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The Contract Has Been Ratified

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Oh BABY....I got a ****load of retro coming to me!! Can't Wait!!!


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Hey stiggity, whats the numbers on pure base looking like from day one of that contract?  I heard 7grand-     i cant figure it out the charts makes me dizzy no



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yeah, i'm not sure either....I think the very first group screwed over by the last contract (April of 2006 class) are getting in the 7's on base pay alone. You factor in night diff/OT...definitely gonna break 10 thousand.



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2000 people couldnt fill out a ballot out of 4700? Thats purely pathetic.



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that retro is garbage, kaching on a whopping 3000 u will get after taxes, where we could have gotten much better, and should have.



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your math is way off nycop. Retro for those of us promoted at the start of this contract will be over 7000 on the base pay alone. Throw in night diff, overtime etc, it will be over 10. It's a considerable amount of money. Not the best contract for a rookie sgt but it works for me...that's all i can tell ya.



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that's the problem with this entire Dept. people only care about themselves!!!!


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What does this mean for the next few classes? What would be their starting pay?



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Congrats, this contract just set back the SBA for years to come. All that studying, for what? A couple of hundred more dollars a year than a PO? 4 years to top pay? No home confinement which will probably be taken away anyway. Make less base pay than a 3rd grade Detective? And all that knowledge and responsibility the city put on Sergeants for essentially nothing.

Worst reopener we could have gotten and we got it alright. So when do we see the only good thing, the few bucks we get if we were promoted after 2006? When do we get that pathetic retro that should be waaaay more?



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lol....not worried about the increase in pay steps, top pay is right around the corner.

And you're very funny hollar. I can see from your posts you're another little troll that hasn't even gotten promoted yet!!! I guess it's easy for you to judge people looking to get a heavy retro check when you're entitled to nothing. What a joke.

And Patrol...it was this or nothing. And I don't think ten grand is "pathetic retro." I guess if you're a rookie sgt I could see it being pathetic because you're not entitled to all that much.



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and wow Patrol...all your posts are on the 2009 Sgt's thread as well. I would say you're in the same boat as Hollar. Another big man when he's commenting on contracts that don't even effect him yet. What a ****in joke.



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OK, stiggy, no need to rub in this pathetic reopener got passed and half our membership didn't care enough to vote. You will take your one time buy out in a retro check over a perhaps bigger retro with more concessions from the city. You still have to wait to hit top pay right? You could have been there already. Oh well.

As for me, yes I posted on the 2009 board also, but I am already in rank for nearly two years. Which means I have to wait another 2+ years to hit top pay.

I seriously think if we shot this down, we would have waited a lot longer for our money, but we would have gotten significantly more with possibly more money thrown into the annuity, 3 steps instead of 4 (Which would also create even bigger retro checks BTW), no home confinement, no range date, etc. Just basing this on other unions.

But we will never know since 20% of a Sergeants career (4 years) hired after 2006 will be making just a few dollars more than a PO. The Sergeant rank has just become a joke, but hey enjoy the retro money...



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i do agree that, stiggity , the retro can be very helpful, i am still owed about year's worth of night dif right now at Sgt pay, however, i think overall it will hurt us in the long run. I think it is also ridiculous that 2000 people didnt vote.


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I see someone the person who started this thread is "one way" and only cares from himself.

Just how you began this thread sells the fact the type of person that you are...

You could have remain humble on this sensitive issue but decided to flaunt it and state "top pay" is around the corner...

But the funny thing about this entire retro...It's money which was already owed to you. Unfortunately, it was self funded by the entire Sgts' body.



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oh stop crying bub...i'm not one way and it has nothing to do with being humble. I didn't "rub it anyone's face." Good god. My opinion differed from several people on this site and from the beginning you collectively shat all over me. Now that it's passed and you are crying over spilled milk and using me as a scapegoat. Let it go. And it's not a "sensitive issue." Religion, race, death, politics are sensitive issues. This is a ****in contract reopener. Come on guy. It's not the end all be all of mankind.


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No scapegoat.... but by starting off the thread with "Kaaa-ching" you simply state that you got yours and you're flaunting your new found money. This re-opener doesn't really benefit anyone expect for a small group which includes yourself. Other than that, this re-opener means nothing.

The fact of the matter is, this re-opener doesn't address the salary difference between top pay cops and newly promoted sergeants. Unfortunately, a lot of people who have mouths to feed might not want to take the test because of the short term aspect of the salary structure.

Do you honestly think people newly promoted SGT should be making more than $16 than a top pay cop? Remember the dental and prescription plan sucks and you pay more in union dues. However, the best financial perk about being a SGT is Top Pay...100K!!!

It's a tough decision to make...Some people live with their parents so they don't care about salary The rest are married, and/or have kids and a mortgage.

Anyone who's reading this thread, the rank is very rewarding. If you can financial sacrifice the paycut (no arrest OT) then go for it because long term it's worth it. Also people who are in SNEU, Crime, or conditions also benefit because eventually you'll be put in those details as a SGT and you'll get some OT.

-- Edited by NYPD74 on Friday 22nd of May 2009 01:31:05 AM



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Waiting 4 years to make more than a PO is a joke though. Face it, Sgt's work 8:57 vs. PO 8:35 daily for $16 more on a biweekly check? Also no Arrest OT for Sgt's, much more limited to make OT in general.

So basically for 4 years of your career, you have to take a pay cut? I am definately not voting for Mullins ever. Of course, it might not matter since almost half our union didn't even bother to vote on this reopener anyway, so the next SBA election will probably also be a joke...

-- Edited by PatrolGuideismyBible on Friday 22nd of May 2009 01:38:59 AM


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Next SBA meeting is June 26 at 10am in S.I., would anyone like to join me?

-- Edited by NYPD74 on Friday 22nd of May 2009 01:35:18 AM



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I don't know too many sgt's that live with thier parents...that's pretty ****in sad. Nevertheless, the rank is definitely worth it. As far as salary goes and money etc....there are plenty of ways to make money. I've been making arrest overtime as a sgt for almost two years. If you're half way competent, you'll wind up in a gig and you can make your money.



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That is kind of unfair to say, because not everyone can wind up in a "gig".  I know plenty of awesome Sgt's that deserve a ton of OT but get nothing. SO you saying if you are half way competent you get a gig is f$#%%^$  B---$$$$.  No i am not disgruntled,  i am actually in a place where i get a fair amount of OT every month, but i do say i am lucky to be where I am.  Half of our membership did not vote which is pathetic. We will never get anything done with that kind of turn out.  Secondly, it will never be fair until they fix the pay steps. Why does it have to be such a huge jump from step 4 to 5. It should be more spread out. STarting Sgt should be making at the least $10,000 more base pay than top pay cop.  You may disagree, that is fine, but i fail to see how a one time retro benefits you in the long run. When our contract expires in August of 2011 , a small raise of 1% through out all steps has a much bigger effect when a new contract comes out than just merely, increasing 1 or 2 steps and giving retro.  Money up front is a short time fix, think about your future pay.



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Yeah, this one time buyout, bc thats all it is can really set some pretty disturbing precedents when we go to negotiate our next contract. By taking this we are saying we are only worth a couple of hundred dollars more per year than a PO. So next time the city can make the gap between top pay between Po's and Sgt's even smaller, bc we accpeted this nonsense...



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you must be oblivious to the world, and live in fantasy island!!!!


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hollar wrote:

you must be oblivious to the world, and live in fantasy island!!!!

 Sounds to me like the gig you are in as a Sergeant is I.A.B making arrest overtime off of collaring no good cops.



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lmao.....exactly not!! you're so smart, you must be in the squad. Seriously though, when you hit five years junior and get promoted, you'll find out that sgts can make arrest overtime supervising arrests. You're not the one actually making the collars. Christ almighty you think on a thread for supervisors intelligence/common sense would go up.

-- Edited by stiggityone on Saturday 23rd of May 2009 06:34:15 AM


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Don't be mislead about arrest OT...It's only allowed mostly for Sneu, Impact Sgt depending on Boro, A/C for certain collars, haven't seen any for conditions. And for Patrol Sgt...No unless you need to do a 49...But even that can be nil in certain boros. The boro with the most OT handed out for details is PBMS.

-- Edited by NYPD74 on Saturday 23rd of May 2009 12:44:18 PM


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stiggityone wrote:

lmao.....exactly not!! you're so smart, you must be in the squad. Seriously though, when you hit five years junior and get promoted, you'll find out that sgts can make arrest overtime supervising arrests. You're not the one actually making the collars. Christ almighty you think on a thread for supervisors intelligence/common sense would go up.

-- Edited by stiggityone on Saturday 23rd of May 2009 06:34:15 AM

Only going by what you stated per se "I've been making arrest overtime for...."  Which is why I concluded it was a gig that IAB would perform. Be  a little more specific and convey your thoughts clearly and state that you make $$$ by supervising  the arrest processing of  your subordinates.




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Common sense and intelligence? This coming from Stiggy that thinks this reopener is actually good? No offense, I know you are in a small group of Sgt's that gets the most retro money, but you fail to realize how much this sets back the SBA and the rank of Sgt.

Also another place from what I hear where Sgt's can pick up some OT for supervising collars in IRT of all places, making sure the rookies are doing their collars right. Although for some Sgt's, you can't teach what you don't know...


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I heard, impact is actually a good gig in Manhattan. Although in PBMN, OT had been removed for SGT because of the Impact Van incident. Not sure if that has been rescinded or not.

Patrol Guide is my guide: actually this is a continuing virus which began in the PBA and has spread into the SBA, LBA and ranks of Captains. The only difference between the PBA and other unions. An arbitrator decided the increase of steps for the PBA. The SBA union members voted to add another step, which in my opinion is fine...however, they overlooked how the steps were applied.

Oh and here's another little tidbit in regards to rookie sgt first year pay....That $16 dollars per paycheck increase is offset by the increase in union dues. SBA union dues are approx $45 dollars every paycheck....So in reality, there isn't an increase in salary when you get promoted for the first year.


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foorget about the contract..be more worried that the SBA just endorsed bloomdick for his 3rd term..the same bloomdouche that wants to raise how much you pay for your own healthcare !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the same bloomdouche who tells anyone that wants to hear that it is your pension costs that are crippling this city ( not the illegal aliens or the welfare recipients ))


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You didnt see that one coming, it came hand in hand with the city's offer.  Plus its just an endorsement, it doesnt mean we are forced to vote for the douche.


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signmy28 wrote:

foorget about the contract..be more worried that the SBA just endorsed bloomdick for his 3rd term..the same bloomdouche that wants to raise how much you pay for your own healthcare !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the same bloomdouche who tells anyone that wants to hear that it is your pension costs that are crippling this city ( not the illegal aliens or the welfare recipients ))

That is so true! It totally disgusts me to see people pull out a welfare card and buy name brand items, while I have to stand behind these same people capable of working (Of all races, gender)having to buy generic products .


-- Edited by NOTAGAIN on Sunday 31st of May 2009 05:40:13 PM


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NYPD74..when u got to the sba meeting ask these clowns why they are endorsing bloomdick for mayor when he constantly causes us to get our cars towed and ticketed which leads to suspension...and has also put out in the media it is OUR fault why the city is going bankrupt due to our generous pensions and "Christmas" bonuses..when he shells out millions in welfare and other social entitlement which generates nothign in return monetarily.???

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