with this new key (the 10 included) i got low 70's but with 5 years on + medals... i get a an extra 5... "IF" u really saw someone cheating why not report misconduct?.... It is not about being a rat buddy, it's about doing the right thing... you studied, took hours off from ur family, u supressed that vacation, you couldn't hang out with your friends.. (I can only mention so many more)..... Do u really want that "cheater"... to get points ahead of you and set u back a couple of months on your promotion?!?!?!?!?!?!?! OR.. by any chance in the blue moon that guy becoming your BOSS and watching him walk through ur pct's door with a nice little gold shield telling u that u got a walk through or denying u and e-day when he got the desk... lmao!!!!! Get serious. This was a competitive exam where people actually studied, left their cell phones in their cars. See something say something.  


Throwing my hat in the promo game one last time before riding off into the sunset...


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the cheating thing is bologna. guys who failed are pissed. take the next one---my proctor was like a drill sgt---he walked up and down the aisles for 4 hours. puh-lease.


I cannot tell a lie I did cut it with my hatchet

Pay no attention to my posts any longer. 

I can not help myself in creating lies.


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I ran into a friend outside the Murray Bergtrum test site who was making a call on his phone just as he left the building. I was like you had your cell? He was like yea I put it on vibrate and took a chance, and he said he saw others with their cells. I had left mine in the car because I'm thinking I don't want to get disqualified figure they were going to check peoples bags or have them empty their pockets. I was shocked that none of that happened!

In any event, if any of these claims are to true, how is it they know all this rampant cheating was going on? By them I mean DCAS? Because if it came from the monitors? Then they didn't do their jobs and didn't bust cheaters on the spot. Or if it came from cops pissed off people were cheating, then why the **** didn't you report them to a monitor!

But something doesn't right with these claims. From what I've heard from people who've taken previous exams, they had he same problems allegedly with cheating, including the 2009 sgt exam, but they never brought up the idea of throwing out a exam completely. I'm figuring without proof of rampant cheating, "EVIDENCE", or a large number of people actually caught in the act, DCAS would have a class action law suit all the cops who took the exam legit.

So these claims about a exam being thrown out sound bogus. But time will tell.



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totally bogus. lotta guys failed b/c this test was harder than 09 and they are pissed. end of story. take the next one....


I cannot tell a lie I did cut it with my hatchet

Pay no attention to my posts any longer. 

I can not help myself in creating lies.

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This guy is NOT only someone who took 4 sgt exams, but someone who studied moderately hard everytime but natural stupidity always leaves him with a 60 everytime, and probably morbidly depressed crying himself to sleep as he has nightmares of doing 13 body transports for the rest of his mediocre career. Let him have some of his only fun.


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Im the furthest thing from a rat but as someone stated people sacrificed time away from their families and friends and personal life. Thats not even counting the job stress. Some guys are in DB and OCCB working cases while studying, others are in busy commands, others are forced to work OT to pay the bills. So if those people worked hard they shouldnt let some rookie cheat. I say that cause I believe anyone with time on wouldnt take the chance. There was 1 guy in my room that was told keep your eyes on own paper and acted like a lil bitch about it. He couldnt have had 4 years on the job. As for me, between cases and kids on the weekend i was forced to study any chance I got, plenty of nights I fell asleep with my Key hand outs on my lap. Not to mention I didnt have a beer for like 9 weeks LOL.


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From the sound of this article, it didn't seem like there was overwhelming evidence to throw out that sgt. exam either. THIS JOB DOESN'T CARE ABOUT US!!! You think they care if we have to take another exam. They love having everyone study.


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You won SOLDIER. I called DCAS through 311 earlier, and got some Woman who sounded like a zombie telling me that it was nothing to be concerned about, and rumors are spread like this for every exam. Great prank buddy..... Have fun knowing someone actually made the call? Ill have fun knowing youre tossing 11 perps before taking them down for a nice, relaxing 4 hr transport as u ponder what went wrong for you the last 3 exams


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Every exam same rumors, and ass**les spreading them. Dont worry.


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they said they were going to ax the last 3 sgts exam... Needless to say it didn't happen. Good try buddy.


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Hate to lend credence to this rumor but it has legs. It appears there were too many cheaters aboard for this exam. IAB buddy told me that they are currently investigating this one and hard.
It looks like I got a 67 on this test so I am hoping it does get tossed out.


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This is BS.. IAB is too busy at AAB taking away cops vacation days to care about the test anyway.


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Not B/S. Try doing a little digging around before you dismiss this thing.



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I do not think this test will be scrapped. I do think the lawsuits will indeed affect the timely release of an actual list. Hunker down fellas this will take a while. If the lawsuits manage to felay this test long enough I see no reason why the JOB won't schedule another one in October of 2012 just in case for some strange reason this exam miraculously does get ousted.



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This test is far from being axed, bro.


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There are not going to axe this exam. Every city exam they finish the test early and test never gets axe



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Transit, check your facts before posting.


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The early buzz is indeed that this test is going to get axed but then again this I heard at a detail at C.R.V.


Anything I write on this board, is incorrect and I apologize for my lies. 

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soldier  go back to irak



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One thing is for sure, I am not throwing any of my study material out. October 2012 here I come with a vengeance.


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SOLDIER wrote:

Dude, I took my Exam in Manhattan and I saw people cheating......according tho this forum it was rampant. I guess the lack of supervision bred an atmosphere of chance. Many people have the new cellphones with the Patrol guide downloaded on them. People took the gamble. It is not fair that people pass an exam because they cheated. I am fine with it being ditched now because you will have too many people passing who did not deserve to pass.

 You better not be using your home computer because if you saw people cheating and you did nothing about it, you better believe the rat squad has a case on you. 

Didn't you study the section where it says in big bold letters  that "Corruption must be reported to IAB"?? You are f*cked.



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-- Edited by BeastyBoy on Saturday 22nd of October 2011 01:16:41 AM


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96Times6 wrote:
SOLDIER wrote:

Dude, I took my Exam in Manhattan and I saw people cheating......according tho this forum it was rampant. I guess the lack of supervision bred an atmosphere of chance. Many people have the new cellphones with the Patrol guide downloaded on them. People took the gamble. It is not fair that people pass an exam because they cheated. I am fine with it being ditched now because you will have too many people passing who did not deserve to pass.

 You better not be using your home computer because if you saw people cheating and you did nothing about it, you better believe the rat squad has a case on you. 

Didn't you study the section where it says in big bold letters  that "Corruption must be reported to IAB"?? You are f*cked.

 Yep.  Just goes to show how stupid some people really are.   If in fact this test is under investigation,  you better believe IAB is monitoring this and other sites. IAB has monitored thee rant for years.



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According to this forum? Lol. You guys are so childish and gullible. There is cheating for every and any test offered. People will find a way to cheat. That's just how it is. It's not getting thrown out. It makes me realize how feable minded alot of my co workers are. Grow up stop spreading false rumors. The real thing IAB should be doing is finding out whose accounts these are so the people who are so childish to start such ridiculous "jokes" should get psych revued and a decision should be made whether or not they should even be supervisors, because the maturity level is shockingly low.


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Semp1 I agree the rumors are getting out of hand but you have to see through the bull-crap and just laugh. I know for a fact that i passed this exam and that fact keeps me grounded in a special reality where no one can shake my foundation. Now let us discuss real foolish things. What exactly would I.A.B charge these rumor spreaders with if they caught them? Come on Semp1, you did state they should investigate and catch them now I am asking you what would they be charged with? Do you really think said resources would be exhausted in hopes of finding cops who love making a mockery of the waiting game. Do you see my point now? Just ignore the rumors and have fun with it and if it makes you feel better i hope I am the first person that is caught by I.A.B for daring to make light of something your have deemed oh so serious.


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sock it soldier go back to irak ...you f flunker..how many time is this for you 5 ,,,damm looser give up..


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How soon before we find out if this test is axed. I guess I will start studying for the one in 2012.


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-- Edited by BeastyBoy on Saturday 22nd of October 2011 03:35:15 PM


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-- Edited by gotabimer on Tuesday 15th of November 2011 12:27:52 AM



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Today's finest message confirms what I have been saying all along.
On the cusp of the city trying to prevent cheating on the next FDNY test they are also pursuing this avenue with the 2011 test which has been suspected for having an extremely high volume of cheating. The sheer number of candidates who passed this exam has worried the powers that be as well and as a result the test has inched closer to getting axed. If you doubt my word then by all means ask around. I am sure we all have friends at I.A.B who have been drafted.


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HB knock it off, seriously this is getting old



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I just love how people are giddy with excitement over passing and they refuse to realize what is coming. THIS TEST WILL BE AXED...IT IS IN THE WORKS.......DID YOU COMMAND GET THE FINEST MESSAGE YET?

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