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Well so far so good... However, it's going to be a long 4 weeks. This week is taser training or computer program training , ie ARCS,311.


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congrats, any word on when the jan2008 list will be out


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will there be a June class like rumor has it?


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Congrats NYPD74, Please keep us updated.


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New Id pictures taken, quality assurance guess speakers. roll call do and do not. Oddly enough they haven't talked about future classes. As for the next list, I don't think they even care about that.


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I'm thinking july for the next class. So far Jan, mar, may......july and finish this list off in sept. I hope they keep the class's coming more senority lol. Good luck to all on the list and the upcoming list.


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Any word on when the dream sheets will be distributed ??


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NYPD74 wrote:

. . . it's going to be a long 4 weeks . . . 

Not as long as the first the first four weeks after BLC.  Enjoy the downtime.



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Nothing as of now but I'm thinking May 19th because it's a pretty calm week.


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DOA Bring it on! Because at this point I rather be locked in a closet with a 3 week old DOA.

However, I'm sure I'll be agreeing with you about the first four weeks after BMOC, I'd probably trade places with the DOA.

The Lt who helps run the class is great! Down to earth and he has a great sense of humor. A++

All of the other sgt give great advice and talk about their own mistakes. A++

The 3 important P's



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You mean they didn't mention the forth 'P'?



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You're complaining about BMOC? Oh my god. It's a ****in four week vacation. I see a whiney complaining do nothing pussy of a sgt coming to a command near you folks...get ready.


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with weekends off on top of that!!!


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stiggityone: You got it all wrong bro...When the right people are talking it's great but when other talk,it's boring.... On top of that I'm not use to waking up early at 5am, so it's a lifestyle change. I rather work behind a desk with no experience then be bored and tired. So your assessment of me is way off, unless you're a little bitch yourself who pretends to be " Eugene Tackleberry." And by the way you respond to every post, my assessment of you being a douche bag isn't far off. So next time think before you open your big mouth and stop drinking the kool-aid.

Weekends off...I rather have my rotating days off. Good thing about BMOC are chart days. I haven't had a chart day since the academy.

Friday was interesting. More roll call practice. Another guess speaker explaining do's and don'ts for supervisors. Legal department representative came in to explain the various resources available to us and finally a speaker from the pension section.

-- Edited by NYPD74 at 23:43, 2008-05-09


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I agree with 74.

It's kind of hard to 'live in the now' when all anyone in that room really cares about (and talks about) is where they'll be a month from now, what tour they'll be working, what are they going to do about day care, is their hook good enough, etc.  Frankly, I just wanted to get it over with and get on with my life.  I had to change tours too and getting to the Eastside by train blows.  It's not the stuff of a Shakespearian tragedy but cops complain.  It's what we do. 

It isn't until it's over that you appreciate BLC.  You get a month away from the BS and realize you even learned a thing or two.  There are some stretches that are brutal but you do get something useful out of it.  Trust me, after it's all over, many of you will want to crawl right back into the BLC womb and regret you didn't enjoy the break.

-- Edited by DOA at 13:04, 2008-05-11



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-- Edited by NYPD74 at 22:37, 2008-05-11



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OH my god those posts were hilarious. DOA...the resident expert. After a day of being promoted he was posting relentlessly on here and on examx about "what it's like to be a sgt." Get off the mountain junior, by the **** you write it's obvious you're still learning how to be a cop. And 74, I threw a minor stone at you kid. If it bothered you that bad you're gonna really struggle when a little pressure comes your way as a boss. Grow some stones squirt and everything will be okay.
Oh, and by the way DOA....you profess to know where i work and what i do. You also think it's appropriate to post that information on a public forum. Well how about this junior, if you really have such an issue with "the 14" and if that's where you think I work....come meet me there anytime and we can discuss this face to face.


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I can guarantee DOA and I are older than you. Probably taller too.

Look out people, a future inspection sgt on the prowl....


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By the way stig...What you wrote, you meant. Don't hide behind the "it was a joke" statement. As for pressure....Bosses hated me when they tried to put pressure on me cause I never listened.

And stop pretending to be one of the "guys." I'm going to assume several things. When you were in the academy, the moment you heard what an "A" house was, you had to tell everyone that a real cop asks for it and any other houses are for hairbags. When you arrived at the command you immediately sought out the senior guy in your command in order to be in a car. You later asked to be placed in either: anti-crime, conditions or APL after one year of patrol. Then when you had 3 years on, you shared your war stories with the rookies and explained how things were done. You passed the sgt the first time because you had time while in a detail. Went to BMOC, pointed out to everyone you came from an "A" house and you wanted to kick ass and ask questions later. Assuming from DOA's assessment, I'm going to assume you came from a Queens command and probably warned other UMOS that you'd have no problem locking them up if they violated the law.
As a Queens Marine, you brought your attitude to possibly a Manhattan command where the CO loves you but your subordinates despise you even though they smile to your face and follow your every command.

But since you're so "cool" under pressure, I shouldn't see a response to my post because my "minor stone" thrown at you shouldn't bother you.



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My god pal, you put a lot of work into that reply. I don't have the time or energy to nitpick through the whole thing junior. However your assessment of my career is way off...never did special ops as a cop, only did patrol. And to be quite honest with you, I really could give a **** about you or your whiney posts. I was more aggravated with your bf DOA. I'm assuming since you're gonna be a big bad sgt soon, you could stand up for yourself. I didn't know you needed a lawyer to stick up for you. It was a little fudgey lets say. I'm not gonna go back and forth with you and DOA though. U guys can continue to do the whole "toughguy behind a computer thing"...i'm outta here.


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Ha you responded!


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You're right.  The pct thing was a low blow. My apologies. I edited out any reference to it.  I encourage 74 should do the same.

Just for the record, I only might know where you work because you all but screamed it from the mountaintops on examx when you got made. How else would I know?  Its not like I follow you around!

It seams you should've taken your own advice regarding whats appropriate to post on public forums.  People like yourself who do nothing but attack and insult fellow posters should be particularly careful what they share.

That's one to grow on!

As for the rest of the dumb crap you wrote, it's tempting bait, but I'm not biting the hook.

Have a nice day.

-- Edited by DOA at 16:56, 2008-05-11



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Hey I thought Bosses stick together...lol


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Let us keep the peace and avoid dissension amongst the ranks...


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Lord Auxiliary wrote:

Let us keep the peace and avoid dissension amongst the ranks...

go to oprah with that we are the world sh*t


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We prefer Dr. Phil...


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SBA Union appeared today. First impressions, SBA seems more organized and focused than the PBA. But then again what do I know.

The day was used to fill out paperwork for health and life insurance plus SBA annuity. They issued out free work boots, (take it for what's it's worth and people with big feet benefit the most, LOL), SBA calender, SBA cards and free shield/Id holder. Thanks SBA, I sincerely appreciate the effort!

Downside, dental coverage isn't the best. But as you rise though the ranks, certain benefits seem to deteriorate.

SBA provided a free lunch which always helps our pockets.


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when are you doing your dream sheets?


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no mention of it, however, i expect monday or tuesday


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Hey I know you rarely see my replies but for those of you guys that cannot wait to get promoted and waiting for July 1, 2008 to make 5 years like myself, they called commands today to get background checks for those PO's waiting to get promoted, so as slow as it may seem, it will be here before you know it. Good Luck!


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You know this because they called about you or someone in your command?  If so who do they speak to, the ICO?  It sounds too early to call for a july class.  And why would they call the command, if uniform promotions is in 1PP, why wouldnt they go to personnel or EMD, whichever has your CPI on file.  Not calling you a liar, just unfamiliar with the process.  I'm waiting for july, so i take all info with a grain of salt.


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Just to let u guys know they told us today they have no idea when the next class is going in for what its worth.


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Its from the ICO in the PA who forwards the names to 1PP it reads Please call SGT. /PA @ 646 610 6307 regarding background checks for Officers that are getting promoted. Why dont you call that number and find out, I was just relaying what useful information.


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They asked for the ICO


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Im thinking because anything that is pending will be at your command first. It goes into your CPI when it gets finalized


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The "usual", take that for what it's worth, day for the dreamsheets to come out is the third Thursday or was it Tuesday of BMOC.  Whichever day it was, it was in the third week of BLC.  As for our BLC class it came the last Monday or Tuesday before promotion.  Go figure.  Rest assured you'll get your picks and promotion will be there before you know it.  Enjoy the down time.


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waiting4parole wrote:

Enjoy the down time.

Amen!  We all know there are only two reasons you hear the same things repeated over and over again on this job:

1) It's true.

2) It's total BS but the speaker wants to convince himself and everyone else it's true by repeating it over and over again to anyone who will listen.

I'd go with #1 on this one.



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anyone know the starting salary for sergeant right now? july 1 it goes up again i believe.


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June 1st there is a 4% raise...not july 1st


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Dream sheets might come down Wednesday.


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June 1 2008 raise #1
July 1 2008 raise # 2



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To the people 'bored' with bmoc... what kind of sweet detail are you in that you would rather be out on the 'street?'

My average week consists of writing summons, transporting prisoners, going to critical response, and getting stuck in an hour of traffic to get 30 minutes OT for traffic court.

These bmoc stories of free meals and goodies by the SBA, new pictures, taser training, etc, with weekends off sounds like a dream come true! I cant effin wait for bmoc! :D


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Base pay for Sergeant at this moment is $67,504 with no longevity, uniform, or holiday pay.  Factor longevity in, you're talking $71,274 without holiday and uniform. Add that and you're talking $75,261.  June 1, 2008 there is the 4 %  raise, which raises your base pay with longevity added to $73,974, mind this that your holiday and uniform are not added.  Add about 4,000 to that and you're talking about $77,974.  Come July 1, 2008 we get the longevity payment raise.  New Sergeants as explained by the Labor Relations Sergeant that comes to BLC will get a bump to $77,230.  Add your 4Gs to that for holiday and uniform you're talking about $81,230 for July 2008 until August 2009(next raise).  Not bad, 81K for the year with zero hours of OT.smile


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77,000 that includes longevity


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but now cops with longevity are too close to that and sba must decide whats best..thank you pat lynch ...youre an idiot. 8 years ago when i took this job i was starting at 31000. now 8 years later and perb, cops are starting at 35000....wow

-- Edited by Samiam32 at 21:49, 2008-05-20


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not to mention everytime we go to perb we lose something. personal leave day first round, now vacation day this round. Hey Patty, the luck of the irish is up and you gotta go.


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First off let me say i'm not a lynch lackie, however factor in the "givebacks" and the pba still got about 2% more than the other unions, i guess we should just settle for anything and not try to fight. Half the people on this job are afraid to do police work and thats fine all these people complaining about this and that leave go to the private sector, you were not drafted into the nypd your free to leave.


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I disagree. 

PERB is a waste of money.  For the first time the PBA managed to break a pattern which ruled collective bargaining for 100 years.  That's significant.  It doesn't pay the rent though.  Besides, the City can just turn around and short cops the difference from 2006-08. 

The 'additional' increases are meager when you consider the givebacks - maybe an extra 2-percent at best.  If I were a rookie I'd rather eat the lousy starting pay for 6-months then give 50 days back to the job.  Truth be told, I wouldn't have never taken the job with either the lower pay or the lost days anyway.  We'll see what happens.

People argue it's an incremental process.  I don't see it that way.  If cops continue to follow this course, yeah, they eventually make a comparable salary (by 2020 maybe).  But at what expense?
If you haven't figured it out by now you're brain dead!  There is no Contract Fairy that will swoop down and make it all your troubles disappear.  If you're not willing to bleed and shed blood for what you deserve, you'll never get it. 

Harsh as it sounds I became convinced very early on that cops on this job don't have sack to do what needs to be done to make that happen.  Half the cops on this job can't handle a routine 53 for Crist's Sake and the other half cry about having to do it.

That's why I studied.

That said.  I agree with jumpship.  Don't sit back and complain.  Either make it work or make tracks.  After this decision there are no more excuses.



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so when is the next class going in?

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